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Word Bearers: Update: Deamon Prince's Base


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Brethren,

Thanks for cheers. I got a Primaris Apothecary, and the fallen marine is now on the base of my daemon prince. But it is still a WIP, thus I can't show it yet. So I share with you today my two new leaders of my squad (one you saw and one I have to build). I hope you will enjoy it.



I have to replace the dead primaris marine so I add a rock with some vegetation. I have hidden the loyalist symbols purity seals excepted because I think this is cool that Word Bearers have corrupted seals. As you can see, my squad leader is not just a leader but also a progenoid gland thief. War is war after all.

I keep a chainsword for him, because I found that looks like more brutal than a powersword.


The second squad leader is a litte bit angered, hater, faster. I keep a chainsword for the same reason. I discovered that GW makes new models without easy possibilities to convert them with the others. I had to destroy the torso like a butcher. I had plastic everywhere on my table. To hide the slaughter I used green stuff to make a back loincloth.

I have cut off the horns of the raptor head and I added a eyeglass monocle (you can my inspiration source below). I plan that this dude will lead a squad leaving a Rhino to run to poor fool loyalist marines. So I think I will buy legs of Assault Squad Marine for my running squad.

At last I tried to give some soul to my models, I think I succeed. The new primaris models have very inspiring holding (position?).



This my inspiration source about the eyeglass monocle. Great stuff found on internet. Sorry I lost the source. Hard to say but even Xenos can be inspiring.

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The second squad leader is a litte bit angered, hater, faster. I keep a chainsword for the same reason. I discovered that GW makes new models without easy possibilities to convert them with the others. I had to destroy the torso like a butcher. I had plastic everywhere on my table. To hide the slaughter I used green stuff to make a back loincloth.


I have cut off the horns of the raptor head and I added a eyeglass monocle (you can my inspiration source below). I plan that this dude will lead a squad leaving a Rhino to run to poor fool loyalist marines. So I think I will buy legs of Assault Squad Marine for my running squad.

This guy uses the "Aspiring Champion" model's legs and arms, right? It looks really sweet. Mind showing us a few more angles? (for those of us who are planning on stealing this idea :lol:) Edited by Gederas
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I almost finish to build my squad. I'm specially proud of my Heavy Bolter Guy.

The Squad :



The Heavy Bolter :
(Arms are not glued)



Today, I hesitate on what head my champion should have. I often prefer withouth helmet but I recently got some nice helmets.




Edited by Héléade
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Nice work with the green stuff, especially on the shoulder pad, the heavy bolter guy's head perfectly matches his pose and the base is well done to boot.


For the champion, I think I'd go with a helmet, the first has a better angle, I think, however I like the bigger size of the second.

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Brethren,

You can find below my last adept. Hail him as one!



Some news about my project:

- I bought Daemonettes. Ten old fashioned metal models. And I have a dark elves box to convert furies into plastic daemonettes as you saw in my tutorial.
- I just received new running legs from Vanguard, it means that I will build another squad to follow my running Chaos Leader Squad.
- I saw on the forum the new model Space Marine Moritat of Forge World and I fell in love. Look at this jump pack! Probably one of my futur Ashen Circle Leader Squad (Raptors Squad, I am not such a fan of Ashen models)
- I think you remember my Dark Apostle (picture below), I will buy primaris to upload this model. I will keep the posture, head, weapons and back pack. He seems to skinny compared to my others Chaos Squad leader.



Unfun things to do: Make a lot of loinclothes with greenstuff. :verymad:  But I keep faith!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Brethren,

Here you will find my progress about my Chaos Lord. It's a little bit complicated to manage the model's assembling but I have almost the whole body. In fact, I had to cheat with the base to keep a cockiness position. However my work is not finished, the Warhammer Battle Chaos Lord's shoulders are not at the right scale. The model looks like disproportionate.



With the banner, the model measures almost 15 cm.


First time I used some Milliput, I found this stuff cool to use so I made others bases with. It is very easy to made some rocks with Milliput.


A friend of mine sent me this picture


I love the paint on the model's trappings. Anyone if you know how to made it, let me know.

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Greetings Brethren,

Some news from Warp. I am progressing on my Chaos Lord and my Deamon Prince. Both of basis need their foliage.


I tried to copy the Aquila for another basis and I made an Imperial fist logo. In fact, I guess the imperial fist's yellow will constrast nicely with black color of my Colchisian Sons. In my mind, my Colchisian Sons landed on an Imperial Fist jungle world and defeated them. I hope it's fluff.



You can see below all my marines, almost ready to fight. I made squad with the same running posture than the Squad Leader.


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Lovely conversions man! Some of the best chaos primaris conversions I've seen, so much character in every single one. Your champions could easily pass for lords in most armies:)


What head did you end up using for that champion btw? If you're still undecided, my vote goes to the one to the right.

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Lovely conversions man! Some of the best chaos primaris conversions I've seen, so much character in every single one. Your champions could easily pass for lords in most armies:)


What head did you end up using for that champion btw? If you're still undecided, my vote goes to the one to the right.


Thank you for your kind post. I try to get enough character into each model. Maybe I am too perfectionist but I think each model must have a soul. Even a simple CSM. Sometimes it takes time but... you know. It is always cool to have a nice model to build or/and paint.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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