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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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These are SICK!




Is this the only new bits (and presumably a special weapon bearer) in the kit? Everything else in the tac kit looks like existing DC or Sanguinary Guard to me.


What am I not seeing?


agree... the legs are DC, weapons and head SG, next time GW will put a blood drip on a CSM and they will say is BLOOD ANGEL...

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just a quicky, captain karl is 160

So something like 100 base + 25 TDA + 35 MC Thunder Hammer? Sounds as overpriced as the current codex. Doers Kael give Fearless or the formation?


just a quicky, captain karl is 160

So something like 100 base + 25 TDA + 35 MC Thunder Hammer? Sounds as overpriced as the current codex. Doers Kael give Fearless or the formation?

Reserve manipulation and other attributes don't forget... Sounds reasonable to me.

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Codex SM get terminator captains with TH for 135. So 25 points gives you a master-crafted thunder hammer and the +1 to seize and reroll reserves? It depends on the other warlord train but considering the comms array is 25 points on an aegis, it seems like a pretty good deal.

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These are SICK!



Is this the only new bits (and presumably a special weapon bearer) in the kit? Everything else in the tac kit looks like existing DC or Sanguinary Guard to me.


What am I not seeing?

agree... the legs are DC, weapons and head SG, next time GW will put a blood drip on a CSM and they will say is BLOOD ANGEL...

Legs, head, torso, weapons are all new... There are SIMILAR bits in other kits, but not the same

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Its the fixed warlord trait from the Strategic Warlord Traits table.  Nice that its fixed, but...i dont know :/  I think theyre getting closer in their realisation of force multipliers!!  But, still needs a little more to warrant the underwhelming gear, I feel.  I may consider this model, though. 

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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally censored.gifing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png
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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally censored.gifing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png

Successors are always fun :)

Trouble is, the blood drop-wing emblem is on just about every piece of plastic I can see in these new kits. It'd be sort of like trying to make Templars out of kits covered in fist emblems.

The Angels Vermillion will have hardly any trouble at all. Sanguine and Encarmine on the other hand will require a lot of converting, by replacing drops with skulls or angel wings with bat wings, respectively.

That may just be me, though. Of course I'd be fine with blood drops showing up here and there, but the drop+wings is very specific, and in the case of the Angels Encarmine, I'd feel the need to turn all those wings into bat wings, which would be a nightmare.

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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally censored.gifing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png

See - this is where the BA forum kicks so much ass.

Other sites would be all like: "Oh, you bandwagonning so-and-so!!".....

BNC BA Bros be all like: "welcome bro, check these chapters out...!"


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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally censored.gifing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png

If I go with a Successor I'm leaning more towards Blood Drinkers or Flesh Eaters(They have not been fatally undone by their geneseed dammit! They still cannibalize in the name of Sanguinius and the Emperor!) tongue.png

Though, I will admit, the Charnel Guard sound like they could be interesting as well.

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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally :cussing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png
If I go with a Successor I'm leaning more towards Blood Drinkers or Flesh Eaters(They have not been fatally undone by their geneseed dammit! They still cannibalize in the name of Sanguinius and the Emperor!) tongue.png

Though, I will admit, the Charnel Guard sound like they could be interesting as well.

Aside from what Morticon has said (which is very true by the way thumbsup.gif ), the best thing about 40k is: If you want to run a Flesh Eaters army around the time before they are "fatally undone" then go for it! happy.png

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*sigh* Looks like Charnel Guard or Angels Encarmine is the Route I'd go if I did 40k Angels.


Having a Fluff Reason to field a Legion Glaive? YES PLEASE! PEEEEWWW PEWWW VOLKITE CARRONADDDEEE!

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Well, it's now official. I'm doing either a Blood Angels or Successor battle company. I've not been this excited or willing to throw money at 40k miniatures in a long while.

Might I recommend...

  • Lamenters: Yellow isn't as hard as it used to be, and nobody does them.
  • Angels Encarmine: Basically Blood Angels with black trim, except they paint their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company freaking white so you can do awesome freaking blood splatter effects on everything!
  • Charnel Guard: Little know chapter, fleet based, rides out the time in-between fights in stasis to fight the Black Rage. Has great tanks (super-heavies, etc.). Gothy black and deep red theme. Awesome ornate cross chapter badge. Totally censored.gifing metal.
  • Knights of Blood: If more people start to play this army, maybe we'll get some attention from GW... biggrin.png

Successors are always fun smile.png

Trouble is, the blood drop-wing emblem is on just about every piece of plastic I can see in these new kits. It'd be sort of like trying to make Templars out of kits covered in fist emblems.

The Angels Vermillion will have hardly any trouble at all. Sanguine and Encarmine on the other hand will require a lot of converting, by replacing drops with skulls or angel wings with bat wings, respectively.

That may just be me, though. Of course I'd be fine with blood drops showing up here and there, but the drop+wings is very specific, and in the case of the Angels Encarmine, I'd feel the need to turn all those wings into bat wings, which would be a nightmare.

Actually, I've given this a lot of thought. Most of the BA bling is pretty generic, and it makes sense for the successor to have a few things with the legion's symbol on it. I just avoid the shoulder pads (which everyone knows is the place of the chapter's symbol) that are obviously just the BA winged blood drop. Everything else is fair game. And I pepper every squad with a few models with blank shoulders onto which I have transferred or freehanded the Knights of Blood symbol. I think it looks pretty good.

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