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Standish Standoff Results


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Well, the State of Maine's premiere 40K event has come and gone - the 4th running of the Standish Standoff.  Various reports of the event are out there - see creative Twilight for some.  My own experience is summarized over at my blog as usual.




It was a very interesting sold-out, 24-person event.  Notably absent were Dark Eldar and Orks.  Overall, the winners at the very top were various Space Marine factions and Tau.  


I have not seen the scenarios posted somewhere (yet), but I hope they are put up at Creative Twilight soon.  The theme of the event, since this was the 4th Standoff, was the number 4.  Each scenario was a variant of 4 objectives, with some very interesting thematic rule additions, that made them all unique.  If i don't see them up soon, maybe I'll pdf them and get them up on my blog.  The scenarios were all written by that master painter Todd at the "thin your paint" blog.  He also was the host and judge for this year's event, which must have been a killer because somehow that kept him from entering models for the paint competition.  


Crossroad Games, the event host/owner, put 142+ photos of the event up on their facebook page.  The Standoff (on Saturday) was also paired with Sunday events as well, to give everyone a full weekend of gaming as a package.  


Crossroad Games promises to get the winning 1650 lists up on their site as an article for those who might be interested.  


As a reminder, the event is fully open.  Their next big premiere event is the Fratris Salutem, which is a narrative themed day, scheduled for approx. May 16, 2015.  


Overall, I finished 9th in battle points in a very tight scoring cluster, and 11th overall when you put in pub quiz, sportsmanship, painting, and battle points together.  For me the day hinged on how I decided to play the first game...





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Yep, unbound was fine. Only restrictions were two sources and 40k approved. Most people went COD, single source, but as you can see there were a few that were unbound forge world only. I have not checked the Crossroads site to see if they did post the top lists yet. Already gave some feedback to the volunteer who will lead the Fratris Salutem to give him ideas on what might be a way to improve how paint results are delivered.
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