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[30K] Sons of Horus - Rukal Breacher


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I am a quiet reader in this forum and since I'm lazy in regard to postings I haven't been in use for an account for a long time but I wanted to share with you a recent project of mine.


It's a Sons of Horus Contingent and uses the idea of a Breacher Battalion. I just took the name, that is mentioned in the Betrayal Book and thought I build up an Army of the Rukal Breachers.


The project is allready going for a few months and I featured it in the german-speaking tabletop community and thought it is time to give it some international attention for some more feedback.


First Tactical Marines:






My Praetor:






The first Contemptor for a Talon:




An old Deimos Pattern Rhino (Rouge Trader Time)




Some Terminators and a Centurion:




Without further words.

greetings spex


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Aye I like the dark look to these a lot, lovely colours between the base and models!


At first I did wonder if it was work in progress - expecting all the armour trim to be touched up with some metalic paint, but I am very pleased to see that it was intentional and you've given them a lovely burnt powder / smoke feeling to the overall colour, great stuff.


Can't wait to see breachers ! (edit, that is if you're planning to have the breacher models and not just using the name for your force lol)

I'm glad you guys like it. I'm a big fan of dark and minimal colour shemes.




The whole style is taken from the artwork of the Rukal Breacher. No gold or anything. Palette is limited to dark viridian, black, some metal parts and red for Details (Lenses, Power Blades...stuff like that).

I wanted to make these boys rough, industrial, brutish. No :cussing ornaments, limited use of insignia and Glyphs. As a contrast for the dark, stormy-sea-like colours of the Marines I choose a red-waste kinda Basedesign.

There's going to be breachers. They're on my list. Since the guy on the artwork hasn't got a shield either and I thought that not every Unit in a Breacher-Battalion would be equiped with Boardingshields, I went for this "normal" Squad for the first compulsory unit. But there will be breachers...just can't set a date yet ;)

Hey, Yeah the Quest for a Colour that fits them and gets really close to the Artworks in Betrayal was really hard. In my opinion, most SoH Armys out there in the wast space called the internet are way too turquoise for my taste. But since GW themself showes them in diffrent tones of colour depending on the puplication, it's really more a thing of what you like most.


I tried alot of colours and in the end my Tone is a 60/40 or 55/45 (you really gotta play around with it,mate. it's not a sience of me ;)) of Caspian Blue and Ardennes Green from the spanish company Scale75.


The veridian part is done with an airbrush, since it's a tabletop army and I don't have the patience to blend it all with a brush. For the shadows, just ad some black, for the highlights some white. Go back and forth with the Caspian Blue and the Ardennes Green while higlighting to get the result you wanna have. After that, I put some Chipping on them with a blistersponge and some dark-redish-brown. Then I'm Oilwashing the whole armor with some burnt umber. Finally I'm adding some chipping higlights with a mix from white and some caspian blue/ardennes green.

And that's pretty much my verdian for them.



These are fantastic. I think the colour a lot depends on when during the heresy the marines are meant to represent. I see the bright turquoise forces fitting for when horus was newly named warmaster, but the closer the time gets to terra the darker and more 'evil' the scheme becomes.

Unless you told me otherwise, I would assume your guys are traitors?

These are fantastic. I think the colour a lot depends on when during the heresy the marines are meant to represent. I see the bright turquoise forces fitting for when horus was newly named warmaster, but the closer the time gets to terra the darker and more 'evil' the scheme becomes.

Unless you told me otherwise, I would assume your guys are traitors?

You could be right with your colour theory. I think, they're traitors happy.png...They are my second Heresy Army, after a Death Guard and I didn't give them nearly as much thought in regards to background as I gave the first guys. But I would assume, that the Rukal Breachers have been Part of the Traitors since they've been very grim even before Istvaan III, leaving the blood spray of former fights on their armours and stuff like that.


Talking about blood spray I got some close ups:



And the white-haired-I-am-too-cool-for-a-helmet-even-though-I-am-fighting-in-zone-mortalis-Marine.


Awesome. I think we have quite similar paint styles - would love to see your death guard so I can compare?


I've made a SOH objective marker I think you will like - I don't want to clog your thread so I'll send you a private message once I've pInted it.


look forward to seeing more of your minis

Have you posted some of the DG up on the forums before?  Loving the rusted Sic' and contemptor... any hints on how to obtain that rusted metal and red sandy base look please?

Not on any english forums. I featured the project in the german community and some of it is on cmon so if it looks familiar, maybe sbdy shared it here.


The "secret" to both the base and the rust are colour pigments. For the rusted partst i just put on some dark metal, drybrushed it with light metal. Washed it with a dark black/blue, washed it with brown, washed it with rust-red. Put on some dark rust pigments and after that some light rust pigments.

Bases are really simple and fast: painted all in one colour, some dark-resist-brown, glued on some gras, put on some Dark brown pigments and "highlighted" it with rust-red Pigments. And just seal it all together with the model with some purityseal-Spray.

  • 3 months later...

Rukal Breacher - New Praetor WIP


A few Weeks back I got me Alexis Pollux with the intention to paint him for showcase purpose. But the moment I got him in my hands I thought that it would be a shame if he wouldn't serve a bigger cause and since I'm not happy with the amount of epicness the first praetor brings to the table, I decided to turn Pollux into my new one.


I have just a little sneak peak, all WIP ofcourse. The final model will follow in a few weeks.





Same, looking forward to this. Will you be painting Polux in the same colours as your SoH ? (surely not, but wow, would be awesome if you did)

Sorry, think I didn't made that clear enough: This will be a conversion. It will be based on the Alexis Pollux model and since I dig that thing a lot I mainly make alterations to turn him from a Fist to a Son of Horus.

But the answer is yes. Ofcourse he will be painted in the same livery as the rest of the Rukal Breacher pack msn-wink.gif You can see the transformation on the chest and the shield allready smile.png


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