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Red Corsairs Question


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So essentially do the Red Corsairs have Cult Troops such as Berzerkers or Plague Marines? Not allied marines or mercenaries from other warbands, but actual Cult Troops sworn to Huron and painted up in Red Corsair colors? I've been looking through the background and I can't find any sort of explicit statement either way.

Is there any piece of background that mentions the use of specialist cult troops such as in Black Library or some other source? I understand that Rubricae are probably Thousand Sons only, but are there any mention of Berzerkers, Plague Marines or Noise Marines in the ranks of the Red Corsairs? In addition, is there any peice of background that details any members of the original Traitor Legions joining the Red Corsairs?

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The old short story "Into the Maelstrom" features khornate Red Corsairs who are led by a former Ultramarines called Crassus. Iirc, no details how close to "proper" Berzerkers these guys are.

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I don't recall anything of that sort, but there is definitely knowledge that various groups will sell their services in the Eye of Terror to various warlords. For example, Huron could offer a warp relic to a Tksons sorcerer, who will loan him the use of his abilities for a time, as well as a squad of Rubricae. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't be the case for the Berzerkers as well. Berzerkers are commonly seen in Abaddon's Black Legion colors, for instance. Berzerkers are also created, I believe, through the lobotimization processes of the World Eaters, as well as through service to Khorne in general. So, if you have a World Eaters apothecary who loans his services to Huron, there's your source of Berzerkers, who are loyal to Huron. Fluffwise, there's a ton of ways to justify it. Modeling-wise, there's a ton of potential there as well.

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There's definitely fluff for God-dedicated Red Corsairs, so I'd say Red Corsair Plagues, Noisies and Zerkers are fair game. Plagues are Nurgle marines magicked to be Nurglier, Noisies are Slaanesh marines who like to rock and Zerks are Khorne marines hopped up on something/surgery. All sound like they'd fit in the Corsairs.

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As far as printed stuff I haven't seen any cult troops. There are mentions of bikers and terminators.

I think you could create a believable background for all the cult troops thru worship and exposure to the Maelstrom. Bezerkers and Plague Marines being relatively strait forward. Noise Marines would have to have a source for the sonic weaponry but could also come about after chasing down the path of excess. Red Corsair Thousand Son would be the most difficult to create a background for, but maybe a sorcerer came found a fragment of the rubricae spell and was able to cast it on a much smaller scale then Ahriman. I don't know how Thousand sons would come out in red though, they look so good in blue and gold, they always remind me of the cover art from Iron Maiden's Powerslave album.

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Well thousand sons were originally red.

There's a Sarah cakewell short story about an ex emperors children marine who's now a red corsair. He isn't a noise marine but there's no reason why noise marines couldn't join the tyrant

Called tyrants champion I think

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