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Epher's Guardians of the Covenant - Vows Complete!


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Hey Epher, as promised a pic of my Guardians chapter badge printed on white transfer paper on the home inkjet. As my paint skillz are somewhat lacking, the badges really make the SM's look a lot more impressive lol! The one on the drop pod hasn't had the egdes painted in yet so you can see the edge of the white transfer peper (along with the rest of my slooooow wip in the background). Not the greatest pics either I'm afraid, am no David Bailey.




Worsey, I am a fan!  Your paint and wash combination looks very good!  You did a very good job with the transfers too!  I may have to look into this once the ETL is over.  I like your painting scheme for your drop pod.  I haven't decided what to do with mine.  Thank you for sharing!

First vow for the ETL is complete! It makes me want to repaint all of my bikes but there is more to do before that. So here are some detail shots of Sableclaw. I will keep all of the pics here and link the ETL post and my converstion thread to this post. Thanks to everyone who added their input into this conversion! It was my largest undertaking to date and it would not have been as awesome without your help!

Without further ado... SABLECLAW!!






Thank you for your comments! The GW model looks like just another land speeder. Since we have the Dark Shroud and Vengeance, it seems wrong that Sammael pilots a two seater land speeder and requires a gunner. Not fear inspiring at all.


I wanted something dark and scary that has more of a chariot feel. I must say that it turned out better than expected. I used kneeling legs and not that you can see it but Sammael is realistically posed with legs bracing him in the cockpit. I have thought about more markings and freehand art work but it looks so sinister as is.


I am glad that my fellow Unforgiven aoprove of this conversion. For the Lion!

Here is the latest WIP, biker chaplain with the Mace of Redemption. I decided not to use one of the DWK maces and I thought I could jazz this one up with some fancy painting. I made the Crozius Arcanum and it would be mag locked in place above the front fairing. I have yet to make a bracket. The head is not your typical skull helmet but it was one taken from a CSM kit. I had to remove the downward pointing arrow. This is also my first attempt at green stuff robes. I think it turned out well. I still have some more green stuffing to do with the skull shoulder pad.

As for his other shoulder pad, I am not sure what to do. Currently I have one of the pads from the SM Command Squad pack with a fancy Crux Terminatus and shielding but I think it looks a bit out of place. I am thinking of a plain shoulder pad with just the Crux and it would be painted bone to signify his standing in the Deathwing. As an Interrogator Chplain, he does have the Deathwing Special Rule. Maybe I will keep the split color paint scheme like my Terminator Librarian, Chaplain Black with Ravenwing Black. Makes sense to me!


Very good Sableclaw, well done! :D


The only bit that stands out to me as "hey, this model is converted...!" is the bike fairing. It took me a little while to put my finger on why, but then I realised it's because of the trim - the rest of the model has no trim, so that parts stands out as being foreign. Minor nitpick, but I thought I'd share it anyway! :P

Thanks again for your kind comments!

@MajorGilbear: Thank you! I wasn't too sure what to do instead of the canopy and modifying the original one seemed like it would be more work than it would be worth. The bike fairing does seem a bit out of place in the fact that its trim is painted but I could not find other things to trim out similarly. But if that is the only thing that stands out like that then my skills have come a long ways in the hobby! biggrin.png

I know the rest of you would like to see more painted models but the conversion process for the chaplain is dragging on and so are the Black Knights. I finally have my chappy in a state that I am happy with. I thought that an Interrogator Chaplain needs his incense burner and the first one was a burst. So my green stuff-fu is slowly getting better. The left arm is magnetized and the other option will be a power fist.



For the Chappy's skull pad of office, I'd look at the Chaos Marines or Berserkers boxes again for a suitable pad... Much easier to then glue on some little spare wings cut from spare DA bling.

Not that there's anything wrong with doing it in GS, but skulls are surprisingly hard to get looking right! :)

You might also look at some WHFB Empire bits for burning braziers too. ;)

Nice greenstuffing! Like Major Gilbear said, skulls can be extremely difficult to pull off with GS. Especially on a flat surface, it's hard to get the raised areas looking right.

Keep practicing though, I find GS so rewarding when you're able to make something truly unique

Now only if I was not using a DV bike handle bar. So scrap the shoulder pad? I must say that it did not turn out the way I wanted it too. I do have a back up plan and we will see how that goes.


I think I will keep the brazier. It is not a billowy as the interrogator chaplain's but it is more representitive of smoke patterns on a bike. Thoughts?

Sculpting on a curved surface at an angle is hard enough for even professional sculptors. I find details like this are easier to do on a flat piece of plasticard or blisterpack, and then I pop it off and glue it on when it's cured.


Even easier (because I'm frankly both a perfectionist and lazy; a terrible combination!) is using something else that already exists. There are a lot of shoulderpads with skulls on them, so I would usually look at modifying one of those in the first place if I can. Some examples:


Chaos Marines (I'd trim the arrows away carefully, or at least trim the arrow-points down)

Khorne Berserker (lots of pads with skulls, but they tend to be stretched into Khorne runes)

WHFB Chaos Marauders (nice pad, very bold, might need a little smoothing around the raised trim around the top)

Space Wolves (trim the fangs down and it's perfect IMO)


Some of the Space Marine Vets also have skull pads, but they are not as obvious or well-positioned IMO. Likewise, lots of Chaos TDA shoulderpads are great, but I think they might be too big.


If you want to add wings to the skull, you are rather spoilt for choices and so I won't list them all. Adding wings to the skull is a good idea though as it (1) hides any strimming you may have done, and (2) disguises the origin of the pad. Plus it looks cool, which is important too!


As for the brazier, I think what you've used looks fine. However, if you want something that give more impression of the bike's speed, there's a burning staff piece in the WHFB Empire kit here that would look fantastic (might even be worth mounting it on the bike at a suitable angle rather than on the Chaplain's backpack).


However, there is nothing wrong with what you've already sculpted - I think it does look good, and is certainly in keeping with the model. I'm only making some suggestions here for possible alternatives that might save you some effort next time! :)

  • 1 month later...

Hard to believe that it has been over a month since I have posted any progress and the crappy thing is... there has not been much to post about.  This last month may have to be referred as the great slackening of ETL V.  I don't know what it is about painting bikes but it seems to suck the will to paint out of me.  Although I do love how our Ravenwing bikes look.  I have been watching the forum and posting when I can.  Worsey, your Guardians are looking pretty good.  I truly like how your Red Knights are turning out! Life has been too busy with work and family.


My chappy conversion is the only model to see paint over the last month.  I have made some decent progress.  I peeled off my attempt to sculpt a skull and wings and hacked away at an old metal chaos shoulder pad.  I think the results are much better but it may protrude a little too far off the model.  There are no wings to go on it was originally intended.  The lighting is a little harsh but I will post some pics anyways.  I still have some details to finish and lots of highlighting to do.  So here is my WIP Biker Chappy Conversion!  C&C is welcome!






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