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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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In the to strip lot there's:


2x LR with LC + HBs

Executioner with LC + PCs

Demolisher with LC + MMs

Punisher with HB + HBs


3 Chimera



That's 1,360 points without any extras. The 12 Ogryns taken in 4 squads would be another 520 points. Not checked out what the stormlords points are yet but it's going to add up pretty quickly. If I can get them all stripped they'll help with a big chunk of points.


I've also got Harker, Straken and Yarrick that need digging out plus a really old pewter Ogryn I use as Nork as he looks not too daft.


This is without factoring in the troops which I really want to get painted up.


The main limit I think I'll have is getting the old paint work off the models before it starts. I now wish I'd started prep at the beginning of the year rather than starting now.

Hmmm ... Thoughts on using Frateris Milita models as those wyrdvaine phsyker units? (Not sure on the spelling)


They're armed with pistol or pistol/knife so match the weapon load out and look not really that combat effective which I reckon a bunch of phsykers would look like. Reckon there may be 20 or so of them in my collection.

Wish I was more creative with the background. I've got a general idea on the army direction but not been able to flesh it out well. All attempts to put pen to paper have been scrapped so far.


Lol ... It's not like I can't write as I'm doing it now. Maybe I need to look at some form of creative writing task post the ETL?


Back to the models ...


I've realised my stripping of these has not been that efficient. I've just been throwing models in to strip as soon as I've prized them off the bases without sorting them out. So if I only get half of them stripped and they don't happen to make complete units I've wasted time and effort. I've still got a shoebox full still glued to bases waiting to get a dip!!!


So when I next get a chance to sort through stuff I'll be doing a bit of reorganising things. Maybe the models that are not too high on the list for stripping into the cheap none branded dettol and the models I need to get done into the proper stuff.


Those Ogryns took an hour or so of brushing with toothbrushes after a long soak so really minimal effort. I've rescued a load of glass jars from the recycling so I can deprecate units into individual pots. ;)

Just going through some old pics and found this:




That's a pic of last time I did a spot of batch painting with guard models but in green rather than grey.


Lol ... It gives a bit of an idea to the task ahead 'if' I get everything stripped. My aims to get everything I strip painted and not every guard model I own painted. I'd like to get my guard close to finished by the end of the year.

I started a repaint of my Guard (and Marines) years ago. Still not finished ;)

Heresy ... Watch out for the =][= !!!


I managed to locate Yarrick and 2 other commissars stripped and ready for painting. I've also started stripping some Catachan command, 2 primaries phsykers and more commissars.

It depends on the original coat's condition. It only really works on thinner paint coats, looks bad and is prone to suffering damage otherwise same if there's damage to it. It's why I won't touch my ancient Russ until I've properly stripped it as there's no other way!

The Stormlord is sat in 3 litres and everything still isn't covered!!! Looks like I'll have to do one side and then flip it over and do the other side. It's gonna take a while to get the dettol out of the inside. Think I'm going to have to drill some drainage holes.

Yeah ... Don't want to attract the attention of the men in black. ;)


Looking at the task ahead I think relying on the tanks for points to paint is not sensible. So these will hopefully be sorted ready for 4th or 5th vow time and I'll just maximise the points I can squeeze out of the current footsloggers. Was hoping to get a big chunk of points done with the tanks and then work through a reasonable number of troops but it's going to need to be the other way around.


Hmmm ... How many lord commissars can I paint?


On the up side I should have honed my airbrushing skills on the troops so the tanks will hopefully come out better!!! There's always a silver lining if you look hard enough. :D

Well Mr Fish I've not over vowed in an ETL and have no plans on doing that this time around. What gets vowed depends on the free time I'll have and how quickly I can paint them. Real life can get in the way so I'll be pledging cleaver.


Sactmandoo the plan is to get everything I'm stripping painted but if I end up struggling to get through painting I'll just vow less. Not having 100% completion is just not happening.

Well Mr Fish I've not over vowed in an ETL and have no plans on doing that this time around. What gets vowed depends on the free time I'll have and how quickly I can paint them. Real life can get in the way so I'll be pledging cleaver.


Sactmandoo the plan is to get everything I'm stripping painted but if I end up struggling to get through painting I'll just vow less. Not having 100% completion is just not happening.

Great plan and hopefully will inspire the rest of the forum. You have a rough points score?


Well Mr Fish I've not over vowed in an ETL and have no plans on doing that this time around. What gets vowed depends on the free time I'll have and how quickly I can paint them. Real life can get in the way so I'll be pledging cleaver.


Sactmandoo the plan is to get everything I'm stripping painted but if I end up struggling to get through painting I'll just vow less. Not having 100% completion is just not happening.

Great plan and hopefully will inspire the rest of the forum. You have a rough points score?

Erm ... Lots???


Only just got the new codex so I can work it out. There's well over a thousand points of tanks.

Thought my paint queue was bad....(in comaprison it isn't! I'm just slow). Like the Lord Commisssar said you have lots of options to paint which is always good, many an option always keeps me enhausiastic. Have you got a colour scheme in mind?

@ our_baz - this is a small part of 20+years of hoarding. I'm going to be basing these on some industrial bases I've scratch built and cast up which is metal plate decking so can be inside a spaceship or industrial area. So I'm going to go for a dirty mix of different greys. Exact colours will depend what I can get through the new toy (an airbrush). Going to be priming with a grey car body primer and then seeing what happens. I'm hoping to trial colours this coming week.

Make sure you get some mud on those tanks fighting in the Industrial Zones. How they get mud on the tracks is not up to me- that's just how the Emperor wants them tongue.png!

I've always viewed airbrushes as evil, cheating things. "Oh yeah, I can do highlights. Let's just point the nozzle 45 degrees and..." It wasn't until recently that the view changed. You can do a lot more than cheat at infantry with an airbrush! You'll never see one in my hands, though. I need to do all my squishies by hand- therapeutic or some such nonsense like that laugh.png.

Have fun with it and get those tanks rolling like the Soviets thumbsup.gif!

Make sure you get some mud on those tanks fighting in the Industrial Zones. How they get mud on the tracks is not up to me- that's just how the Emperor wants them tongue.png!

I've always viewed airbrushes as evil, cheating things. "Oh yeah, I can do highlights. Let's just point the nozzle 45 degrees and..." It wasn't until recently that the view changed. You can do a lot more than cheat at infantry with an airbrush! You'll never see one in my hands, though. I need to do all my squishies by hand- therapeutic or some such nonsense like that laugh.png.

Have fun with it and get those tanks rolling like the Soviets thumbsup.gif!

Lol ... If I'm ever going to get my model collection painted the airbrush is needed even if it's just for basecoats. The number of troops/tanks I have for sm forces dwarfs the guard many times over. All need to be rescued from atrocious paint jobs from when I was younger.


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