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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Been looking at these pics and the bases don't seem to add as much as they could given the textures that are on them. May post ETL go back to the drawing board with the choose of colours. Maybe either a brighter metallic or choose a pastel colour to then dirty up and add a bit of wear and tear to.

Not found them yet. Think it's running too close to the end for me to risk it now. :(


My aim for the next ETL is to have everything organised, mould lines removed, holes drilled into the feet for mounting pins and undercoated. There will be a sea of models ready to flood the battle field of the ETL with bodies! ;)


And talking of battlefields I also want one of them done before next ETL as well.

My aim for the next ETL is to have everything organised, mould lines removed, holes drilled into the feet for mounting pins and undercoated. There will be a sea of models ready to flood the battle field of the ETL with bodies! msn-wink.gif

That is what the Commissariat likes to see - guardsmen already planning for the next ETL thumbsup.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to think of a way of keeping the motivation up for prepping all the Guard I have.


I've not had a big kit for ages so thinking maybe a Knight or a BB or something similar would be a good incentive.


Now I could just say the thing will be bought once everything is done. But knowing my luck it'll be the point where something else in RL needs buying. So I'm thinking of a piggy bank which gets a credit every time a unit is prepped and undercoated ready for the old paint job come ETL V.


Sounds a bit childish now I'm putting it in writing but I think this sort of idea will keep me going. Might even mean I could end up with a SH prepped for ETL V!!!


Just need to make sure the amount doesn't rise too slowly or quickly. :D

That actually sounds like a great idea! What do I both want and will give me the incentive to build and, in my case, paint all of my existing models? Hmm. I know! A squishy sea monster! I am, in fact, a grown man that likes squishy animals. At least I don't do drugs...besides the plastic variety.

Anyway, if I've been following, every time I get a unit built I get half a credit but if I paint it, too, I'll get a whole one? By the Emperor, SW, we'll be on our way to our respective prizes in no time happy.png!

You mean the bolt pistol isn't motivation enough? :P This sounds like a good idea, nothing like a reward at the end of a journey to help you going. Especially if its something cool like a Baneblade or Knight...

Cheers Mehman and Mr Fish. ;)


I'm going to refine the idea to include other models which I'll fully paint up like the =][= stuff I've got knocking around which I won't be able to include in the ETL as they're a different faction.


Just need to work out how much I should give myself. Was thinking of a £1 a unit entry. But different units take different amounts of effort. For example a character is a single 28mm model while a guard squad is 10 times the work.


So I'm thinking all units when they are over 6 men (so SWS's don't mess things up) get broken up into 5 men chunks. So a command squad would end up being a quid and a normal grunt squad would be two quid. Characters and unit additions (master of ordinance etc) would be a quid each. Maybe thinks like Ogryns would be a quid for every 3 (minimum squad size). Going off the backlog of models I have for the guard if I clear them all with the above incentive I should be on track to get two super heavies.


Then there's the tanks, not really sure what the incentive point should be with them as they all need a heavy dose of tlc. I've really left them to one side until my plasticard skills improve as I'll need to fabricate parts of some of the hulls. So the incentive point will probably be somewhere between £3 and £5. In comparison to a bit of mould line removal, drilling mounting holes of wires in feet and then spraying that the bulk of the troops need I'm leaning to the £5 mark.


Now do I start a new thread or carry on here?

You'll need to get the reward ratio right or it won't work. Too short and you'll end up increasing your work load too much and devalue it, too long and it might end up being demotivational. If your aim is a large model I'd work to that. Look at how much it'll cost you (i.e. where you will buy it from) and go from there.


Do you have it on a completion basis? Or would it be better to be split across stages. For example 2X for completing 5 models, or do you get 1X for assembling and the other 1X for painting? If you haven't already figuring out how you work best will help you create a good reward scheme :)

Great idea, keeping motivation up is a challenge i find for painting one single army. That's probably why I flirt between 4 at the mo. If you can stick to this reward concept you have better will power than me. Promised myself not to buy any more until my unassembled back log was cleared......that lasted 3 months! Good luck!
The plan is to have a mighty force of models to pick and choose from for the next ETL to work on. I had planned on doing much more this ETL but getting past the boring bit (prep and undercoat) was where I failed. So I'm not aiming for painted models with the guard. However there are none guard models which I would like to paint up and certain low points value models (conscripts) which ain't going into the ETL paint queue. Those will be painted for double the prep value. ;)
  • 2 weeks later...

Well it seems I like a challenge and I've extended this to include all the models I have that are B&C compatible.  The overall blog can be found here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312571-sw1s-slow-decent-into-madness-painting-motivation-bog/?p=4150357. However I will keep an update specifically for the Guard in this thread.

