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WIP Trench Boards


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So, hopefully this is a reasonable place to put this....

...as part of Brother Handro and I's ongoing Grandia Campain behold the first of my WIP trench Boards.









It started life as one of our flat tiles but subsequently all our flat games took palce on canvas rather than heavy foam terrain.





Ferro-crete crenellations are made from sprue off cuts. Ive even cast two of the sprue/mould bases from FW to make many more of these.



Pit at the end of a track





Shell impact craters need 'roughing up'







Sooooo many lollipop sticks....



My plan is for 6 of these with joints to make (at first count) >15 combinations

So thats it for now...thoughts?

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Soooooo.....been a while!


Brother Handro and I had a very productive Monday and I have since made some limited additions!


Not to mention undercoating/basecoating the two bastions and two aegis defence lines we bought around 12 months ago, we have also added two more WIP trench boards to the collection.


The first, by my distinguished colleague Brother Handro is a mirror of my previous efforts:




Radar station WIP - covered walk way from main trench line.




Crater with similar wooden planking to the floor as a forward SAP.


The polystyrene has been sealed with a mixture of filler, PVA and brown pain and awaits sanding (with sand paper), sanding (with sand onto glue!) and painting before final PVA seal.


My own efforts from Monday were somewhat influenced by the gorgeous looking new RoB board by FW with the mounted volcano cannon.




Heavily WIP - It is designed to be reversible with one side having a trench line and access point - although less realistic as seen this way around it does allow much greater flexibility in the orientation of the table. The rough edges seen above and below at the ends of the bunker are to be covered by a line of sandbags made from milliput (at some stage!).


The structure is foamcore with plenty of good old papier-mache over the top. Ive used this to good effect in several previous emplacements and when drybrushed up to comes out quite well (See spoiler below!)










Since these shots I decided i didnt like the thickness (or lack thereof!) of the front and side walls and decided to thicken them up - I noted the FW bunker has a thicker wall behind and a lower wall to allow movement of the gun - since my creation needs to be bi-directional It is set up so the gun can be set up to point either way! I decided to thicken and to try to graft some card board plates to the edge - The ide being that these can be painted up to be folded sheet metal to reduce wear on the concrete bunker - will help with aging the structure with good old ryza rust!






Although heavily WIP hopefully these will give an idea of the finished article.


I may buy a Mars Pattern Turbo Laser (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Titans/MARS-PATTERN-TURBO-LASER.html) and convert this to fit the central hole in my tread plate - I have a thinner tube which fits perfectly to allow real-time adjustment.


What do you guys think?


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