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~Paz's workbench, Fort Pykman DW vet. p.8


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Just wait! I've been painting like a madman to finish my ETL, and i've kitbashed a destroyer squad for my faithful Moritat. 


I'll have a bunch of stuff to show in the next few days!

Good to hear, bro! I was starting to get worried...


Looking forward to seeing your awesome Alphas painted up :tu:

Little Fluff Update to the pics here, something I wrote up for Dakkadakka.

Hope its readable!



LEGION XX "Alpha Legion"



"The 7 years of Galactic Posthuman-civil War was in full swing, and many Legions were forging legacies that would reverberate throughout the confines of the Human empire of the 31st Millenium. From the mighty Imperial Fists, bullwark and shieldwall for the imperium of the Emperor, to the grinding doom that was the Deathguard, chipping away at the foundations of the Imperial's defenses, the canvas of the heresy was wrought with vibrant figures. Within this  mythic tableau, dark spots, leached of gothic grandeur and mythic tales began to appear. 

It started at Paramar, with whispers of serpentine threat, and wound its way slowly through the bones of humanity's great domains. 

The Alpha legion began to play its hand, and only silent worlds and windswept imperial installations stood as testament to the passing of the Hydra."

-Histories of the Heresy III: Shadow-wars. vitantur-libro-Hereticus By the order of the Lords of Terra



"...The forces of Harrowmaster Armillus Dynat snaked away from the victory at Paramar, breaking into self contained cells hiding in plain sight in small fleets of XX Legion Ships, or secreting themselves away in mass-transit conveyors, aimed at prey-worlds or installations.

The Third hort, lead by a Praetor armored and armed like the infamous Dynat (though no records of this actually being the actual Armillus, or whether the deadly Veteran commander was one person exists) was a well armed and armored self-contained unit. 

Backed by a surprising number of Dreadnought Chassis of various marks, and made up of a high percentage of war-hardened veterans and destroyer squads, the 3rd Hort struck at a number of powerful Imperial installations and refuelling stations, rumoured to have even plunged into the heart of Terran space. One unverified report has this Legion force being central in the downfall the Saturnine Planetia shipyards. 

The Following Vid-captures were procured at great danger to the author; The Hydra does not willingly allow such perspicacity or inquisitiveness... "

-Chapter 8: The 3 Harrows.


1st Harrow, 3rd Hort- Moribundus Excision Force





Unit 0031Sigma

"Of particular note when viewing Alpha Legion units is the wide array of (seemingly random) markings and unit designators. The Bronzed elements seen here seem to be a particular feature of Dynat's veteran elite."




Unit 0027Epsilon

"Many non-standard type equipment can be seen in use by the Alpha Legion. Power daggers and punch-blades (especially deadly in close hand-to-hand fighting, where a thin blade can be slipped between astartes plate) were common."




Apothecary- Makriss

"While the majority of alpha legionnaires wore Mk. IV or VI Astartes plate, some more senior adepts such as Apothercary Makriss can be seen wearing much older marks of armor. Of particular note here is Makriss' use of the Vth Legion's signature blade, the "Guang Dao". Possibly a gift during a mutual compliance, or perhaps a trophy?"




Consul Moritat- Cabinal "The Mercy"

"The Moritat was often seen as distastful for many Legion Centurions of similar Consul status. A lone killer, the mantle of Moritat could often be seen in the IX and XIX Legions, where similar temperament prevailed. The Alpha Legion also used extensive Moritat assassins, but often paired them with small, rad-and-phosphex armed destroyer squads, to maximise precise and localized radioactive death. This Particular Moritat, wielding dual-Volkite Serpentas, acquired the cognomen "The Mercy" for his peculiar habit of using volkite-ray headshots to quickly end the suffering of phosphex-ravaged Solar Auxilia, after his linked destroyer squad had struck."




Consul Praevian 0010 Veritas 

"The Praevian, a silent guardian for Legion Automata, was more akin to a dutiful tender than a leader of Astartes. This Consul would stride through the fires of battle in the shadow of his massive guardians; Castellax of a strange design, sloped and smooth, and seemingly invisible to most Auspex-vids and surveillance devices. Armed with a formidable targetting array, the first an enemy unit would hear was the staccato bark of the Praevian's Combi-bolter, followed seconds later by the thunderous peal of the Castellax Bolt-cannons shredding any foe fooloish enough to stand against the might of these Martian death-machines."






Also of note, I've kitbashed together my first destroyer squad, to go irradiate the enemies of the hydra with my moritat!!




You'll notice I used he Gatling psylencer from the grey knight kit for the missile launcher with harness, for that tech similarity look to my heavy bolters with antigrav harnesses.


