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Dantay's VI Legion. Hvarls Headtakers

Dantay VI

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I always love your greys and the cape turned out very nice. Loving the "Walknot" (anglicized spelling I know).


I not completely sold on the face though, it seems to blend into the armor a bit too much. Maybe i'm missing something and you haven't started working on the that yet. If so please forgive me and chalk it up to brain damage :) . I remember the flesh tones were done previously and were fantastic. Perhaps the "woad" on the face could be toned to a lighter color?

Yup, I need to go back and do the face, I got a bit over-zealous doing the grey and accidentally got it on the face. Mainly due to the fact I forgot to paint the armour above and behind his head.


I will go back and do the face again, do not worry, gonna leave the facial tattoo's etc to some of the other guys.... Either the recon guys or some assault marines I may or my not have told the wife that I have ordered


Along with a Fellblade, but ssshhhhh!!! It's our little secret ;)

Hopefully the skull will look ace. I have pulled it off the model for now as it is in the way.


I also ran off a quick and dirty blue-grey space wolf tutorial



SAM 2674

I didn't realise the old metals were so diddy

Dantay... Been loving your stuff on the SW side and glad you are here in the age now:)

Don't know how long you'll be able to keep a fell blade a secret as I hear there are a few 4 letter words involved at a high volume during construction

Ah now, Lionofjudah... I have a plan.


Basically I have a super squirrel slush fund, where I hide away loose pennies so I can make covert purchases. Then when the model comes out and she says "When did you get that?!?"

I say "its from my modelling box of bits I keep under the stairs, sweetie. I thought I should take it out and work on it. You know so it isn't a waste of money"

She the mutters and goes back to watching real housewives of..... or dinner date, or some other daytime tripe she likes recording...

Win-Win :thumbsup:


I do not generally advocate slush funds... But my wie hates my models and forbids my 5 year old son from going near them incase they corrupt him in the future and ruin his studies, so this is my secret rebellion ;)


I have always loved the HH noels for the most part and the FW models, plus the awesome 30K universe they are creating, how could I resist. Plus there is so much inspiration from the guys in this forum too..


Thanks also for the praise on the Praetor. It has been nice to be able to focus on a single model and try new stuff, or refine things I have tried previously. Still a way to go so fingers crossed eh?


Hi ThatOneMarshal. Thanks I am particularly proud of how the Praetor is turning out. The camera is alright, but it  has a horrible time focusing on stuff, plus the light at my desk is atrocious. My plan is to get him finished for the 23rd of March as part of Augustus' Paint Challenge. So maybe when I get home I can get some good pictures.

As for the Long Fang, they made such great and characterful models back in the mid-90's.

Oh yes, you can expect that, and knot work too, in fact I have a very specific piece in mind, but I will show that off in due course ;)


The models are still for away in the future as I would like to get the backlog down a bit. I have a Fire Raptor which needs its finishing touches, a Knight to get done, a recon force which is just primed and plentyof Cataphracts in stages of almost completion.


Plus the next installment of my story :)

For my storm shields, I use coins and on the back I like to paint them like a wooden shield. I have been asked how I did my wood effect.

I am trying my hand at writing tutorials, not cos I want to be showy or "all look at me, super artist" or anyhting. I believe you only get out as much as you put in. Folks have helped me and in turn I would like to help back.


I'd appreciate some honest feedback though, such as what I could do to improve them (besides, do better painting :tongue.: )




In other news, the Praetor progresses very slowly.

Going to try and crack the metals and golds tonight.


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SAM 2748

Guess I should post up a WIP


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SAM 2763

I am struggling with the skull, I am worried it is a bit... dark? What do you guys & girls think?
I am doing Lord Gunn, the Winter Wolf with a white pelt, which I have since mostly painted, its still a bit grey, but gives a big contrast to the skull.
Anyhoo, thoughts please?

A few folks suggested more highlight Hydra, but I had already taken the edges up to bone.


Decided to try the opposite of shade and made a glaze witha bone/white mix, a very thin white wash if you will, which I hope will lighten everything, but still allow the highlights to show. through.


Managed to get a few bits done otherwise, so getting closer to completion. Tonight (or this afternoon) I will sk the catering team to soften my blue stuff so I can cast a skull or 2 for the Praetor (apparently I am not qualified to operate a microwave. Judging by my food at home, I beg to differ).


