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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Managed to rescue a few boxes of scenery today as the boxes of rubbish got piled up in the wrong place. If I'd not spotted it they would have gone tomorrow to the tip.


I've now got a rather nice pile of bits to crack on with once the house gets back to normal. Almost all the guard in the house have now been stripped!!! Just need to complete the tanks now. ;)

Regarding the ETL my original plan was to base all the models in my resin bases. I've not managed to get a drill collar small enough to be able to take the 1mm or 0.8mm bits I need to use for pinning in my rotary tool. So I'm going to use normal slotted bases (I snapped them off a most of them so I hope I have enough bases to go round). And then post ETL get them on fancy bases.


Painting will resume once the rooms been cleared a bit more.

Working on some fluff for the force over in the liber ...


"The main idea behind the army is a force lead by a Rogue Trader, his personal retinue, with reinforcements (depleted units the munitorum deemed below fighting strength) and some hired professional help (using the old storm troopers and Ogryns). He's found a system currently filled with xenos scum (supposedly harmless but who's going to take a chance) that he's got settlement rights to."


And ...


"It started off as a RT with everything and nothing to explain why he had access to it.


That's been the main issue upto now. What circumstances would allow that too happen.


Basically trying to get a storyline that works with the models I want to use in my army. I'm scrapping using the new stormtroopers as I don't have a reason for them to be part of his force so they're not included. Using just the older models allows me to include stormtroopers as a unit entry. Same thing with Commissars. They're going to be painted up a bit more garishly (possibly rich reds/purples) and they'll be high ranking officers/cronies from his fleet rather than actual commissars. So they'll work in a similar way rules wise but fluff wise something slightly different.


Priests on the other hand will be overly used as I'm leaning towards the RT having close links to the church providing access to one of the favourite wines for a certain high ranking official (? Need to research what sort of title would be appropriate ?).


Think I can add a bit of a darker sidestory here. Something like he chose to save cuttings of the vines over a bunch of colonists who were in the path of a Nid fleet. Hmm ... Well maybe a few biologists got saved to look after the plants. He'd prefer to not have the finer points of the "rescue" come to light."

@WarriorFish - regarding the ETL side of things I've found a bunch of slotta bases that I'm hoping will be enough. When I spray up the bits to finish off The Iron Lady I'll be undercoating another tank and the bulk of the troops. The difficult bit will be sorting the models into squads so as many as possible get used. :D


I'd like to be able to make at least one vow of 3,000 points but this is not looking likely with the slow start to the first vow.


If all goes well with the acquiring Ogryn and Bulgryn bits there will be a decent number of them making up my 3rd vow. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Spent this evening messing around with the plastic scions kit and the old stormtroopers.


Looking likely that I'll be using the Tempestor Prime model for my Rogue Trader. I'll represent him using the CCS. I've converted a regimental standard using a metal serg and the standard from the scions kit. Just need to alter his backpack and do a bit of GS'ing to finish him off.


I've converted up a standard stormtrooper to have a box and the other two members of the CCS will make up a HWT allowing me to make use of the metal HWT I couldn't previously shoehorn into the army as stormtroopers don't do heavy weapons.


I'll also be using a scion with the vox slightly altered to be a Master of Ordnance.


Pics will follow tomorrow when I have access to a laptop so I can post the links.

Right lets see if I can get this done on a tablet ...

Here's the standard:




And the HWT:



Still got work to do on them but once sorted they'll paint up quick especially now I'm mounting them on pots so I can get them sprayed in one go. ;)

The aim is to have enough built to make it worthwhile cracking the airbrush out and then having to clean it out. I find that when using normal colours I can get away with a normal clean but using the primers through the airbrush means a really deep clean afterwards.


There's just over 50 empty pots of paint with pointy bits stuck to them. I'll fill them with models and then let the spraying commence.


I've also changed drill bits to 1mm tungsten and the drilling is no longer such a chore. ;)

Been playing around some more with the metal Ogryns and plastic bits:





With a bit of a trim and some GS these should work. Though they will probably end up being a post ETL project as it'll take too long to complete. I'll probably not model on armour on them as they'll look better with the Catachan's without it.

With all the bits I've got heading my way I should be able to end up with 40ish Ogryns/Bulgryns mainly converted from metals. There will still be some with ripper guns though. ;)


Hmmm ... How does that guard saying go ... If it's worth doing it's worth doing in quadruplet. Double tap to the head and the same to the chest. O ... N if it's green hose it down with promethium just to make sure.

Hmmm ... I have got currently 12 metal Ogryns cleaned up, sat on my desk with 2 boxes of the new plastic kit. That gives me the plastic bits to make 6 of each Bulgryn type. I'll also then have the plastics to make 6 normal Ogryns.


Hmmm ... Someone needs to get cracking with their initial vow before getting sidetracked.

Well its about time I got some more forward momentum on this project.

To start off with I've decided to go with a really old metal model for my version of Nork Deddog, just added the plastic versions knife and called it done ...


Here's the first of the converted metal Bullgryns, he's a fair bit shorter than the new plastics. I like a fair bit of variation in my models so don't see any issue in it but thought it was worth mentioning if anyone else fancied doing something similar. I'm tempted to add the shoulder pads to him but not 100% sure yet ...



Here's an idea for the next conversion ...


Last night I ended up getting an idea of how to model the tactical auto-reliquary of tyberius. So I stayed up till 1:30am trying to get the idea in my head. I've uploaded pics just not got access to laptop till later to edit them in.


I've also added shoulder pads to the big guys.

Nice conversion work, particularly like the last one. That side one pose makes him look like he is about to relieve stone xenos of its head with a baseball style swing.

Exactly what I was going for!!! :D


Main issue is going to be getting the forearm the right length.


I didn't think there would be much scope to do converting work with the guard but I've already done more GS'ing this last few days than I've done in the last 12 months.


A lot if my conversion work Is just eyeballing bits that look like they'll go together and filling the gaps rather than actual sculpting proper details. However I'm now looking at doing a bit more.


An example of eyeballing and cutting both bits in the right way was the regimental standard. I managed to chop the parts so they'd just glue together, pinned for a bit of extra strength to the joint and a bit of GS smoothed over the back of the wrist/hand is all it took.

Just realised with the models I've got built I just need to do an extra Bullgryn to have the minimum 3 for a squad. Ready to be sprayed is:


Yarrick - 145

Straken and CCS (4 melta dudes) - 230

Nork - 85

Lord Commissar with carapace armour, power fist and power weapon - 110

Lord Commissar with carapace armour and power fist - 95

2x 5 Ratlings - 100

3x 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - 180

LR Punisher with Heavy Bolters - 160

LR Executioner with lascannon and plasma cannons - 195


Soon to be finished is:

CCS inc Rogue Trader (aka company commander) with carapace armour, power maul and tactical auto-reliquary of tyberius. The squad will also have carapace armour, the RT's personal colours (regimental standard), vox-caster and autocannon HWT - 143


And a bunch of HWS's and SWS's.

Kids are back to school today and my mum is about to pick up the youngest to have some grandma/granddaughter time. I'm sure she's doing early indoctrination into the art of shopping. ;)


So that finally leaves me at home alone with a bunch of models and an airbrush. :D


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