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=][= Of Lunatics and Henchmen: Inquisition Challenge #2 =][=


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Here is the completed Missionary as per my vow. Please enjoy smile.png!



Misjonær Ajax Lux

When the Plague of Unbelief came, many souls were unprepared for the devastation. The populace’s hearts and minds had drifted from the light of the Emperor. Yes, they toiled at their daily jobs, maintained the same after-work routines, and more-or-less got on with one another, but there was something missing; something so fundamentally wrong that when the storm hit, all the dams broke.

Wayward Far Ajax Lux had noticed this missing cog within the society’s soul from the first few moments after he set foot on the arid soil of Sudari. His passing elicited few genuflections from the flock of the priest he was there to replace. There were some half-hearted signs of the Holy Aquila, a few just looked at the new priest (not in the eyes, mind you), but mostly those in his vicinity toiled with whatever there was to do: a hollow excuse for the unholy to thrive.

Rumours were the precursor to the horror that followed. At first, the whispers about town were of the recently dead “stirring in their burial mounds”. These whispers were beneath the Far so he continued on with his sermons to those with the wherewithal to guard themselves against the impure, the heretic, and the filthy xenos while he taught the younglings of the community about the heroic deeds of the Emperor. He was sowing seeds that would never grow to be harvested.

Guttural screams rang out through the cool night air but were cut short. It seemed to be a staccato from the hellish Warp. This was the night, Far Lux knew, that there would be pandaemonium throughout the streets and throngs would be coming for aid at his humble temple. He knew this because it had happened before. He was reminded of it every time he looked into a mirror. It never left his mind. This time- this place- would be different, he promised.

The temple bell did not ring to gather the multitudinous, devout followers for he knew that the few that there were were already outside the church. They would be armed for the coming battle but not the war. The Far smiled to himself for those gathered outside were the pious few the Emperor would surely remember and hold dear during and after their dying breaths.

When the doors did open, it was with a boom of electronic feedback and the sound of a well-maintained shotgun loading in its first shell for the night. Many would die. Many had already died. Far Ajax Lux would not be amongst them this night for he was yet to take the mantle of Misjonær and spread the Cult to wayward souls.

Thank you very much, Lord Commissar happy.png! This was the first model to get the "flicked mud" technique and it came out alright. One more tool for the proverbial tool belt.

Even if you don't complete a model, your morale-boosting certainly has helped msn-wink.gif!

Now I've completed my Blood and Glory model I have some time, I will see if the bits box can gift me anything tonight and if I can rush something out tongue.png I will poke around for ideas to steal inspiration!


Cydonian Sisterhood Novitiate, Cardini.

Assigned to Magos Gitaxis of forgeworld Ifan.

Right hand; monomolecular blade.

Left arm; replaced with enhanced combat augmetic.

Syn-skin used, hence colouration of skin outside of human norm.

Combat mask equipped; used by Cydonian Novitiates to enhance awareness and display data during combat. Usually replaced by cranial implants during progression.

Cranial mechadendrites noted as well; used for secure machine interface.

Combat protocols active in subject.

Right, thats my mechanicus themed Deathcult assassin. Equipped with a power sword and power axe.

MindofMetal, that's excellent work!

Smoothing over the Witch face to make that featureless mask is an excellent idea :tu:


Yeah, a great model painted well :) Perhaps I can do something similar with a DE Wyche base? It might be my only hope to complete the vow in time...

Not relevant to this challenge, but they make for excellent Daemonettes...

Ok, here's my completed henchman. I give you Servitor TX3-n5, scion of the Aconitas Rogue Trader Clan.




The servitor wears the yellow-and-grey colours of Trader Salomin Monkshood, and sports the midnight-blue and silver sigil of Clan Aconitas.

There will be a short fluff piece to follow, hopefully you guys like the model. Its a bits-box rummage using parts from many many kits, not sure i could even spot them all myself.



Seeker Indicia is a Sister of the Order of the Sacred Tome. A Pronatus Order, the Sacred Tome specialise in extracting information and secrets from and of long-dead cultures, as well as seeking the secrets of the Dark Age of Technology. Here, she is investigating the entrance to a barrow belonging to an unknown, extinct alien species. She is unaware of it, but in a few hours, she will have a fateful encounter with Inquisitor Ereshkigal Rose of the Ordo Xenos, who will reveal many secrets to the young Seeker and mire her forever in a second quest that will go hand in hand with her own quest to extract the lost pages of the Emperor's Great Work from the minds it has become lodged in.


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