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Word Bearers: Update: Deamon Prince's Base


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Greetings brethren,
I am glad to show you my first shots about my new Black Word Bearers Army. I know Sons of Lorgar are red but... I prefer black. You will see here several trials I made about astrological symbols of Word Bearers, a plant or jungle base. I am not very comfortable with green stuff (and english) but I am learning to use it.
Here we are, allows me to introduce my Dark Apostle (I need to name him) :



My Hellbrute (a peacefull dude) :



And a brother. For my CSM I wanted an archaic and massive power armor to show to everyone they were fallen warrior of Mankind.




I hope you like it, if you have any advice I will take it ! C'est tout pour aujourd'hui !

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I just reread the info on the Word Bearers for the March of Legions and the first thing they talked about was "black armored marines with skull masks" :) It almost made me revamp my mini all together.


Awesome work so far with your Bearers. Black would be a good change for the (often) most hated Legion there is. I'm looking forward to seeing them with some paint on them.

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First off, thumbs up for the gs-work. I love your plants/foliage. I see you're using doghouse's tutorial for marinyzing chaos warrior legs - good choice. Looks really good


I didn't know this tutorial but I read it ten minutes ago. I should have to read it sooner. Thanks, because of you I will save time.


I just reread the info on the Word Bearers for the March of Legions


What is The March of Legion ?


I like the astrological signs to, i want to do something similar.


This is easy to do. Spread out your green stuff, use your tool to make some a line/a surrow. Make a ring is harder , you need to find a kind of metallic straw or a tiny hollow cylinder to print your mark in.


Thanks to you for your encouragements.

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The Word Bearers have invaded FernGully?  Is nothing sacred?!




I dig the warlord's pose.  Classic bad guy cockiness with the casual hand on his sword. 


I don't know which will be harder for you though: learning English or learning greenstuff.  Both are finicky, uncooperative messes, more or less. ;)

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Hi Héléade! Bienvenue à Bolter and Chainsword :D


I love some of your conversion ideas, they have a ton of great potential! I especially like your Chaos warrior legs converted in to greaves. It gives them an awesome heavy, archaic look. 


I much prefer black to red myself. 


If you would like to come check out our March of Legions event, I've posted the link below. You'd have perfect timing, we just started the 17th legion this month :D



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uncooperative messes


French guys speak english very bad sir. Old story. Sorry if I am not understandable. I will work on it.


Thanks Flint13 you speak french better than I speak english. I will take a look at this event !


RolandTHTG & Pearson73 thanks to you ! I will take others pictures of the Dark Apostle tomorrow. :wink:

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uncooperative messes


French guys speak english very bad sir. Old story. Sorry if I am not understandable. I will work on it.


Thanks Flint13 you speak french better than I speak english. I will take a look at this event !


RolandTHTG & Pearson73 thanks to you ! I will take others pictures of the Dark Apostle tomorrow. :wink:



You're perfectly understandable.  I was making fun of the English language, not your ability to speak/write it. :)

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 French guys speak english very bad sir. Old story. Sorry if I am not understandable. I will work on it.


Try being an Englishman with a hell of a lot of French ancestry (and I mean very recent maternal ancestry). Can't speak either language well ;)


I did some squiggles into green stuff to get the Forge a World style runes, have had less luck with the ancestral stuff, although I found a clicky pen is a good place to get a circle.

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Greetings Sons of  The (false) Emperor,


If I am understandable, I am reassured. :happy.:


What RolandTHTG wanted, what RaolandTHTG get. Today new pictures of my Dark Apostle and a single about battle brothers. Sorry about the shots' quality, natural light was annoying so I tried to fix this.

My Unnamed Lord :HQ: :





Nail Dude & Ring Ring Ring Boy :Troops: :




Et voilà !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings brethren,


I come back to you I am looking for some advices. Like several worshippers of Chaos (or False Emperor) I like battle damages. However I like vert-de-gris/feldgrau/verdigris/copper oxidation effect too (yeah, lot of words, but I'm not sure how you say that). So I have a problem, I think oxidation effect and battle damages together will be too much on a single CSM.

The second problem is battle damage on black armor. Is that necessarily metallic chip ?


In any case, I'm working in my chaos workshop to make the next worshippers. Of course you will get pictures !


Gramercy for your participation !

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Battle damage on black is...troublesome.  Silver chips are generally the most successful approach.


Patine and battle damage on one model aren't too conflicting, if you measure your use of both.  I'm not sure how well green oxidation will show up on a largely black model, though.

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if you measure your use

You are the voice of wisdom Sir. May be a very dark silver and moderate green oxidation. I think I should make some tries.


Araziel, I didn't know what is baby Groot. You made me a lunar crisis when I saw it. :laugh.:

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Greetings brethren,


Today I come to you with pictures of my chaos minions and as always some questions. Before I show you my work, I will show my choices. I chose my painting model and it looks like this:




However I don't know the name of colours what I need. GW painting have changed and I am a bit lost and GW webstore is not helpfull. Any idea about the name of painting used to make this gold and this highlighting? I made some tests Gehenna's gold & Auric Armour gold don't work for gold and Administratum Grey and Dawnstone don't work for highlighting.

So I took my brushes (I was very, very, very rusted) and I painted three heads. A smooth restart you know. It looks like that:





I want to distinguish my champion so I used an torso with an pretty cool arch. I give to him a particular pose. I took pictures of the rest of the squad.




More Word Bearers are training, I throw green stuff on them. (I secretly hope they don't turn Nurgle fan boy).  If they survive, I will hire them. Chaos no needs weak guys.

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Evening Héléade,


Afraid I can't help on the gold, I'm a little clueless on metallics myself :sweat:


I've never been able to get good results out of Auric Armor gold... I tend towards Warplock Bronze and Runelord Brass, then a Runefang steel highlight. 


I do know how that blue/white highlight is done on the black though! They are successively sharper highlights of The Fang, Russ Gray and Fenris Gray. It's actually one I've been practicing recently.


The new guys are looking pretty cool, even at this early stage. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for your encouragements Flint13! You have been very helpfull.


Wow simply astonishing work!  Can you share the bits recipe for the dark apostle?  I think I spy several fantasy bits but can't tell what kits they are from. 


Thanks too. Yes I can. This conversion is based on the Warhammer Chaos Lord (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Chaos-Lord;jsessionid=06AF30D199921957314183BD533EB414?_requestid=2743396). Only one thing is medieval on the Warhammer Chaos Lord, his purse. Don't forget to remove it. I used chaos banner from Warriors of Chaos' box, some bits from chaos space marine's box (backpack, skull, feet), purity seals and a space marine head (available in each space marine box), a piece of sorcerer stick from CSM Terminator Lord.

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