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XIth: Wardens of Light - Destined to be forgotten

Go to solution Solved by MikhalLeNoir,

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Okay. So we know thatthe scorpion, prior to his death arngrim valten and guaire amalasan belongs to it. Do we want more? Like a high council or the tableround? Maybe twelve to honour the source material? And who else.would belong to it? Every lord of light? The.master aothecari, master of techmarines, master of the fortress? Master pariah? Who else? This inner Circle is it like the deathwing?

I like the idea of this being the roundtable for the Wardens of Light. We can include all of the high ranking officers in the legion if you want, but I like the 12 from the source material.


- Arngrim Valten Master of Blades (Terran)

- Míkhál the Scorpion(Caerbannog) First Warden – Nosonsêr- 22th

- Llwch Llenlleawg(Caerbannog) - Heddwch - 100th

- Kelenteil (Terran) – The Source of Light - 44th

- Guaire Amalasan (Terran)

- Cervantes de Leon (Terran)

- Dumah de Leon (Terran) – Sword of Light - 66th

- Bors (Caerbannog) - Sêrgolau - 55th

- Nalesee'an Adjahar (Terran)– Springtime of Youth –1337th

- Gwalcmai (Caerbannog) - Cyfnos - 88th

- Gilgalad (Caerbannog) - Wawr - 99th

- Bedwyr(Caerbannog)

- Moragh (Terran) - Avalon (Legion Fortress) - 363th



We have to cut some from here and add the master of apothecary and the master of tech. Who else? Master of pariah? Master of the navigation? What roles do i forget?

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Bedwyr is togheter with Voskott Moragh master of the fortress.


You would axe 3 caerbannogii. So all 3 new members should be caerbannogii as well to keep the balance.


How established are the chaplains already? Fluffwise a master of meditation could be part of the 12 as well.

Yap. Guaire is the origina first legion master.



And the ranks are somewhere.in this thread^^. I go search them later






#56 MikhalLeNoir Posted 25 October 2015 - 07:52 PM





4,477 posts

0 warning points


Faction: XIth Legion Wardens of Light


Here the ranks of The Wardens of Light: (from top to lower ranks)



First Warden(Praetor Rank)

Blade Master(Duelist (no command rank)

Lord of Light ( Highest Command Rank except for the first Warden)

Chamberlain of Light (Legion Master Rank)

Master of the Fortress ( Responsible for the creation and preparation of new Wardens)

Bearer of Light ( Chapter Master Rank)

Disciple Of Light ( Captain Rank )

Senior Warden of Light (Veteran)

Warden of Light ( standard marine)

Child of Light( Scouts/ new Wardens)


Apothecary and Techmarine Ranks will come with an update. maybe someone has an idea for the techmarines?


A, and concerning fleet master: the chamberlains and the bearers of light are all fleet masters. the navigator would be just master navigator, senior navigator, navigator and noob^^

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

I think we can use the Inner Circle as reference.

The Glamoragi would at least be made out of the Frist Warden, Blade Master, Lords of Light, Chamberlian of Light, Master of the Fortress, Master of Meditation, and Master of Pairah. We can rotate between different Chamberlains when they die or put into a dreadnaught.

No really. When the Apostles get butchered during the first rangdan xenocide it was Guaires Hybris who let them there. He was severely injured, lost his legs and one hand and his pariah powers awakened. Guaire stepped down from command. The early pariahs were sealed away until needed as they were nit able to control their powers and Endangered their brethren.


So he was the first but gave the command to others. It was nit before Gwal who integrsted the pariahs properly into the.legion that Guaire fpund forgiveness.

Guaire can't even control his powers.with the mask on.

Nice start on these, even from such early stages it's shaping up very nicely! Definitely looking forward to seeing you complete these guys!

You know...I hate painting. Want ti sculpt again^^.


Damn, the dynamism in that squad is awesome. Good work dude.

Thx mate. Good to see you working on your Night Lords again.



And to celebrate the 450 post (yay!) a little artwork done by czar from deviantart.



A few wardens holding their ground against a waaagh



I think we can all summarize this fantastic artwork and your expert modelling skills with the last thoughts of that Ork in the lower left: HOLY S- (head cut off by Warden of Light)

Hehe, thad made me laugh^^ And thankee-sai

“When a murderer stands over the bodies of your kin and makes plain his intent to spill more blood, you do not hesitate to cut him down. Anasem has made himself a kinslayer, but you, Lord, would have me heed his sophistry and stand back as he adds billions of mortal lives to the tally. If that truly be your word and you wish me to play the spectator to this treason, then consider me your son no longer.”

- Mikhal the Scorpion, the Conclave of Kamulat

So, we thought to shake some things up and change a bit. So when the Gwal and the Wardens flee the onlsaught and send the distress call to every warden fleet most meet on caerbannog for analyzing the situation. While some want revenge and others argue they waited too long, Gwal emerges and decides that this war is not their war and that the wardens of light stay out of the fight. That a civil war is not what they were meant to fight. However nit all wardens back this Decision. The scorpion makes is shocked as he had seen the evil if travier. Saw how arngrim valten stayed behind to buy them time so that they can save their primarch. Saw the wardens vessels crashing inti the eagle warriors fleet to safe their primarch. And now they should stay aside and wait things out? This would shame every sacrifce made that day and so he leaves and about 20k follow him. Over time and with ongoing events like the slaughter of the Shepherd s and the blood crusade big chunks break away from those loyal to Gwal. The legion bleeds out.


DoR we have 157000. About 25k got killed. On the way back to caerbannog we lose for ease of counting 2k all around the galaxy. So we have 130000 marines. 20k leave with scorpion. After the slaughter of thr shepards we could lose 20k and the blood crusade and chaos incursion asks for another 25k. Which leaves Gwal with 65k. However thanks to the masses of refugees he is able to rebuilt some forces so he may be at 80k at the end if the insurrection.


Do the numbers seem realistic?

How many astartes can we produce in 20 years?

When do the conklave happen?


Where would the Grey wardens fight? Ideas for heroic deaths? Painful defeats.

Wow yeah the Legion size post is pretty old by now. But yeah Ist & Vth are the largest legions at 250k roughly, and most legions sit around 150-200k.

That being said the numbers look fine to me; as for Neophyte numbers, so a new generation takes about a year during the crusade to make, so depending on the number of recruitment sources I don't think 1000-2000 with a decent base is unreasonable. Per generation that is.

Edited by Chief Captain Redd

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