I also tried a lighter mix with a hint of grey and put a dab of purple around his eyes to make him look a bit aged, also not sure about the hair colour, tried a blonde with light bits again to make him look older, but not so it blobbed into the pelt.


Any hints tips & C n C are very welcome!!!


SAM 2780

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SAM 2779

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Capitano, I am really glad you like him.


So, not too much of an update really.


Gotten the first part of Vykryl out of the way and will do pics maybe tonight, but I really need some advice on the Knight "Serpent's Breath"


1. Should I put all the house heraldry down one side and all the personal heraldry down one side or keep them split as they are now?




2. Should I do the helm quartered red and black or do split red and black like the house and personal heraldry. I was also considering doing an antique brass mask behind the helm, but the more i consider it, the more I am thinking to do it bone, like a skull? Your thoughts


Also the chest plate and carapace, I really want to do something fun like the personal heraldry across the chest, but I am worried it will be overkill and maybe should do it plain. Also for the carapacedo I go plain or go daft. I want it to look cool but not a mess of designs which confuse and confound. I want cool, dark and sinister... Something to strike dread..


Anyways more pics to give you an idea.



Personal heraldry leg



Personal heraldry shoulder



House heraldry leg



House heraldry shoulder



Helm chest & groin

Speaking of Knights, got the carapace done (ish) last night.


Click on the images to enlarge... too early in the morning and Photobucket is hating me just now

20150420 055103

20150420 055122


Did the serpent pretty similar to the shoulder and leg plates, but a few things are concerning me.


1. I tried highlighting black like I highlighted the red and it looks pretty patchy

2. The red of the dragon was done in the same style as the red on the other side of the carapace. Again it looks patch. I know what irt is supposed to be, but would someone else, or would it just look like a red blob? Would I have been better saving loads of time and just dong a flat red with minimal highlighting of the serpent design?


Feeling like crap, this cough/cold is really kicking my arse.


Any and all thoughts are welcome

Huh I thought I posted on the last picture. Weird. I absolutely love the knight. Only thing I would say is that the little ventilation things paint doesn't as clean. I particulary like how the mix of black and red look and the iconography.Keep up the great, I can't wait to see more! Will you be working with the wolves or 30k for ETL this year? Hope the cold gets better! I know that's colds can be a bitch.

Hi ThatOneMarshal.


I'll be running with the 30K crew this year for the ETL. I am a Wolves collector and infrquent player, but the stuff I am working on will be for 30K... A shame I cannot enter it into both forums, but down that path does madness lie.


Cold is getting better, just the gunk in my lungs at the mo, causing coughing fits when I lie down, so sleep is at a premium. I am in a bottom bunk, so sleeping upright isn't much of an option. Methinks a dose of Night Nurse is in order.


I am glad you like the Knight. I am steadily moving away from frustration to adoration for the kit. Hopefully tonight there will be a bit more of an update. Are you saying the ventilation on the back doesn't look clean? I haven't painted the exhaust stacks yet and the vent/ engine cowling, I did a bad job clearing out the resin there. You can see grey bits of primed resin through the slats still.

I had considered black and yellow chevrons but figured it would look way too messy, so opted for bare metal instead. I want to do the metals dark and dirty to give it a really heavy hard and aged look  I am hoping it will add a nice contrast to the gold.

As part of my ETL pledge I am doing a squad of 10 breachers, however as these will be Fenryka breachers, do I make round shields, like a traditional viking shield wall for them?


Or do I stick to standard breacher shields?


If I do circular shields, same size as I did for my cataphracts, or do I go bigger?




Help or advice would be greatly received

Hi WLK, thanks for the comments here and the ETL  thread.


I am going to do mock-ups of kite shields and round shields and see how they suit. Although maybe not popular/ common kite shields were referenced alongside the Norse. 

Are you talking about the PA stormshields?

They are quite nice and I have used them once or twice, but I personally don't like the look of rectangle/ square shields as they seem a bit Romannic to me (is Romannic even a word? :P )


Anyways I know I have posted this in the ETL thread but...


It looks like not much progress has been made, but to me it is loads :smile.:


I have finally worked out my colour scheme and designs for my vowed Knight Castigator.

