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All sisters list in 7th

The Question

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It's not so much a balance crutch, it's more a sales thing. It lets people use and try out other armies that they might not bother with if they had to get a whole army of.


But how do you get them in range turn one? I mean if you moved more than 6 inches the meltas are snapshotting. Unless you play on a small table I just don't see that as a turn one kill. 


I wasn't thinking of it so much as a balance crutch though. I know GW is encouraging us to buy mutliple armies, but its still bad game design. Allies will frequently have a lot of unintended consequences to army builds from a game design standpoint. Becuase their playtestign pool is so small, they can't possibly see how all units will interact with one another if they do indeed do any sort of real playtesting. It also gets them off the hook for building a better/newer codex for Sisters as we alrady have everything we need.

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It's not so much a balance crutch, it's more a sales thing. It lets people use and try out other armies that they might not bother with if they had to get a whole army of.


But how do you get them in range turn one? I mean if you moved more than 6 inches the meltas are snapshotting. Unless you play on a small table I just don't see that as a turn one kill. 


I wasn't thinking of it so much as a balance crutch though. I know GW is encouraging us to buy mutliple armies, but its still bad game design. Allies will frequently have a lot of unintended consequences to army builds from a game design standpoint. Becuase their playtestign pool is so small, they can't possibly see how all units will interact with one another if they do indeed do any sort of real playtesting. It also gets them off the hook for building a better/newer codex for Sisters as we alrady have everything we need.




You see thats the problem with GW play testing, its a small pool to keep things quiet but its tested to see if it fair in that book vs every other book in that that edition at that time as regular lists with little or no allies.

they don't do extensive play testing  like hard core fans do as there are allot less of them in a much smaller time and they are looking to see if the codex works without unfair advantage at a basic level, not competitive level and certainly not with allies rules combo's.


Hell if i take Cortez with BA Captain Karlean I get reroll to reserves, foes reroll seize initiative if they take it and you seize it on a 5+ with a reroll. Thats just from combining 2 models in a combo, imagine a larger force and all the goings on there.


Either way though, an ally or a IA armour entry or two help prop us up where we struggle.

Allot of people tend to take Sisters with Tempestus, a Knight, inquisition, etc and its a fair and valid choice but its all down to preference.

Even in my most basic sisters armies I can't seem to run less that 1300 - 1400 Points of solid sisters so An assassin or Inquisition is as much as i will do short of 1850/2000 point games where I like to Take a small Templars task force to asist in the purging.


heavily considering a Forge World knight ally though to convert, thinking Flamer one or Knight Lancer one, the latter fills my issues with monsterous creatures and wraith knights quite well. ;)

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