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Dragging the guard back out - Ogryn chop shop pg 13


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Having a night off recharged the batteries. :D


Today I'll not be doing any more stripping. Instead I'll be getting the resources required together for the weekend. I've snapped/broken off all the old bases as they had a crapload of PVA and grit on them. That would have messed up'd up the dettol process royally. It does mean I'm goin to be left with the issue of how to hold them while painting them. The bases will be done on mass separately so no pinning to them first. Thinking of getting hold of some thickish wire or paperclips and then spend all my working weekend drilling holes into the feet. Won't get away with gluing in the office but then again I can do that at lunch.


I need to locate a few volunteer models to test spraying with. Maybe a few of the wolves I've got knocking around and a few sheets of paper. Will be interesting to see how clumsy I will be with it initially.

Urgh ... Up for work in 3 hours. O bother I've done it again.


However I now have a very large box of swee... No, stripped guardsmen ...




That's not all of them either!!! I found the AWOL commissars and some other models. They're now in to strip alongside another batch which has been sat in some un-filtered dettol (I seem to have run out of fresh dettol and didn't have a chance to filter the crap out of it) for a while but not really working as they're sat in the sediment from previous models rather than the fluid. So erm ... Yeah there's over 150 more ideals to go.


Think it's time to hit the sack.

There's something special about seeing a load of old metal models like that. The nostalgia of years past!

Yeah I think the nostalgia will hit me once I start painting them. Currently they just a PITA taking way too long to prep.


I also forgot to mention yesterday I tried out the airbrush for the first time. Seems it's one of the few things a I can do ambidextrously.


Lol ... What I mean is I'm equally bad with either hand.


Think for undercoating/base coating it'll be fine straight away. But for the techniques I want to use on the Stormlord I think I need a lot more practice first. So my first vow will be troop heavy rather than tank heavy.

Just going back through the archives and realised that I placed the first of the guard in dettol back on the 8th of January!!!


It's been a very on off process but I reckon I can now get models stripped in a week. I say that while keeping an eye out for Lord Sondar who's also got a 'few' guard models. He's shown interest in getting his stripped as well.


Hmmm ... Only if he joins up with the guard this ETL!!! ;)

Right ... Really need to decide on colours for this army.


I can get away with undercoating everything in black ASAP but I'd like to have everything basecoated as well.


My wolves are codex grey so that's out of the window for the guard. So it's either go black with drybrush grey to pick up clothing details and then gloss/metallic black for the weapon bodies which should do a nice contrast to the flesh of the Catachan's. Or I could go lighter grey still with the same weapon bodies.


Remember only the finest soldiers may enter the sacred ranks of the ETL Veteran Company - we don't accept just anyone ;)

Lol ... Lord Sondar is a much better painter than me, though slower his level of detail is much higher.


Might need to borrow a big black coat, bolt pistol and pointy hat to convince him though. ;)

Sifting through the stripped models pulling out the Catachan, Orlock, Goliath and Esher models plus the characters.


I'm still missing some models but they're slowly building up. There's certain bits that are missing like the little metal wheels on some of the heavy weapons. And the odd hand that's had previously been swapped. So I sieve will be deployed to search through the gunk.


I aim to have a bunch of models sprayed Wednesday so I can start testing out colour options Thursday.


Getting excited I'm going to be getting some paint on the models soon!!!

Cheers. This morning I was hoping for a bit I hobby time but had to go shopping with the wife instead.


Just got to get through this afternoon/evening at work and then I can get my 'hobby' on. Before I sleep tonight I want the rest of the troops currently sitting in dettol stripped.


Lol ... It may be a late one but we'll see what happens.


Really want to see what squads I can make up with the models I have and I can't do that until they've all come out of the stripping process.


There's also the question of do I keep the tallarn, valhallan, steel legion and other Necromundan separate. Or do I just mix everything in together? There's some cool looking delaque models with trench coats and shades that I like but not sure mixing them into the Catachan/Esher/Orlock/Goliath mix will work.


The big question is do I?


A - stick with the Catachan/Esher/Orlock/Goliath mix


B - just cobble everything in together and rely on the paint job to pull the look together


Part of me is leaning towards B as it's meant to be a Rogue Traders personal force he's built up from all over the place. But another part of me thinks A just looks better.


What do you think?

Guess it's near enough 50:50 split between the models that make up option A and the rest of them. Though the heavy/special weapons are dominantly Catachan.


Last nights planned hobby time was busted by a teething one year old. Dad duties out rank the toys. However the wife's had a fairly good nights sleep so might have earned myself a bit of extra time later to hobby. :D

Only got away with a bit of spray time. Not been able to strip any more models yet. :(


Been looking at the tanks already stripped and looks like most will need gentle destruction and rebuilding. Though one might be ok.


I think I'm taking some troops to work today to drill holes for mounting on wires.

The 1st of May is approaching, it will soon be time for less talk and more model pictures - I hope you'll be ready ;)

O yes, currently having a brew break from taking calls and clipping wire too length. 300 paperclips need to become 1200 lengths of wire by the time I finish at 9pm.


Think that should do for this and the next few projects as well. ;)

Well yesterday I got through about 250/300 before it got really busy and I had to stop. They're all safely away in the hobby space ready to use.


Just glad I have a job which allows me to get all the boring things out of the way when it's quiet. Just need to have the bits in a bag ready to take in. Decided leave the metal models at home today as they weigh too much to be dragging on mass to work. Instead I've grabbed all the plastic Catachan bits I have knocking around to clean up and sort out.


I need to also find a chuck that will allow my rotary tool to take smaller drill bits. Drilling 100's of models feet to allow me to pin them would be easier if I can use a power tool. The old lead models shouldn't be too difficult but the white metal ones are going to be a pain.

Clean up of plastics was boring but I now have several little bags of different plastic bits cleaned up. I thought I'd got more but they've not surfaced yet.


Looks like the super heavy will be my first vow and then I'll take it from there.


Will be having a few days off hobby as the youngest is turning one tomorrow. Come the 1st I'll be firing on all cylinders!!!

Grenade girl! Wait, FOUR!? ohmy.png

Lol ... Those are just the ones I have come across in my collection. I know I've got a load more. I used to visit 4 different GWS stores and brows the special weapon blisters for them. Every now and again one would pop up. There was no ordering code for the model so you could only get hold of it if one appeared in a blister.

Donna might head up one of my command squads as she's going to be the Rogue Traders rather headstrong daughter. Still trying to decide on the model to use as the RT.

Along with the Esher gangers in my collection should make a more flavourful Catachan section.


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