I reckon I can knock it out in 1 week-10 days, as I have to do it all with paint brushes.


Tried some freehand.

SAM 2814

You can see a little of the previous attempt with a stencil below it which I really didn't like. Sometimes breaking out the pencil and paints can be far more rewarding, if more time intensive... Felt like I had gotten back something I was missing when I did the freehand, so I am a wee bit proud of that.


I think I nailed it. :happy.:


About 80% done on the Knight. A lot of mistakes, but I have learned ready for my ETL vowed Knight Castigator :smile.:

SAM 2815

SAM 2816

SAM 2817

My only concern is that I wanted this to be really dark & brooding. I am not sure if I have achieved that.
I still have to finish off the gold with a few more layers which will hopefully make it less brassy.
It is not a traitor Knight, it is Imperial/ Freeblade but neither did I want it to look overly Imperial, hence no aquila's. Have I managed to achieve that effect or is it too red & brassy like a big Khorne-y warrior? 
What are your thoughts?
  • 2 months later...

Okay, getting there with my first vow: Sorry for the slow progress. All painting done by hand and my biggest brush just now on the rig is a GW standard brush.

Plus the gits didn't send my modelling bag home on the helicopter (too many bags!) so I am 3 weeks off schedule..


Anyway enough moaning:


The Castigator so far:








As you can see a fair bit still to do, but I am getting there.


Now I would like some advice: I am wondering what symbols to do for honour markings on the Knight? There is very little in the HH books on the Knights themselves, so I need inspiration.... So does anyone have any ideas?? I considered doing a mailed fist with lightning bolts on one knee, as I saw it on some Imperial Fista and it represents fighting alongside the Emperor... But what else could I use.


The plate on the sword arm: I was considering painting a Lion's head. Also, the sword looks... Okay, any ideas for jazzing it up a bit??


Groin plate, I am thinking og putting the Wallbanks family crest there... Why? Because at the outset this Knight was in memory of my Grandad: Wilfred Wallbanks.. I will use it as an honour mark of some type, the shoulder plates bear the symbol for Lochaber, not quite a family crest, but he was a Laird there and it was passed to me, so I figured it would be a nice House symbol...


I am getting worried I am going a bit OTT with patterns and designs. Hopefully it doesn't look like a Knight impersonating a Harlequin :D


Anyways Ideas, hints and help much appreciated :smile.:

Whoa!!! Fantastic man!! Loving the paint job on yer knight. Inspiring as that's next months vow for me:)

Kill marks are always good- thinking streamlined hunter so no tabards or cloth to get snagged- I like the wolf idea... Especially fk wondering your main army n all

Hey Lionofjudah,

Thanks for the compliment & for the feedback, yep Knights are crazy fun, and also frustrating to paint. The scale means you can really go to town :)

I look forward to seeing your Knight which you have vowed.


I totally agree on the "no-banners" thing. They are instantly recognisable by their heraldry.


Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy2YhxXn7NY


No Capes!!


And Kill markings would look pretty cool... What's a WW?

Are you thinking like a stylised wolf or wolf head for the kneepads as a visual tie-in? Maybe a campaign or expeditionary force marker?


I plan on using more overt wolf iconography on the Questoris Knights. I want to run them as a pack with 1 Alpha (the Warden)  a Beta (Gallant maybe) and the Paladins/ errants as the main wolf pack.


The only real tie-in wih the Wolves, so far has been that the Pilots initials are on the left breastplate in Elder Futhark (runic script). I will be using my Grandfathers initials W B W (Wilfred "Bill" Wallbanks). Although fighting alongside the Wolves as Oahsworn, they are a separate entity altogether. It gives me a break from all the grey :)


Previously you had to have 1 standard Knight for each Cerastus or Magheara to make a Household. I need to see if this is still the case.


The Cerastus Knights are the Elites, so for them animals, like the dragon (Acheron), the lion (Castigator), possibly a saturnine ram, Falcon or a stag for the Lancer, If other variants came along then possibly mythical creatures such as Manticores, Chymaera's....


I also plan to name each Knight after a sword using fictional and historical sources, so the Acheron is Serpents Breath, the sword of Uhtred Ragnarsson from Bernard Cornwells books. The Castigator is named Sword of Kings, after the Kings sword in the Vikings series.


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