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Blackadder's Landkreuzer P500; Die Wühlmaus


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I must say the attention to detail is amazing. Are you going to joint (interlever) the armour plates or leave as is? Sorry to hear it's not been fun this week due to the flu shot. lady Hertford has been suffering to with this too. Let's hope the plague lords not having too much fun. hope you enjoy the project again soon!

Blackadder, this project always hits me hard with nostalgia. I'm so in love with the old mars and Lucius Pattern Baneblades from Forgeworld and yours is a fantastic reimagining, far superior to the plastic blade. Case in point: You are still using the massive fuel tanks on the rear. IT was one of the most charming, and iconic components of the old Baneblades and I for the life of me, cannot fathom why GW, when they made their plastic kit, ditched the tanks for the smaller fuel drums.


Great work, as always, hitting me right in the feel.

I must say the attention to detail is amazing. Are you going to joint (interlever) the armour plates or leave as is? Sorry to hear it's not been fun this week due to the flu shot. lady Hertford has been suffering to with this too. Let's hope the plague lords not having too much fun. hope you enjoy the project again soon!

Part of the charm of the FW armour is the interlocking of the plates; I attempted to do this with my first scratch Baneblade with satisfactory results. I hope to be able to improve on that effort.


Blackadder, this project always hits me hard with nostalgia. I'm so in love with the old mars and Lucius Pattern Baneblades from Forgeworld and yours is a fantastic reimagining, far superior to the plastic blade. Case in point: You are still using the massive fuel tanks on the rear. IT was one of the most charming, and iconic components of the old Baneblades and I for the life of me, cannot fathom why GW, when they made their plastic kit, ditched the tanks for the smaller fuel drums.


Great work, as always, hitting me right in the feel.

Aye; I too was troubled by the seeming disregard for the artistry displayed in the design of the FW resin Baneblade when it was remodeled in plastic, especially the distinctive tread design and the aux drums. There may have been copyright issues. were I to work on one of the new plastic b'blades I would convert it to a FW resin Lucius.


I drop out for awhile and your work is one of the first I see:)... So excited that you're getting closer with this project. Glad you are feeling better enough to model!! Rest up

Thank you for that endorsement. It's been a long time coming to this stage of completion but it was only this year I felt I had sufficient skills to attempt duplicating the treads and drive wheels.

Sponson Turrets Revisited


I've put this off long enough the sponson turrets begin very labor intensive what with the minutia and the near microscopic rivets to these tired old eyes. Someday I'm going to have to invest in a magnifying lens and light source.




One thing I am disappointed in is the spiral copper conduit not being quite small enough in scale diameter.




The rest of the sponson minutia seemed to fall into place and I look forward to the manufacture of the guns as they will be relatively easier.




To recap in the last two images these will be just upscale replicas of the Baneblade guns. Dual lascannons and quad bolters seem to me superfluous.





Likewise for the centrally mounted turret bolters.


Of course I shall entertain any suggestions regarding this............ Thx

Homemade Bolters:


Thanks to all for the suggestions but since these parts will be interchangeable with other weapons I might as well just duplicate the original Baneblade armament and leave the exoctic weaponry for another day (Like that'll happen).


So below we see the preliminary rectangular bolter housing roughly dressed but of a size within a fraction (1/10 of a MM) of each other these pieces so far number 12 components in a structure 5/8 inch long.




Pity about the overexposure....




these are quite intricate as are all FW creations; by breaking the subject piece down to the basic components the details are easily duplicated or at least I hope they will be easily duplicated.

Bleary Eyed:


These tiny guns have got me bleary eyed God knows how I be able to paint 40K figures if just manufacturer 'em taxes my vision but at any rate their done except for the ammo belts which should be a cakewalk. 




When it came to it each gun has about 30 parts not counting the still to be fabricated ammo belts.




I'll post a tutorial when I make the center bolters.....

