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Hades Hive Hyenas - Savlar Chem Dogs Kill Team


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Thanks for the kind words guys! I'm meaning to get back to these fellas after I get bored of my Tarosians for a little while, need to finish up painting the Infantry!


The Tauros was very fun to do, and I enjoyed the 'Mad Max' post-apocalyptic feel to it. I don't consider my veterans looking a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy's Ravagers to be a bad thing either, as that suits the feel of surprisingly well-equipped criminals.

That's what I love most about it as a project - I can make every model have a distinct personality. Being Chem Dogs really helps with that too. What trophies or kit they're carrying, what equipment they're wearing or wielding, it develops a story.


Plus it makes it quite fun in game. For example I had my veteran who's posed with a shovel and Hotshot Lasgun - he lost the HS powerpacks though, so it's just a Lasgun - holding an Objective. He had a Medic nearby, and weathered two turns of fire from my friend's Kill Team through FNP, Cover Saves, or just not getting the Wounds down. He was then christened "F****** Shovel Guy" by my friend and I use him to taunt him ever since.

  • 1 month later...

Started slowly working on my Rough Rider Khan counts-as, who will naturally ride into battle on a stolen dirtbike, Mad Max style. I managed to find a pretty fitting bike in a second hand minis store that recently opened up here, the label had it as being manufactured in 1996, so it's a real relic!


I'm think flowing cape to give the impression of motion, and some sort of jerry-rigged spear with a Bolt Pistol for the loadout on my Khan. May even expand this to a dirtbike Rough Riders force, been looking up other bike mini manufacturers. :)





Sadly I don't think I'll be spending a lot of my time on these guys until after the ETL. Each of them is too time-consuming and low points value to really contribute, but I really wanna get them finished some day! 

if you are mixing and matching bike manufacturers then i recommend at least one azog tread bike from mad robot, i have a whole squad waiting for attention, the one i have built is flawless and i feel they really fit the role of dark future replacement horse

I'm not a big fan of the tread bikes, I'm afraid. It's gotta have wheels, my man! :P


The cattle skull is from Kromlech's basing kit. Thought it made a nice if cliche ornament for the bike. I've still gotta find a suitable pair of legs to mount on the bike before I get on to designing the rest of him, does anyone know any suitable parts?

I'll dig around and see what I can find. I spent tonight painting up the bike and base, just gotta rough it up and finish the base off. Looking forward to getting a rider for this, I've been thinking maybe a krak missile tied to a stick for a jerry-rigged hunting lance?




Did you get the heavy weapons crewmen's torsos from 'Warhammer Fantasy Battle' flagellants? The exposed pectoral and abdominal muscles are quite distinctive. I also wonder golly gee are they doing out of uniform, i.e., out of ARMOR, but I guess that fits the 'Mad Max' vibe you're working on.

The open-chested torso is actually a Catachan piece, it went surprisingly well with the Empire Archers parts I was using. These guys don't have an official armour, and they probably recognise that a flak vest won't save them from a real threat. :P


Got another five man squad painted. Five 'Guardsmen' with a Grenade Launcher, with different colours to denote their standing. Quite pleased with these guys, and I'm painting up the last five to cover my Guardsmen part of the Kill Team. After this, it's just a Mortar, a Heavy Weapons Team and a Medic left to do! I'll also have to get a rider built for the bike, and I saved five Cultists with Autoguns that I'll be using as Conscripts. They'll be a bit more varied in colours, the members of hive gangs offered the chance to join via an 'initiation ceremony.' The truth is that they, of course, are just cannon fodder.





Here's the rest of the team that's painted up so far:


Finished another five man squad, just a couple of heavy weapons teams and a medic to go now! Looking forward to getting a couple of games in with these guys now, and debating getting a Scout Sentinel to support them with.




I'm planning to treat myself using the ETL. Every completed vow equals a new prezzie for myself, so I may make the Scout Sentinel a prize for completing the first wave. :)


Painted up the Medic model I use sometimes for these guys today, it's nice to sit and focus on a single mini. Sadly he'll be the last of the Hyenas to be painted for a while as I answer the call to arms that is the ETL IV! Still, I've got a few models set aside in case I fancy a break from blitzing through my tank collection, (as well as Tau and Bolt Action Soviets, but I shan't discuss those here.) :P




Here's the happy family all assembled. Easily enough to build a HoR Kill Team from that'll be fully painted, I'm going to tweak the bases on the Leader and Veterans to fit in with the rest after rethinking them. Hoping to move these guys to the store as a display army, they like the kitbashing and painting I've done for them, and I'm a proud mama bird given all the work put into them!




Looking forward to picking these guys back up after the fires of the ETL fade!


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