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Blackadder's Landkreuzer P500; Die Wühlmaus


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Paint applied.......;)


In Her Prime II:
Well not so long after all, this project was about six months to this point. Now that the primer is applied I can see a few areas that need punching up but the overall effect is satisfactory. 
So what you are saying Blackadder is that you are happy with what can ostensibly called "Just a bigger Baneblade?" Ha!
Well at least I don't have that half started scratch model sitting around in my crowded "To Do" Shelf anymore.
Now it's on my "To Paint" Shelf. :D



Well, I'd sit here and like every single one of your posts, but I don't believe that's humanly possible. Your attention to detail (I think you're an engineer, as anyone else would be driven to insanity) is magnificent. I nearly bang my head against a wall just trying to clean and glue a pre made Titan together, let alone build a super heavy from scratch.

...................I nearly bang my head against a wall just trying to clean and glue a pre made Titan together, let alone build a super heavy from scratch.

Don't feel badly, I am in the same boat; I have three pre-made FW titans to assemble and I'm scare to death to attempt it for fear on making an irreversible mistake. Two Chaos Warhounds, one Lucius Warhound and a modified Reaver??? wait that's four; well higher math always stumps me.

Oh trust me, finding an experienced person who can show you the ropes (don't get to Freudian with this :P) helps out immensely. I had to enlist fan favorite and WIP magnate Athrawes to assist me in building my current Reaver:






I had to lure him out with the promise of beer and pizza though ;)

  • 8 months later...
Painting the Super Baneblade:


Today I bit the bullet and began painting my Super Baneblade. For those of you unfamiliar with this project, a bit of history. My son and I many years ago were novices in the FW genera of Wargaming hardware so as usually the case my son began collecting Leman Russes and other IG equipment which he and I painted in the popular OD Green and Beige of the Imperial Guard. The Leman Russes looked to me like archaic WWI British tanks with a few turrets so to not take over his projects I started shopping around for a more challenging model to build. It was then that I clapped eyes on the recently introduced Baneblade; it was love at first sight...... until I saw the price!


Not being a millionaire or likely to win a jackpot lottery as I don't buy tickets I thought that it might be fun to try scratch building a Baneblade. I'd never really done any serious scratchbuilding in styrene before but I have built a few "Plank on Frame" sailing ship model hulls with reasonable success. What really started me was finding IBM Ribbon printer cartridges were wonderfully adaptable to making a solid hull framework. At that time I also began a Lucius Warhound because..... well because I'm certifiably crazy but we needn't go there. Well to not make a long story too long I began building the hull, turret and tread housing and had just got to a point where it was beginning to look like a Baneblade when I won a bid on ebay for a derelict Baneblade for a hundred bucks. When it arrived I found my scratch effort was in pretty good proportion but almost half again bigger than the standard FW model.

My Baker's Dozen Of Super Heavies:


While I'm at it and feeling ambitious this might be an opportune time to finish off the derilicts I've acquired over the years.


All the tanks you see here were purchased on ebay over the past six years in various states of disrepair. I broke them down into their component parts cleaned and refurbished the parts and primed so they are ready for reassembly




Some of them need scratch built parts to complete them and one needs a turret; I'll make that into a recovery vehicle.




Now for a bit of a guessing game. Aside from the obvious Land Kreuzer one of these is entirely scratchbuilt except for a few bitz and one is a rebuilt Armorcast Baneblade built to look like a FW model; can you find them?

Is the retrofitted Armorcast model the one immediately to the right of the Landkreuzer?  The hull heavy bolter turret is round, where it should be hexagonal.


The retro fit Armorcast Baneblade is the dark grey tank on the right in the front row. The scratchbuilt is the Stormblade immediately to the left of the Huge Land Kreuzer center back row.


Here's a closeup:


Armorcast rebuild








Scratch Stormblade variant:




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