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XIth: Wardens of Light - Destined to be forgotten

Go to solution Solved by MikhalLeNoir,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really looking forward to seeing this squad painted, some quality work if I've ever seen it


Thx man. I started to paint them already. Wish my airbrush wasn't malfuncion.


These guys look like they mean business. I may have to nab an idea or two from the conversions.

Hope they will mean business for my enemy^^ and go on. Can't wait what you will come.up with


Really beautiful work man, these destroyers are amazing


Thank you very much.



Yes! Nice to see that group shot! Bases are looking good, can't wait to see you paint these guys up!

I actually hate basing. Good that it is not too obvious.


Excellent! The sheer bulk, their poses, and the grim masks are going to look awesome all painted up!

Haha, hope my painting won't ruin them. I am good with dark blue but somehow nit when it comes to metallics.





And at long lost one wip pic. I basecoated thrm, gave them a nice base.color, and shaded the basecolor. Now comes the fun part. Adding titanium gold. I finally found the goldcolor I am satisfied with. But next time more.



Lords of Light are the high command. The first among equals.


The mournival equilavent would be the.scorpion, arngrim valten and Guaire Amalasan. But i lack a catchy name.

Lords of Light are the high command. The first among equals.


The mournival equilavent would be the.scorpion, arngrim valten and Guaire Amalasan. But i lack a catchy name.


I will think of something if you want.

As promised:


Too late to earn any honours in the Unification Wars, the XIIth fairly burned with fervour when they left Terra for the battlefields of the Sol System. Their desire to strive for the Emperor’s vision and prove their worth was well known to the Emperor and His nascent war council, and unlike the older Legions they came fresh to the task. A stern test was set for them, and the XIIth would not have wished for anything else.


The Legion took to its first battle beneath a sky filled by the gas giant Saturn, on the moon Enceladus which was occupied by the Venya. Bizarre xenos of crystalline form, they fought with four bladed limbs and moved at a speed far in excess of mortal humans. Against the XIIth however, they were outmatched and wiped from the moon’s icy surface with chainblades, power swords and volkite calivers in three months of fighting.


The reports of Lightning Bearer observers makes it clear that even then, the Legion’s preference for and proficiency in melée combat was becoming evident. Warriors of the XIIth moved with a sped and sureness that few of their cousins could match, with an exceptional few compared to the Emperor’s own Custodians. While tanks were available to them in respectable numbers, the Astartes preferred to use these and their Warhawk-pattern Stormbirds to deliver their companies into close range, where their superhuman speed and strength could be brought to bear. While some Legions viewed assault bike squadrons with scepticism, the XIIth adopted them with an enthusiasm that rivalled the Shepherds of Eden, and thereafter such units heavily in their line of battle.


With Enceladus conquered, their reputation was assured, and is celebrated to this day in paintings and verse. The XIIth moved on to battles on Ariel and Sycorax, fighting alongside the XIVth on the latter, as well as in the Kuiper Belt. Five years later they would earn a moniker for themselves, coined by the Hokrit Grenadiers - the Apostles of War.

Edited by bluntblade
Okay. So we know thatthe scorpion, prior to his death arngrim valten and guaire amalasan belongs to it. Do we want more? Like a high council or the tableround? Maybe twelve to honour the source material? And who else.would belong to it? Every lord of light? The.master aothecari, master of techmarines, master of the fortress? Master pariah? Who else? This inner Circle is it like the deathwing?

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