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I want to make my chaos terminator lord a little bit more unique so I am thinking of using a sanguinary guard death mask with the crest filed away as his helmet and I also want to do a bit of work on his shoulder pads. The fluff idea is that I want him to be a kind of Word Bearers dark apostle psyker type guy who summons daemons and the sort so I was thinking of giving him a Word Bearers shoulder pad that GW offer (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Chaos-Space-Marines-Word-Bearer-Shoulder-Pads) on one shoulder and maybe the 30K original Word Bearers book shoulder pad on the other, because I think a book would look pretty awesome. My question is if these normal space marine shoulder pads would fit onto his terminator armor or would I need to do something to them? also what are the general thoughts about this conversion/any advice? I was thinking if the standard power armor pads don't in fact fit to maybe use green stuff to attach the book that comes with the chaos terminator lord pack to a shoulder pad, would that work? 



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