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Nearly there.... 


The exhausts are done (need some detail highlighting) but are in place now.

Ive realised I must have made the body a few mm wider when I fitted the interior as the carapace is a snug fit


All of the carapace handles are now on too










This is all thats left!



Ok... last update before I complete this yellow monster


Im just waiting for the decals to set before I weather them in. 

Ive also got the carapace badge done but I want to spray highlight the silver trim so Im holding off attaching it.


Hopefully a final post tomorrow.....


EDIT: Just realised I put the pads on the wrong side in the pics below! 





Edited by UltraRich

Now the knight is done for the moment (I need to do some bits to it but Im fed up of yellow) here it is with the force


Makes the contemptors look puny! 





That knight is gorgeous and I love the rich, vibrant yellow in particular.


Once I recover from the health issues I'm currently dealing with I'm going to have to give serious consideration to starting my own.


This whole thread has been so inspiring.



Thanks Guys 

Ive had a break from yellow so Im back onto green again


Ive got to finish filling the arms of the unpainted trooper but you get the idea





  • 2 weeks later...

Im getting back into the swing of painting minis again so I started with one Id put together a while ago but never got around to painting 

Its got shades of GOW to the mini but I like how its turned out






The metal backpacks work well




Im going to make a squad of red caps using catachan legs and then kitting these guys out with more kit than the normal minis. 

These can go with my half track taurox which is up after these. 





  • 2 weeks later...

Ive finished the first of the red caps

Only another 5 to do. 

My blendings starting to slip a bit and Im blaming the weather. Its so hot in the uk the paints dry before you can pull it around (even using a wet pallet) 




  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice, where's that melta from? The more compact look suits the Guard and makes it look a lot less like he stole one from a Marine :tongue.:



Its a Scion one grafted onto the arm of a standard trooper

Ive just won a load on ebay so this was on one of them


Ive a couple more complete to post tonight

Edited by UltraRich

Heres a quick update

Ive been cracking on with the red caps so  we now have 4 counts as veterans

Ive another 4 to do so thats the next couple of weeks painting!



Ive used the break in B&C to get another red cap finished. 

Ive done the sniper and went for a classic camouflage pattern rather than the tiny blobs you see






Ive also done some work with a couple of spare scion weapons

Ive turned them unto hard shell guns

I prefer the one with the lasgun butt than the scion butt



Really like the gun mods, what colours did you use on the stripe camo looks good?



The cloak was base coated castellan green with steel legion drap stripes

I then hand shaded each fold in lighter green and brown. I used white in the mix to make it a drab highlight rather than a pop bright highlight

The creases then got a wash of army painter strong tone (agrax earthshade)

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