Thanks for the reply,


The Never Ending Bolter;


It seems like I've been working on these bolters forever but truth be known I've been doing a lot of other projects as well. Today I finally put the finishing touches on all three bolter arrays and as I photographed them I mounted the first into it's sponson..........




so you are seeing it before the glue has even set..........




I just need to add the final mount rails and rivets to the drum.

Sponsons and Wing Turrets Operational*


*To the extent that they can rotate on their respective mounts that is.....


The drum mounted bolters can swivel 90° in their housings and the ( Soon to be fabricated lascannons) Lascannon turrets 180° on their axes 




The center bolter turret is a bit of a disappointment rotating only about 15° on it's axis but that is still better than some real world counterparts.


In all I am very pleased with the operation of these movable turrets considering until midnight last I had no inkling of how I would broach the issue of making these function through their intended arcs...




I am particularly proud of the sponson mounted drums and may retrofit my resin Superheavies with the same mechanism.... someday. ;)


A Mere Tyro;


Back in the days when I was a mere tyro at scratch building I ventured into refurbishing an Armorcast Baneblade to make it conform to the elegant FW version. This culminated in producing lascannons for said Armorcast vehicle and having not the skills to replicate the lasers in styrene I opted for producing them in brass tubing which provided the thin wall tubes I needed to replicate the delicate gun barrels.


The images below demonstrate the result of that early effort.






and even today I have to say I am still proud of the resultant early effort assemblies.


Fast forwarding to the present I find myself in much the same predicament and although the guns should be easier since they are to be replicated in styrene due to their larger dimensions I stll have to fabricate many of the same pieces in much the same way.








If anything my early work surpasses my current work. IMHO :D

Thanks for the vote of confidence,


Close Inspection:
My effort this day does does not bear up to close inspection. Whilst okay  from a cursory glance the fine detail of these pieces appear crude under scrutiny.
I'll proceed with the work but may have to refine it later if it appears too second rate.
Hopefully more to follow today........
A Penny:


For scale, 'F' it; I lost my draft (very irritating) I had this post set up with an explaining regarding excessive fine detail but lost it so here's the update sans explanation:







Mounted cannons coming up........




Okay here's the Lascannons installed as promised and not too shoddy I must say; better than I expected anyway. :D




This series of images show the movement capabilities of the turrets which for some reason I deem necessary. Everyone else is satisfied with static models.




And an overview...........






Woohoo! colour me done. I just this evening mounted the spare bogies and track links, main hatch, Commander machine gun, antenna, flare arrays, and assorted icons and this baby is ready for paint.




Rear and engine compartment; Done!




Question about the icons; Aquilae, winged skulls, wreathed skulls, skulls in general; what's up with that? Is there any rhyme or reason to these decorations? Any mixture of them that could be in error? 




Low angle front quarter view, she's all business now....




Whoops; lens flare...




and two high angle shots






Shudda took a high angle rear shot... Damn!


This looks incredible mate. I've gushed about it before and i will again, this is a absolutely reimagining of one of my favorite miniatures. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us!


SO, what's next for you?


A Mars warlord titan perhaps...

I'm cranking on an old Lucius-pattern Warhound. Apparently, the any decorations that are objectionable is none at all. I swear, every square centimeter is covered in symbols...


The only symbols that may be important to you is the Crux Mechanica (typically on or near the engine) and the winged skull, which is the symbol of the Imperial Guard. Other than that, embellish to your heart's content.

Thanks for the replies and the info; not familiar with Crux Mechanic symbol.


I seriously doubt I'll scratch a Mars Warlord and I have way too many projects to think about ordering a FW Warlord for some time although I do have some ideas on how to make it taller so it will measure up to my Lucius Warlord.


Rear View:


Looks like I missed a few rivets ;p












Martini Time! :D

The Crux Mechanica/Opus Machina is the skull-and-cog symbol of the Mechanicus. The typically plaster anything remotely techy with it. It's commonly found on the engine compartments of Imperial vehicles, maybe as a general warning to Guardsmen to keep their hands in their pockets and watch the blinking lights.


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