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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Glad I gave the tanks a little test scrub. It's managed to relight the hobby fire. Atleast I will have some worth while points to vow once they're cleaned up.


The tanks have had 3 or so days dunked in dettol. So it looks like I can use the same tub as I'm currently using.


The advantage to using a big tub is there's enough dettol in the tub to wash off the sludge with so the brush doesn't get clogged up. That's been an issue with cleaning up jars of guard troops. The brush just gets clogged up and you then you end up wiping gunk onto other models.

After 3 or so hours the two tanks have come out ok for a first dip:



The turrets have come out even better:



The super heavy has been 90% scrubbed and just needs the tops scrubbed. So it's back in the dettol upside down this time. There's the bulk of the other turrets in as well plus 2 more tank bodies.


I think I'll get them all cleaned up to this level and then give them a final dip in clean dettol to get the last bits off.

Need more big containers so I can get everything soaking now and it'll be even easier to clean off once I get round to scrubbing it.


I could also do with working out a quicker method to filter the many litres of dettol/paint sludge mix I've ended up creating. Currently it seems like getting it back into the 4litre bottles and leaving them to settle is the only real option. Though the bottle then ends up getting filled with sludge. Maybe let it settle in the container for a bit and pour off the bulk of the cleanish stuff back into the big bottles then get the rest into smaller bottles to get the bulk of the sludge out? Need to get hold of some cheese cloth or similar.

Use a fine strainer to filter out most of the sludge then use coffee filters to get the fine particles it takes time but saves you in the long run

You're a star!!!


Been dreading the filtering process but now I think it'll go a lot more smoothly. :D

Yesterday saw me manning a phone for 10 hours in work and I sat twiddling my thumbs for about 4 hours of the shift waiting for calls to come through.


So today I've got a jars worth of models pulled out of the cheap Morrisons dettol and stuck in a zip lock bag. I'm hoping I can get some stripped throughout the day. :D

So it seems I have about 3 or so minutes working time on each model before the pain hardens up again and I run the risk of damaging the model by scratching it while taking the paint off.


So there's a fair few partially cleaned models. However if I slap them back into the liquid tonight and then whip them back out in the morning back I to a sealed bag hopefully I can make further progress. The advantage of the cheap dettol is it doesn't stink and just makes the paint flakey. Couldn't have done this if they had been sat in dettol.


So lesson learned for cleaning models up. If I'm working on them in work use the cheap stuff and if I'll be working at home with the models the proper stuff will be used. ;)

Well I'm having a break from stripping today. Ended up with a blister where I've been holding a pin/needle for the last 2 days.


Lol ... Probably did 11 hours on/off in work on both Sunday and also on Monday. After work last night I did another 3 or so hours.


Toothbrush action tomorrow will happen getting the last of the paint off the Iron Lady and a few more of her escorts. :D

Or use the other hand? :P

Lol ... Tried that and stabbed myself almost straight away. Better not try that again.


These models are slowly building up and I'm now looking forward to getting to the point where I can paint them. I'm thinking as soon as they are cleaned up I'm going to get the models primed just incase we get rubbish weather at the start of the ETL.


In previous years the basing has not been included as part of the ETL challenge. If this is still the case I may get some bases worked on beforehand as well. Need to check with Cpt Semper first. ;)

In previous years the basing has not been included as part of the ETL challenge. If this is still the case I may get some bases worked on beforehand as well. Need to check with Cpt Semper first. ;)

I've had a chat with Semper and won't be doing the bases before the ETL starts. So just getting things cleaned up and prepped is what I'll be working on instead. :D

The Iron Lady is ready for the ETL:



I did have to change the toothbrush out got q-tips to get in the crannies.


There's more tanks currently getting a soak. ;)

Hmmm ... I've got all the bits to make this any of the other variants as well. Is the Stormlord the highest points value option? My laptop needs a new screen so checking the rules out at the moment is a bit difficult. This is why I prefer paper over digital. :(

This makes me want to get my Shadowsword out! Alas I am quite busy this week so perhaps I can find some time next weekend? Are you magnetising it, what possible variants can you build? I think the Stormlord is the most expensive yes, keep up the sterling efforts I really can't wait to see you slapping paint on these models :)

just read through this......Necromunda Minis you say? those have always been my favorite model for my favorite game.


I can't wait to see some paint......but I must be patient.  know how long the prep work can be. 

This makes me want to get my Shadowsword out! Alas I am quite busy this week so perhaps I can find some time next weekend? Are you magnetising it, what possible variants can you build? I think the Stormlord is the most expensive yes, keep up the sterling efforts I really can't wait to see you slapping paint on these models :)

The main body is fixed in the further forward position but if memory serves me well I have the weapons to make:










It's the older kit that doesn't include the Baneblade bits. Would be good to see a few super heavy tanks between us. ;)


just read through this......Necromunda Minis you say? those have always been my favorite model for my favorite game.


I can't wait to see some paint......but I must be patient. know how long the prep work can be.

Necromunda wise I'm thinking of making weapons teams out of a heavy and a few juves so I can use as many models as possible. :D

Shadowsword is slightly more expensive than a Stormlord (a whole 5pts!) tongue.png That requires a change in the mounting so if you're limited by that Stormlord it is! What better way to bring troops to the battlefield though? smile.png I will endeavour to be working on my old Shadowsword kit with you, we can see who finishes first biggrin.png

That Ironlady is looking mighty pretty. Might have to take her off your arm for a dance msn-wink.gif!

Your effort really is applaudable happy.png! Your armour is most certainly going to shine this ETL! Well, actually, it should be real muddy. The muddier the better.


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