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Gaweda's Blood Angels Third Company


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Well, my previous thread was all about me crossing over to the loyalists from an army of traitorous Chaos Space Marines. I've learned a lot since then, and have fully thrown myself into the Imperium, having quite a lot of Blood Angels, some Grey Knights allies and an Imperial Knight. And so many dreadnoughts, God bless 'em. I ran a rather elite army, primarily relying upon Death Company to be the troops choice, and lots of fast attacking Attack Bikes, Baal Predators, Drop Podded dreds, a Land Raider and a Storm Raven. Lots of armour, lots of over the top smashing into my enemies and taking them apart. Never even a second glance at Tacticals.


However, this new codex pretty much grabbed me by the throat and bashed my head against a wall. It's take me a LONG time (or at least it feels like a long time) to even figure out what direction I want to go with the Blood Angels, since there has been quite a shake up in our army organisation. After a lot of thinking and some playing, I've decided that rather than go for the tournament winning army of awesome, I'd like to go fluff based with the third company. This is quite the departure from how I've played with any army in 40k (owning a Tau army...to my eternal shame...though really I use it as a spare to try and get people into the game), and I am extremely excited about learning to play this way. I enjoy losing almost as much as winning (except to those pesky Necron with their bag of tricks....grumble grumble...take over my land raider and blow up my dread will you...grumble grumble) and am expecting quite a few losses to begin with. Anyway, without further ado, here is what I have at my disposal:


30 Tactical Marines

20 Assault Marines

5 Vanguard Veterans

2 Attack Bikes

25 Death Company

2 Baal Predators

2 Storm Ravens

1 Command Squad (To be Assembled)

5 Sanguinary Guard (It was 10,  but I've cannibalized a box for sergeants and the like)

1 Land Raider

2 Razorbacks/Rhinos

1 Furioso Librarian Dreadnought

3 Furioso Dreadnoughts

2 Death Company Dreadnoughts

1 Astaroth

1 Dante

3 Drop Pods

1 Chaplain (He was my Reclusiarch :( )


I think that's it. Now, at this moment we generally play with 2000 point armies, so I know I won't be fielding a full company at that point limit. However, the list I've come up with is something like this:


1 Captain - Powerfist, Lightning Claw, Artificer Armour - 150

1 Furioso Librarian, ride the Stormraven - Mastery Level 2 - 175

1 Command Squad - 1 Gravgun, Company Standard, Lascannon Razorback - 200

1 Tactical Squad - Veteran sergeant with fist and grav pistol, heavy flamer, flamer, drop pod - 235

1 Tactical Squad - Heavy Flamer, Combi-flamer, Flamer, Rhino - 210

1 Tactical Squad - Plasma Cannon, Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, ride the Stormraven - 185

1 Assault Squad (five guys) - 2 Meltaguns, Combi-melta, Jump Packs - 115

2 Fragioso Dreads - Drop Pods - 330

2 Stormravens - 400


This comes to a perfect 2000 points. We're aiming to eventually get to 3000, so this list will hopefully evolve into a full company, but I'm interested in your thoughts. I'll enjoy posting batreps and works in progress since I've a crap ton to still assemble and almost everything to paint.

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The Demi company formation from the Exterminatus might suit you then, 3 tac, 1 assault, 1 dev, 1 regular dread, 1 furioso.


I'd maybe consider having more stuff on board to start, you have over 1/4 of your army not coming on until T2 minimum.


Got some pics of your models?

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Yes, I agree I need more on the table to begin with, I'm thinking of replacing the tactical drop pod with a rhino. Hard to drop 10 points anywhere though. Loath though I am to say this, I'm thinking maybe even the librarian dreadnought.


No...no...I'm talking crazy.


I'll try to get some pictures up soon, especially of my captain. He single handedly beat a squad of 4 deathwing Knights yesterday, beat the dark angel warlord in a challenge and squashed a squad of tactical terminators. Such a hero! Plus, he is the best looking model I've done so far.

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I've only played one game with the two of them, and they were excellent. Deposited their cargo, and blasted away at armour nicely. Ended the game with them both still on the table in hover mode. I think they'll stay in my list.


I should add that one had an assault cannon, the other a lascannon. Both had multi meltas.

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  • 2 years later...



Brothers! It's been a long time, about two years I think. I ended up selling my third company right as I completed them and regretted it ever since. But this past week I got the opportunity to purchase them back, so here I am. Full third company to paint and learn how to play again. I can't wait!


But in the years I've been gone our opponents sure look a lot scarier. My goodness. Nothing a couple of Fragioso's can't fix though, right? Right?


I'll use this as my painting and batrep blog. Nice to be back :)

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