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Conquest has shipped!

Marshal Rohr

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Yup. And even with Corax. Oh hey, you have to snapshot at him unless you have a psyker, Primarch, or daemon in the squad shooting. Oh hey 7th edition, oh hey invisibility. Wait a second... That's even better. And now the generic relic looks better than what Corax has but we don't have the full wording yet.
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well, im fairly happy with my legion relic, it is probably not as good as a paragon blade in many many situations, but its pretty cool all the same biggrin.png

if your not happy with

  • blood angels get a ap2 sword that have soul blaze, fleshbane, fear and blind.

I'd be more than happy to trade.


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Imperial fists also get more eternal warrior! I can make mini sigismunds glaore! And still bring the big daddy! What now salamanders?! You aint the only ones with EW anymore :p
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Oh god this means you can make Sharrowkyn and put him on the table now @_@

Hopefully when they release table rules for Lucius he can set things straight vs the not-Sharrowkyns. But then... what if they make rules for Sharrowkyn? noooo 


I didn't see the stats reposted here but the volkite chiererthing on the Styrix actually looks useful. A Carronade with Heavy 5 instead of beam seams pretty beast to me, atleast. I really like how creepy the zombie Knights look but the rules on the Magaera were a little disappointing, so this has me stoked. edit: It loses one point of AP as well, AP3 vs AP2 on the carronade. damn.

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-warp field, that gives a 3+ invuln and can cause damage to the unit shooting at them

If this stacks with the Dragonscale Storm Shield then Sallies could theoretically be run a 2++ Praetor with EW. blink.png

I thought the dragonscale shield stacks only to a 3++ and no better. However I think it's possible with a forgelord with a cyber familiar O_O

Ah, you are correct. Hoping that the Salamanders shield is half decent, but it sounds like one of the poorer ones so far. That said, I'll wait until see the actual rules for it before I make my mind up.

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The invisibility cloak relic sounds broken. Like, 3.5 Chaos Codex broken. Immune to shooting and charges?!?! I'll withhold judgement until I see a complete profile but I hope to god it only lasts for 1 turn.

I think it's a one use only but idk how it will work when you have the IC in a unit. Does that mean the rest of the unit can't me shot at or assaulted?

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Hmmm if it's a legion champion maybe?


I have to build a new praetor now



If only you could pick it up from where it landed (unless you kill yourself in the explosion too) and throw it again...

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I mean, its a Flamer template, afaik, and you shoot 3 of them at a time....soooo....yeah. In a Terminator suit letting you move and shoot, it looks pretty good...

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LOOK! I could totally be wrong but apparently its a flamer template. Maybe my Fatigue addled mind (still playing WoW, still have a wacky sleep schedule cuz of that) just made stuff up. But the thing I'm more than crazy% sure about having read is that its 3 templates.

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