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Dantay's VI Legion. Hvarls Headtakers

Dantay VI

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I also like the idea of Geironul 

I agree that you should go with a smaller designs D:  

im  not sure i can comment on the design just yet  , but rest assured ill give my  worthless opinion when  you  go a bit further with it ! 

Screwed up the gold, now its hard to tell what the design is.... I tried the AoS gold instead of auric armour gold and it does not match up well


Will re-work it tomorrow


And your opinion is not worthless bladewolf



Something weird happened!!


I saw a challenge and decided to accept!! Must be all these Templar players around here... :D


So I took part in the Boxing Day Bash which Grotsmasha is running, I urge you to sign up.


Now as many of you know, I am glacially slow at painting, so to push myself and paint a model in a 24 hour period would really be going for it. Especially as I chose to do a Primarch. Not just any Primarch, but the first to be released and the one I have desired for years.


None other than Angry Ron himself!!


It is a gorgeous model to work on and has me fired up to collect more of the character series. Hopefully each one will be a unique challenge and help me to develop as a modeller and painter.


I did something a bit different with the base. I went with Space Wolf casualties.


Before my pack brothers pounce it is for several reasons. I know how to paint Wolves, I wanted Angron to be pre-heresy, Nobody I know of has depicted him from the Night of the Wolf, could also be his watch-pack and it will help tie him in with my army. I also did him without the war paint on... I wanted to try paint irritated skin and I can imagine that as much as the nails buzz the skin around them would be raw and red...


I am still and always will be a Wolf :)


Anyway pictures...






















Let me know what you think!!

Oh  snap ,  this s really nice , and no one should pounce on you because you can justify it as being a snapshot from that time when Angron and Russ confronted each other  ( though he was mostly dueling Russ at the time )  im sure we can suspend disbelief to  reckon he  ran through a couple of  our brothers as well. 

The model looks fantastic , it sounds like you had a blast painting it which is good. 

Hi Bladewolf, yes Angron was a blast, and a very detailed model too... I can't wait to work on some more Primarchs...


And welcome to the thread Mehman :smile.: Hope you enjoy what you see.


Now Angron is done, normal service can be resumed. I got a bit more work done on the Spartan. Things got a bit loopy on the hatch, but I think it worked out okay, a few bits to tidy off




By a vote of 8:1:1, Geironul was the victor, and so the runes of naming have been struck...



I really like your interpretation of Nordic knot work. Would you ever consider creating a picture with a wolf fighting a dragon or some other nemesis? As beautiful as they are, it seems like they're just there for names. I was always told that tales came from the skalds but these markings led the victorious dead to the afterlife. I really think it would be an honour for a vehicle to have its tale inscribed upon its hull as a name.


Then again, I could just be crazy :turned:!

Hi Mehman. Thanks.


I do like the idea which you are suggesting.... There would be a few limitations though.


SIze and shape of the vehicle. For example, the Spartan is a big old beast, but there is so many layers to the armour in small sections, it would make any large design look bitty and broken, whereas a Landraider is just flat slab sides.


My ability to do the knotwork. I am still learning how to pint the knotwork and the Spartan in particular has been really challenging. It is also a departure in style from the vehicles which came before.


Final reason is that I ma using different animals to represent different elements of the army. For example, Dragon names and imagery for my flyers... Nidhog, the Eater of Corpses & Jorgmundr, the Father of Dragons...



To use images of Wolves fighting drakes, would seem to be like putting images of my tanks attacking my flyers. I am considering renaming my Knights, after the Jotuns of Norse legend, or give them Norse names to supplement the existing names as they are allies to the Wolves.


I do however have a number of tanks in the works, a Glaive, a Typhon, a Scorpius and a Plasma Predator.... So I could try using a more narrative style of artwork for them. 


Valkyries watched over the Vikings and would decide which of those would go to Valhalla, and which had been unworthy and would be sent to Hel. While pictured and described as wearing armour and carrying weapons, there are no records in the sagas, of them ever using them.


