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Blissful Brushes - Commissions: Legio Custodes sculpt 20/09

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Evening gents and gentettes,

This is, I think, the first post I'll have made since before Christmas. So once more unto the breech and back into the saddle I go. This thread shall purely be the commission side of my painting/sculpting as I've got one on the go at the moment, and more to start once this one's completed, rather than muddling it up with my own personal musings.

I shall try to keep this regularly updated to keep moving projects along and to log how they were done, I imagine we've all been there where we've created a piece of unmitigated awesomeness and then realised you couldn't remember how you did it and still have 9 more to muddle your way through.

To which end then, my first offering, a WIP offering, mind; Kranon the Relentless on a Bike.

A fairly simple brief on paper; put Kranon on a bike whilst attacking with his sword. The reality is somewhat different; lots of chopping and re-sculpting.



The bike's a cross between the Chaos bike and the MkIV Outrider Bike with what I think is a good hash at a Chaos star.



Kranon's sword, a lovely thing if you're using it as part of the stock model, but when you want to turn it over you realise that a) The hand and forearm are moulded onto the sword, coming up to the cross guard. cool.png Having absorbed this you see that daft tassel that again, goes ½ way up the guard; finally you realise that having cut these off, you're going to have to re-sculpt ½ the sword!

At present I am working on the sword so I can assemble it and then properly work on that arm.

If anyone has any questions as to how I did something, suggestions as to how to improve X or Y (though not my chromosomes, they're stuck as they are) I'm all ears.


looking good heretic!


I've just started delving into the bashing and scupting myself, right now trying to fix a deathwing sgt power sword to fit my "counts as belial"...keys and hands molded into the crossguard and stuff :( trying to figure out how to hack it apart and reconstruct...or forge my own!


I got rid of all the chaos from DV.... now I wish I didnt so I could work on my sculpting and painting more

  • 2 months later...

looking good heretic!

I've just started delving into the bashing and scupting myself, right now trying to fix a deathwing sgt power sword to fit my "counts as belial"...keys and hands molded into the crossguard and stuff sad.png trying to figure out how to hack it apart and reconstruct...or forge my own!

I got rid of all the chaos from DV.... now I wish I didnt so I could work on my sculpting and painting more

I realise this is probably too late now, but blue-stuff or something similar (I got mine from Anvil Industries) did the job nicely for me, and I sculpted the rest of the details around the base it provided.

been there done that, but yours is looking better than mine, really like the chaos star on the front, also have to go back and rip the arm off mine so it can have a magnetized powerfist option.

Thanks ;)

Pimpin' heretic on a pimpin' bike getting a pimipin' conversion treatment. Color me intrigued...

Delayed perhaps, but hopefully this is your intrigue resolved!


As ever, thanks for the support ;)

Well then, this has been a little bit quiet over the last couple of months. I have moved house, had no internet and that real life malarky got in the way of posting on here. I have, however, got some shots of Kranon for y'all!

This will be quite a pic-heavy post, especially if Imgur hasn't compressed the images properly - they'll be about a thousand feet squared or something similarly silly...

So without further ado:









And there is Kranon in all his glory. Of course, he's not complete until he gets approval, but I think he's in a pretty good place right about now :)

Any questions, comments/suggestions are more than welcome!

Next on the list is the Emperor and a load of Custodes tanks and potentially custodes themselves if there're no concrete forecasts of their release by Forgeworld in the next few months.


That is outstanding. I have a little bit of a thing for Biker Captains myself (see Sons of Tyr in sig) and that is, hands down, one of the best biker HQs I've ever seen. It's perfect.

Coming from you that's high praise indeed! Your Sons of Tyr have provided a lot of inspiration for the posing of this model.

Kranon looks fantastic. That is a really impressive conversion.

Thanks a lot msn-wink.gif

Another commission that I've been working on in the background - as Greenstuff dries essentially, is a Legio Custodes force. It's total size is yet to be seen, though so far I've completed this Sicaran.


More images will be coming when I sort out a proper lightbox - who knew this photography malarky would be so much effort?

Anyway, any comments, questions and advice are as ever more than welcome!


  • 3 months later...

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated this! How real life gets in the way.

It hasn't all been quiet on the Western Front. I have been rather busy.

A lot of thought went into how we were going to approach the custodes themselves. There are quite a few routes that have been trodden before - rather gilded looking marines and 3rd party upgrade kits seemed to be the usual fashion. With the amount of money that was being put into the project - Sicarans, Spartans and a Thunderhawk in the future (potentially), let alone the cost of the Emperor in parts alone, we decided that a custom sculpt would be the way forward.

There are hundreds of pieces of artwork of the Custodes either in Visions of Heresy or just generic internet searches. There are a few though, that are sum up perfectly what a Legio Custodes should look like.



These are the two images that most show what I am trying to achieve with this project.

So then, onto the juicy stuff (if you like them anyway), the WIPs themselves.


He's getting there now, slowly but surely. I've got the basics of the chest plate down here, it's just the jewel at the centre that needs to be added in now.


Work on the cabling begins. Bit of a pain to get it even, but I think I've got it there in the end.


Rather than an actual power pack in the way that Space Marines have them I'm looking at a Terminator-style set of vents, albeit on a far smaller scale. Much of this will be covered by the eventual cape that all of the Custodes will have, but I can't leave it blank.


The legs were the other main challenge - the arms should be fairly simple, but the legs will shape the character of the model more than the torso in my opinion. They can make it either sleek or bulky and affect the proportion more obviously than the torso.

I've attempted to mirror the second piece of artwork here. The next stage after the knee piece is complete is to make the tabard.


Finally, the helmet. That most iconic part of the Custodes equipment other than perhaps their Guardian Spears. So far I've got the basic shape fleshed out, and am working on the eagle that is across the faceplate. One this has been finalised, I will work on the final shape and details of the conical part.

As ever, any questions, comments etc. are more than welcome!

Oh, and anybody that can guess the base model used for this gets a virtual cookie smile.png

Until next time, Blissful Brushes


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