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Getting your charge off


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Does anyone have any tips for making sure you get the charge when moving into close combat? I often run into the problem of the opponent charging me when I get too close (particularly when I'm using Death Company) to remove all the nice bonuses!


Keep a distance that would result in a 10" charge for the enemy. Without fleet it is unlikely to happen but he might attempt it. If you have two units, let one get charged and charge with the second one in return. Positioning and mind games is the only thing beyond that.

Other than that, do not run too much melee, because you will be shot to death if you become too focused on getting the charge.


As for actually making a charge, do not shoot the unit before charging. Your distance will be greater.

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Does anyone have any tips for making sure you get the charge when moving into close combat? I often run into the problem of the opponent charging me when I get too close (particularly when I'm using Death Company) to remove all the nice bonuses!

This is the single biggest threat to my schemes. I would offer suggestions, but I'm the guy who more often than not rolls 3 when attempting a 4" charge.


To paraphrase that saying: no plan survives first contact with the dice.

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Ha yeah that could work as long as it doesn't get melta'd to death when hovering!

If it's hovering in the enemy's shooting phase that means the troops have already disembarked and done their thing in your turn. Also the raven comes with ceramite plating so not too bad for melta there. If you want a reliable assault transport as priority, go for the caestus.


Get you Death Company Jump packs. As well as giving you a 12" move, they can reroll their charge distance.


Simples! :D

That re-roll only applies if they don't use the packs in the movement phase, sadly.

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It depends on meta, Land Raiders are quite horrible vs lists with a lot of anti armor, but great vs other type of lists. Using a Stormraven with a landing pad is kinda risky and a pretty huge tax. 


I have had much more success using a Stormraven for DC than compared to Land Raiders (old dex), but they don't get shot down a lot in our games. But if you are playing 1750 and put 500 into a flyer unit there is a fair chanse you will loose all of it before you can hover, anti air or not. Kinda difficult to answer in a generalist way. Land Raiders will make it easier to get charge off, but at what cost? In the old dex Stormravens where risky, but considering all the weak unit's we had before you really had to take a lot of early risks and play a high variance game. Now we can build safer/reliable lists with less variance. It's the same with Land Raiders, you run a big risk loosing a lot of your army points/mobility vs a single melta shot.


You could just field an extra jump assault unit for the points saved from LR.  Use terrain to give opponent 2" charge penality and move them around 8" away. Use impassible when possible that you can jump over. Look at opponents lists, if he is more shooty then you then you can't really wait for ideal charge cirumstances. If you are using Rhinos or other ground veichles you can make it a lot tougher for the opponent to get charges off. It really depends on what type of list you are using.

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Troops can only disembark if the raven moves 6" or less.


Edit: typo. Damn phone.

Since when? If this is true it still doesn't change much 42" vs 48".

Anyway it works as a fast skimmer, move 12", disembark, assault, right?


All vehicles are disembark after 6 inches only.

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You can disembark a Raven after moving more than 6" but only using the Skies of Fury method: deep strike at any point the Raven has passed over, roll for scatter, take a dangerous terrain test, can't charge that turn. Pretty rubbish / useless.


The 42" move then assault is still quite good but the problem is the Raven starting in reserve. Comes in turn 2 earliest, so assault turn 3 earliest. Fail your reserve roll and it's turn 3/4, 5/6 etc. Not good if you have your premier assault unit in it.


That's why I'm thinking Skyshield landing pad. 80 points and your Raven is on the board turn 1. You can only move off in hover mode but at least you know its there! Plus the Skyshield confers a 4+ invul save to units on it - good for a Dev squad with four missile launchers...

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You can disembark a Raven after moving more than 6" but only using the Skies of Fury method: deep strike at any point the Raven has passed over, roll for scatter, take a dangerous terrain test, can't charge that turn. Pretty rubbish / useless.


The 42" move then assault is still quite good but the problem is the Raven starting in reserve. Comes in turn 2 earliest, so assault turn 3 earliest. Fail your reserve roll and it's turn 3/4, 5/6 etc. Not good if you have your premier assault unit in it.


That's why I'm thinking Skyshield landing pad. 80 points and your Raven is on the board turn 1. You can only move off in hover mode but at least you know its there! Plus the Skyshield confers a 4+ invul save to units on it - good for a Dev squad with four missile launchers...

Just a thought, if you're playing guard or anything that can outrange or has a strong alpha strike ability and they get the first turn that expensive set up of the SR, assault unit, and sky shield is going to be toast.
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I have only played against Chaos (Marines/Daemons), Nids and Marines. With Nids in particular being the one to charge is important - otherwise those nasties can easily out-assault the Sons of Sanguinius.


The game is clearly well balanced in terms of any one player guaranteeing themselves the charge bonus. I think the answer lies in movement and position, regardless of how the force is deployed.

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