As Space Wolves do not have female apothecaries, to determine whether the men live or die, I figured I would name the tanks after them. After all the tanks look over the men transport them to war, bring them home and fight alongside them. And so that is why I decided on their naming convention. Plus the names have some meanings which could be applied to a tank. 


My flyers, (2 Fire Raptors a Storm Eagle and a Caestus Assault Ram) are named, or going to be named after the animals of the air. I think I remember reading that falcons would circle a man who was guilty of a crime as a watcher of sorts. So far the plan is to name each one after a dragon of Norse legend, but I have only found 2 names, Nidhog & Jorgmundr. The one Raptor which is more or less complete was named Night Fury, after the Dragon which my son likes from "How to train your dragon".

So I may revert to other names, if I can find them for eagles and suchlike. 


Back to the interwebs for research!!

Its all good Mehman.. It is sometimes nice to be asked questions like yours, as it then sets the wheel turning in my head and sometimes a new perspective can unearth things which had previously been hidden.


For example a bit more research on Valkyries:



http://norse-mythology.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/The_Dises_by_Hardy-300x205.jpg“The Dises” by Dorothy Hardy (1909)

A valkyrie (pronounced “VAL-ker-ee”; Old Norse valkyrja, plural valkyrjur, “choosers of the fallen”) is a female helping spirit of the god Odin. The modern image of the valkyries as elegant, noble maidens bearing dead heroes to Valhalla is largely accurate for what it is, but a highly selective portrayal that exaggerates their pleasant qualities. To some extent, this tendency toward sanitization is present even in the later Old Norse sources, which focus on their love affairs with human men and their assisting Odin in transporting his favorites among those slain in battle to Valhalla, where they will fight by his side duringRagnarok.

As far as we today can tell, the valkyries have always had such characteristics, but in heathen times they were far more sinister. The meaning of their name, “choosers of the slain,” refers not only to their choosing who gains admittance to Valhalla, but also to their choosing who dies in battle and using malicious magic to ensure that their preferences in this regard are brought to fruition. Examples of valkyries deciding who lives and who dies abound in the Eddas and sagas.[1] The valkyries’ gruesome side is illustrated most vividly in the Darraðarljóð, a poem contained within Njal’s Saga. Here, twelve valkyries are seen prior to the Battle of Clontarf, sitting at a loom and weaving the tragic destiny of the warriors (an activity highly reminiscent of the Norns). They use intestines for their thread, severed heads for weights, and swords and arrows for beaters, all the while chanting their intentions with ominous delight.[2] The Saga of the Volsungs compares beholding a valkyrie to “staring into a flame.”[3]

This picture is confirmed when we turn to the lore of other Germanic peoples. Amongst the Anglo-Saxons, for example, the valkyries (Old English wælcyrie, singularwælcyrge) were female spirits of carnage.[4] The Celts, with whom the Norse and other Germanic peoples engaged in fruitful cultural exchanges for numerous centuries, had similar beings of their own, such as the war goddesses Badb and the Morrígan.[5]

Whether in their loving or bloodthirsty modalities, the valkyries are best understood as part of the extensive and dynamic complex of shamanism that permeates pre-Christian Germanic religion. Much like the ravens Hugin and Munin, they’re projections of parts of Odin, semi-distinct beings that are parts of his larger being.[6

  • 4 weeks later...

Making a slow start on my B@C models

My conversion skills are almost nil, so generally models are stock, but thought I would have some fun.


20160121 214959

20160121 215020

Welcome Jorgmundr, the twin blades of Fenris, from the story Prospero burns.
This is just a jumping off point, arms are tacked in place for now and need a good bit of filling, I also need to do some fur trim on the cloak.
I haven't also decided whether to stick with power blades or the chainswords from left over from my assault marines. A 3rd alternative would be to use the power swords from the B@C box set.

20160121 215028

Also choosing a head.

20160121 215327

First head or:

20160121 215449

Second left for the "pretty boy" look?
Also trying to work out how to make sword scabbard for going on his back...
Thoughts hints and tips welcome...

