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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Blood angel tacticals....my wildest dreams realized for my first army. So stoked to see the army moving away from a bunch of yellow helmets defining the BLOOD angels. Someone over a GW's remembers 2nd and 3rd editions, thank the emperor!


While I would never look a gift horse in the mouth in terms of new models (any new model for the angels I will always be interested in), I believe Mephiston would benefit more from a new sculpt given with the Sang Guard box it's very possible to make a good kitbash for Dante if you don't like the original.

The new terms would make sense in that they need a new box to beef sales.  


But, its a huge departure from fluff.  (Not so fussed though).  If theyre good, they'll be in my army. 

I'm not sure DC Termis would be a departure.

I mean, the Chaplans check for Black Rage before battle, that means after they're geared up.

So if a Termi succumbs to the Rage, he would already be suited up and ready to go.


Not arguing that we SHOULD have DC termis, just that its plausible

Oh. Man.


Just read the latest updates to this thread. My year = made.


Changing to 32" bases will be a minor pain but especially with my Sanguinary Guard it will be a godsend. Those guys were always falling over.


Love the new tac squad and with a heavy flamer no less! I will definitely be adding tacticals now as a mainstay!


My slowness at building/painting now has an upside -- I'll only have to rebase about 15 models, only 10 of which are actually painted (man that makes me realize how pathetic my progress on this army has been -- but the new 'dex is sure to breathe new life into me).


I hope we can still make assault squads troops, perhaps requiring a captain with jump pack to do so. And I hope Sanguinary Guard are awesome this codex. I want an excuse to buy even more SG.

there not going that anymore I'm afraid.

Where did you hear ASM will no longer be troops?


Actually suits me fine since my favourite tournament is comped and this will help me safe comp points by shifting some of my army to fast attack. If DC move to elite though that will counteract this.

From a business point of view, removing assault squads as troops to sell more of the new tactical marines is a sound decision.


That said, it's likely there'll be an alternate FOC.


SnorriSnorrison: I believe d@n was referring to giving a HQ a certain wargear to make some units troops going the way of the dodo, like Logan Grimnar and wolf guards in the last Space Wolves codex, not removing assault marines from a slot they already use.

Changing to 32" bases will be a minor pain but especially with my Sanguinary Guard it will be a godsend. Those guys were always falling over.

32" bases a minor pain?! I'd hate to see what you think is a major one! tongue.png

I consider it a minor pain since I won't be doing it.



Changing to 32" bases will be a minor pain but especially with my Sanguinary Guard it will be a godsend. Those guys were always falling over.


32" bases a minor pain?! I'd hate to see what you think is a major one! :P

I consider it a minor pain since I won't be doing it.
Well, I won't either. Deployment would be impossible in 99.9% of cases.

i never did anything to my bases since i could never decide what theme i wanted to go with; so changing up to bigger bases isnt a terrible thing to me, i'm swapping one black disc for another.  and im only 15 models short of a full 4th company in my main chapter.

I'm just psyched that, because of the sergeant in artificer armour, it could mean all the characters might be able to get it as an upgrade....cept for captains of course;P.


if the equipment stays the same for assault squads, being able to get a sergeant in arti armour, a storm shield a lightning claw and a melta bomb would be pretty rocking:P

expensive, but cool as hell:P.  arti armoured corbulo, maybe[it sure looks arti] and regular priests.... lobbies and chaplains, arti armour and jump packs would be solo darn sweet


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