It looks like my hoarding of Bullgryn/Ogryn parts (heads/arms/weapons) is slowly paying off. I've got hold of a bunch of the 'C' bodies and can start making use of the bits!!! Don't really want them all cookie cutter in looks so I'll be chopping them up a bit. ;)

It'll mainly be chopping the shoulder connection bit and then re-sculpting the muscles. There's also some rotation of the wrist available when you get the arm a bit further away from the body. Not 100% sure if I'll be able to chop at the elbow and rotate that as well?


Want to make the most of the resources I have so trial and minimal error is what I'm after.

Lol ... It may sound like a daft challenge but the aim is to get a company of abhuman troops eventually. The story I'm working on for them being in the Rogue Traders fleet is he was hired to move some high value items from one war zone to another by a high ranking officer who turns out to be an inquisitor. He ends up "looking after" them as a favour. I can see in the long run the Rogue Trader feeling rather trapped by the whole experience but trying to play the hand he's been dealt. Maybe he can get ride of the Inquisitor in some form of accident and keep the troops for himself? ;)


Elmo - I think your conversions are a little more involved!!! I looked at using the WHFB Ogres and decided it was more work than I was willing to put in!!! So I tip my hat to you. ;)

I've been plugging away at sorting through my guard models and currently have the following sorted ready to go on the production line ...


Imperial Guard

Named Characters:

- Marbo




- Officer with bolter and power sword

- Officer with power fist and bolt pistol

- Officer with power fist and plasma pistol

- Officer with power fist and bolt pistol

- Officer with power sword and bolt pistol

- Officer with bolter

- Officer with power sword and plasma pistol


- 2 Commissars with bolt pistols

- Commissar with power fist

- Commissar with power sword and plasma pistol

- Commissar with power axe and laspistol

- Commissar with power sword and bolt pistol

- Commissar with bolter and chainsword


- 2 Primaris Psykers


- Priest with chainsword


Storm Troopers:



- 10 Ratlings



- 37 lasguns

- 7 flamers

- 4 grenade launchers

- 11 meltas

- 3 sniper rifles

- 4 plasma guns

- 2 heavy flamers

- 4 demo charges

- 1 grunt suitable to make into demo charge

- 4 lascannon teams (8 grunts)

- 8 missile launcher teams (16 grunts)

- 1 heavy bolter team (2 grunts)

- 3 vox units

- 6 sergeants with bolt pistol and chainsword

- 1 sergeant with laspistol and chainsword


Not listed for the Catachan's is a big pile of plastics. I've avoided the current plastic squad kit which is a really dated sculpt. However I have loaded up on the heavy weapon teams and command squads in plastic. The command squads were got to add extra bodies to the HWS so I can use as many of them as possible. ;)



Necromunda Skum:

- Telekenetic Psyker



- Mad Donna Ulanti

- Leader with bolter and bolt pistol (possible officer)



- 2 Leaders with bolter and power axe

- Leader with bolt pistol and power axe

- ganger with demo charge and shotgun





So there's plenty to be getting on with. Need to sort through the last few Catachan models plus the Necromunda models I'm planning to use. I'll probably stick to just using Catachan, Esher, Orlock and Goliath models for the Veteran, SWS's and HWS's. Then the platoons will be a mix of models from the rest of the Guard range and some of the other Necromunda gangs. I'm thinking that the Vann Saar's would make good tech adepts.

  • 3 weeks later...

After a rather long look at the models I have I've come to the conclusion that I have a lot of cool models but never use them. So rather than trying to work out a way to include every model into a list and then paint that is pointless.


So I'm now thinking that I could do with trying some of this list building malarky that a lot of people seem to enjoy doing. So I need to work out what I want from the army. What that does mean is I will have random models left over and these will need to be sold to provide the funds to purchase the models needed to fill the gaps.


So ... Erm ... Yeah ... That's where I'm at at the moment.

Right well the approach to this is going to be Close to the original idea Catachan's/Orlock/Esher/Goliath for Vets, SWS's and HWS's. Standard troop squads will be other units.


Now to arming veteran squads. I'm thinking flamers/heavy flamer will work well with shotguns. Gaming wise does this make sense? Say ...


Vet Squad 1

Harker, heavy flamer, 2x flamers, 6 shotguns, a vox and krak grenades


Vet Squad 2

Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, heavy flamer, 2x flamers, 6 shotguns, a vox and krak grenades


Is it worth taking a vox?

They're not great, Harker is subpar unfortunately and flamers a waste of BS4 but its a more viable build if you're running a Vet company list. Shotguns are for Rule of Cool only, you're not really going to want to be charging much as it's not a good use of Vets nor any points towards it generally. Vox depends on how close an officer will be, if they're likely to be ranging further from your lines they could be points better spent elsewhere.


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