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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Sorry for asking so many questions, but there's one more thing I need to know before I go to bed. Are ravens fast attack or heavy support, and are they still the same price?

p.s Thanks for all the info, kudos to you cool.png

answered already. Heavy support.. Same price, but dont have Blood Strikes anymore.

No more blood strikes sad.png I am a sad panda. Ah well, the rest of the codex makes up for it!

lol yeah a bolt pistol for one point for the sang priest


rhino is 45[and fast of course]

razor is 65 all weapon upgrades cost 20 except TL heavy flamer, which is free, the razor is also fast



assault squads get free pods or rhinos if they take off their jump packs

So how exactly does dedicated transports work if they are in the FA category?


Same as usual when taken as dedicated transport, but you can also take them independently in an FA slot, if you want to use one for a unit that doesn't get said transport as DT.

So how exactly does dedicated transports work if they are in the FA category?

Like in the SW dex (and other codices since, I think), some units have listed the dedicated transports they can take, and in that case the transport doesn't fill a slot, and it's considered to be of the same type as the unit. But since they are also FA options (or HS, or whatever), you can also take them on their own, occupying a slot, and being able to transport anything from the start, not only their owner squad (since they don't have any)...


You can buy a Drop pod for a tac squad and it's a troop option, but only said squad can start embarked in it. You can also buy the drop pod on its own, and put whatever you want inside (if the drop pod can carry it), but then it's FA, and it's one of your FA slots.


Edit: 1pt bolt pistol is just silly.

you can get multiple death company squads.

the detachment is annoyingly 1 to 4 elites[i was hoping 4 to 6]

YES! You made my day!!!biggrin.png Now i can field all 45 of my DC at once, without wasting an hq slot!

You'll still be using a HQ slot for Astorath to get re-roll hits and wounds on one of the squads. He's a lot cheaper now too.

nailed it son of thunder.



well it's pretty late here, I'll hang for about ten more minutes.


I was only ever going to info drop on this forum.. love you guys:)

Thanks again.  I have reached my maximum # of likes :(

1. Sanguinary Guard death masks are the same as before? How much do they cost?

2. Dante's stats are the same as before? Still 4 wounds? Does his mask still nerf enemy hq?

3. What are the wargear options for SPs?

4. Vanguard Vets loadout?

5. DC Furioso still AV12 or 13?

6. Is Corbulo still FNP 2+?

7. How many wounds for SP?

Thanks in advance!

as a last comment I'm going to be snide and call you out for calling a dc dread a dc furioso, shudder.


anyway, the masks are 1 point each the whole unit mudt get them and they make the unit cause fear, 

sang priests have two wounds, can get a bike but not arti or termy armour , can get relics and of course any of the standard and special war gear, just like a captain


dante is exactly the same stats wise


corbs doesn't have 2+ fnp, he does have three wounds and has the warlord trait which gives +1 initiative, which stacked with his grail gives him 7 initiative and ws6:P

he lets you do one reroll of either a save a to hit roll a to wound roll, one scatter dice a leadership check and.... seize the initiative

Pascal, you're the best.  My 1,500pts and 2,000 pts lists are now decided, I can get back to purchasing, modeling and painting without codex anxiety.


I'm especially glad that the Command Squad does not invalidate my 2nd Edition Command Squad/Honor Guard.


Now I'll go back and Like all your posts :)


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