Cuz who doesn't want rad missiles fired from the hip while flying, halo style.

Your Hydra Legionnaires are absolutely stunning, paz ! Especially the Moritat. You've perfectly managed to transcript the dynamic fluff on the tabletop. And your painting is impressive and original.

Can't wait to see those Destroyers painted !

Your Hydra Legionnaires are absolutely stunning, paz ! Especially the Moritat. You've perfectly managed to transcript the dynamic fluff on the tabletop. And your painting is impressive and original.

Can't wait to see those Destroyers painted !


-thanks brother! Next on the paint table is dynat and the contemptor. I also have two deredeo dreads on the way!

Please do  tutorial on those Alphas! They are amazing, and I need to know how you did it!


-I posted a painting tutorial for the base look over in painting tuts brother!


Awesome alpha legion army brother. The eldar weapons certainly suits the misterious XXth legion.

-thanks! I thought, since they work with the cabal, an old Vet assassin like the moritat would be down with using alien tech

Awesome work, Paz!! Your army is quickly becoming one of my all time favourite HH armies. The weathering on the Moritat's black armour is particularly impressive and well done. 


Looking forward to seeing the Destroyers and Dynat :tu:

Smashing work, great use of parts throughout.

Thanks brother! I'm a bit of a bits hoarder, so I love using as many disparate gubbins on my models as possible!

That Moritat with volkites is wicked cool.

I really love your freehand too! Keep it up!

Thanks! Wish I could have spent a little more time on the freehand, but the etl required a sacrifice, and time was my only way to pay.

Thanks mate, found it, outstanding work. Easy to follow and looks really straight forward.

Perfect :). I can honestly say I kinda lucked out on the look. My first try at drybrushed layers of green/turquoise/blue and i managed this effect.

Awesome work, Paz!! Your army is quickly becoming one of my all time favourite HH armies. The weathering on the Moritat's black armour is particularly impressive and well done.

Looking forward to seeing the Destroyers and Dynat thumbsup.gif

Means a lot coming from the painter of my favorite HH emperor's children army! Now if I could only get my colors so clean and vibrant...

Amazing work Paz! Just wondering where the heads on the destroyer squad are from?

The heads are from spellcrow! I saw them on Brother Heinrich's Blood Angels Terminators, and had to have them! Pretty fast delivery too, across the atlantic.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ran the alpha legion today against space wolves, gave me a good view of all the painting still needing to be done!


Two deredeos working in tandem: absolutely cray cray vehicle killers. The rest of the army? Not so much...




Next up on the painting block: the contemptor!

Thanks kizz! Have you ran yours Ina. Game yet with those plasma cannonades? Can't imagine they leave much alive on the table :p


Here's another little project I am working on.

I've found, at 1500-2000 pts, armillus dynat is too expensive for what he does, I need to get cheap stuff in to allow me to stop losing all the time :p

So, the next best thing (when one doesn't have the sick event only model):


Autilon Skorr, the king killer, the hydra's headsman, consul delegatus of the XX legion!!!

(Or is he armillus dynat in disguise? Or are they the same person? Duh duh duuuuuhhhhh!)



That winged skull shoulderpad conversion is inspired.

This blog on the whole is a real spectacle for the eyes, keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks Chaplain!

Your Alphas Rock Sir.

Aw shucks tongue.png

Hell yeah!! Looking really good, dude! thumbsup.gif

thanks dude!

Wow! Great pose on the Contemptor. I gotta ask, what legs are you using for Skorr there? I can't tell from the angle of the pictures.

Skorr is a rea mashup of bitz! The legs are sanguinary guard legs, the torso and backpack are really nice mk6 corvus armor from the new assault marines sprue, skull and wings shoulderpad was a sang. guard shoulderpad with a skull stuck on. The axe is just an assault marine one with the blade from a sanguinary guard axe. The head is Armillus`(I gave dynat a destroyer helm, since he has phosphex, dont want him breathing in that bad stuff), I wanted the only guy without a helmet on to look like someone else, add to that alpha mystique tongue.png

I do have a corvus helmet mag-locked to his belt as well though, dont want to go running around without a helmet!

Here's some better angles, with bonus added chains!

Consul Delegatus Autilon Skorr



  • 2 weeks later...

Finally found some time for more hobby progress!

I've been reading HH: nemesis recently, and it's got me jonesing for some officio assassinorum stuff!

But I don't want old 2nd Ed models or to spend 150 bucks for some (admittedly cool) plastic assassins, so I'm making my own!




Eversor Clade, "Rake",

assassinorum operative responsible for the complete annihilation of the vargas III outpost on the 3rd moon of chondax.



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