Found a new head, so might run with this:




Needs a tidy up. What do you think?


Also got bored waiting for greenstuff to dry, so did a little disection of a dread




Hopefully he can be a bit less static now..

Im not brave enough to chop up the BaC to that degree, though I did chop him at the waist for to pivot the upper torso




Nowhere near as ambitious as your Contemptor

Yours is looking good though. I posted a comment about him in your thread.


Scary part is I put on some music and was lost "in the zone" while chopping, so much so I didn't realize I had anointed my dread with my own blood from a small slice in my pointing finger!! I also have not got a clue how to make the legs superstructure below the kneepads.


If anyone has a WIP of a FW contemptor with the kneepads off I would be most grateful to see how the leg is supposed to join together.


Or I could name him Helvag, the one legged aka Hoppy Stomp :D

Well, Space Wolves Contemptors do have a dark history and are only used for the most savage of Wolves who get interred, so it seems fitting.

I think I'll spread the  main claws out a bit more as if he is lunging forward at something. I also need to put a bigger magnet on it as the weight distribution keeps making the arm droop. No such issues on the assault cannon though.

That heads from the Tank  crew stuff right ?  It looks really sick , and im not just saying that because I often have my hair cut into a mohawk. 

Contemptors are great  Im looking forward to seeing what you do  with yer world famous freehand work on the  chassis of one. 

As always this thread makes me hype to work on stuff which Is like the best thing a project log can do !  


Hi Bladewolf,


Yep it is the tank crew head, and it is one of the coolest most brutal heads FW have done. I may have to get a few more of them and convert them as I like them so much. Spex did an amazing  hob with the head in his Sons of Horus thread.

I have to say the same about your thread too, it is amazing how fast and well you paint. Plus you get a lot of character in them there Templar Fists.


Wolfpack, glad you like the paintwork :) Your thread also with the dynamic posing is helping me shake the rust off my converting skills and makes m want to try new stuff.


Hey Barabbas, How goes life with the Death Guard. Jorgmundr is looking good isn't he?


I seem to have lost the painting muse, so construction continues at a glacial pace.




I didn't like the closed look of the dreads claws so I opened them out a bit. As if lunging forward to grab someone, or to tear something apart.... Now I am not happy with the finger positioning, so I might chop & rotate a bit.


What are your thoughts??


Also did a minor bit of work on Jorgmundr, some GS on the back of his cloak..





I do not think the flow of the cloak works.... Does plastic bend as easily with heat as resin, or am I going to have to cut the cloak?


I also got annoyed with how fragile the spears on my breachers are. They keep bloody snapping, so straightened some paperclips and drilled the hands.

It may be a bit too thin but we will see. Going to get some fine wire and wrap t around the spear haft for a grip, maybe also shorten te spears as they are like pikes just now & place them mre "centrally for a realistic grip.




Made a very early start on a sergent or junior Jarl for my Vaerangii


Sword may become an axe. Belt buckle is a dwarf shoulderpad.


Lastly an Iron_Priest. I know they do not wear terminator armour, but I thought it looked cool. The GS is so I can tilt the hand forward as if he is challenging a foe-man, I will switch the combi bolter for a bolter when I get the chance, but it will need to be a bit special




Let me know what you like, don't like. Stuff I could improve on...

Great looking stuff over all. I really like your spear wielding breachers, you should have a go at creating rules for them and head on over to Team Breacher: Special Units section, we'd be glad for some wolves :)


For the dreadnought, I'd shorten the "thumb" claw a bit, it would make it look a lot more wieldy. Perhaps rotate at the wrist  for a diagonal cutting motion? 


I like Jorgmundr's pose, is he sort of leaping forwards ? It's a bit difficult to judge with the photos' angles. The wolf pelts look very nice :) Good choice of heads for him and the Junior Vaerangius, heaps of personnality


What's the problem with the Iron Priest in Termi armour ? I can't imagine Forge World will do away with the consul options for the wolves, so he'll make a great Forge Lord (Archpriest ?)


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