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Disclaimer: Topic where I explain the problem, list what I have available, and we come up with a build order and future purchase list.


So I've come to the point the list of overcritically analyzing and thinking things is utterly gutting my desire to do activities (and hurting). It does not go well with an overall lack of motivation and energy, on top of life problems for this gamby to successfully enjoy it despite not having anyone to play with. It doesn't help that the base for my original mono nurgle army was completely lost.


Thanks to Kilofix, Daemonifugue, a off forum gaming buddy, and ebay, I have started (mostly unassembled):


-3 DV stock Helbrutes

-Chaos dreadnought from third edition with the gangly claw and a PC (lacking the rest)

-Two Rhinos

-Four Bolter DV chosen, one fist chosen

-7 unassembled Plague Marines (squad)

-10+ Bikers, 4 meltas (and 1-2 potential champs)

-1 mixed set of 5(?) Havocs

-2 Squads of unassembled vanilla chaos marines

-15+ various marines in need of stripping


Bits wise I have two blast masters, a healthy selection of specials, random loyalist backpacks, helmets, and legs, around four to five loyalist jumpacks, a full sprue of possessed arms, possessed torsos, and the old marine mutation sprue. I have Forgefiend hades cannons since I scrapped my A-10 Helhog concept. I also have a Zombie dragon to convert into a heldrake, but I'm missing some bits I need.


So what this looks like is a mechanized force which can go for msu pms/nms, craploads of bikes, a mayhem pack and a heldrake. I can also go for a vanilla squad with an autocannon and special.


Originally I wanted to make a prophet lord with possessed, which likely would need a LR in the future. I admit going bits hopping for a while, waiting on dingo mail to the US is annoying, so I want to still make some Prophet Lord, or at least a convincing Lord who is not a godawful looking fisticlaw abomination who can't even steer his ride.


So... where do I go next?

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As your core:


+ Use 2 x 5 Marines w/Rhinos as your Troops to cap objectives.


+ Deep Strike the Helbrutes as Mayhem for anti-armor.


+ Use the Bikes as your Deathstar - add a Juggerlord (I have an extra one I'll send you).



Then add other stuff.


One of my lists looks like the above plus a Heldrake and Maulers.

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