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The Diades class Techmarine dreadnought.


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Having just returned to the hobby, I thought I'd throw myself with reckless abandon into something a bit creative. biggrin.png So here we go:

Dreadnoughts, or rather their bialogical component are considered to be the greatest of space marines. To quote 'When the greatest of the Astartes are crippled in combat the Battle-Brother's body will be repaired and transferred into an armoured cybernetic sarcophagus outfitted with extensive life support systems. This sarcophagus is then interred within the heart of the armoured body of a Dreadnought if there is even a spark of life left....'

Now, these are commonly the greatest warriors & leaders of the chapter in question. Chaplains and a librarian or two have also been ensconced in one of these armoured monoliths. However, what of the centuries of experience of an apothicary or a techmarine? Surely the adeptus astartes also value these too? A dreadnought apothecary, although feasable, strikes me as not that practical on a battlefield and so i found myself toying with the idea of a Techmarine Dreadnought.

And so it began to rattle about in my head for a while and the image of a heavily armoured/techmarine-ish dreadnought complete with appropriately scaled servo harness and maybe a servoskull or two bagan to take form.

I initially dabbled with using a Contemptor as a base, however that struck me as possibly a little too heavily combat orientated and so i settled on the idea of an ironclad as the base model. However it would have be heavily converted, increasing size, armour and of course incorperating the servo harness conversion, in order to get an appropriately heavy & techmarine feel in the same way the servo harness techmarine model is larger than your avarage tactical marine.

I have started a little of the building work (photos to follow, once i get them uploaded) but i am still working out a few bits and pieces:

For starters, the two potential candidates i could think of best befitting this honour would be either an Imperial Fist siege engineer or an Iron Hands Ironfather. Personally, i am leaning towards the ironhands as i think it is a bit more in keeping with their 'fluff', however thoughts on this would be most welcome. wacko.png

Then there is the servo-harness. what to use? That is the question. I have considered scratch building from plasticard and possibly converting some ork dread arms so far. but nothing is quite right... unsure.png

I am also dabbling with the idea of trying to construct an internal side to the dreadnought with the mortal remains of whichever techmarine it is hooked up and so on (thinking maybe a converted zombie body & head as a base?). However im not sure how to make the amniotic chamber so any ideas on this front would also be appreciated. huh.png

So, your thoughts? opinions? Any comments/feedback/advice gratefully accepted. smile.png

If this has perked your interest, then watch this space...msn-wink.gif

Thanks for reading,


Have you considered the legs from an imperial guard sentinel for servo arms? They've got enough length to reach around from the back of the dread, and look different enough from regular dread arms that it won't look like just a dreadnought with four arms.

Alright, i'll bite. msn-wink.gif

Definitely wanna see an IH techmarine,because everybody looks better in black... i'd say go with whatchya like to paint more.

have you thought about weapon loadouts? there's a ton of possible ways to go about fitting him, a twin linked volkite culverin for example?



just gonna dump those on for gun ideas tongue.png

for the other arm, maybe a modded version of the new militarum charonite grinderfists for an adhoc siege drill? or a good 'ol giant shield works too.

If you want him to REALLY stand out, make his legs double jointed and sufficiently bulked out, (so he's taller) then, to work in your exposed corpsy bitz idea, cut the torso into thirds around the sarcophagus joint, and build out horizontally around the corpse/pilot bit. (if that makes any sense? )

for any mechanical arms..... they'd need to work into the back around the power plant in my opinion, you could probably build out a bit around the extended torso (making him deeper) and work in whatever you decide on.

Those were the ideas i'd been toying around with on my own, thought they might be useful? happy.png

heh, that's a helluva lot of changes though.... dunno if something that drastic suits your fancy?

EDIT:: sentinel arms like Stercus said would be cool!

If you're looking for Tech-orientated Chapters brother Argentius, I can provide some more to choose from:



Praetors of Orpheus (close with AdMech, ultra successors: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Praetors_of_Orpheus

Sons of Medusa (Moriae-schism Iron Hand successors): http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sons_of_Medusa

Knights of Gryphonne (homeworld next door to Forge world Gryphonne): http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Knights_of_Gryphonne

Brazen Claws (Iron Hands successors, homeworld destroyed by Chaos) http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Brazen_Claws

Mentors (said to field test new/experimental tech for AdMech): http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mentors

Aurora Chapter (ultra successor with huge tank fleet): http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Aurora_Chapter

...to work in your exposed corpsy bitz idea, cut the torso into thirds around the sarcophagus joint, and build out horizontally around the corpse/pilot bit. (if that makes any sense? )

Cheers for the feedback. smile.png

However, i feel i should clarify the corpse bit idea. Having played with the plastic ironclad a bit, i have discovered (as you are probably aware) a reasonable amount of space inside the main body. It is also possible to have the upper and frontal armour removed in one bit without having to attach it to the main bulk of the model. Therefore i was thinking i may keep said armour section detachable and attempt to craft something resembling the actual amiotic tank and life support modules inside the dread. As such i could at will pop off the armour/hull and show that is going on inside. Not hugely practical, and of no use what so ever in game, but fun, of nevelty value and a modeling challange, which is the main objective here. biggrin.png However im stumped on how to do the liquid in the tank. I have seen some examples of transparent water/liquid effects done using yacht varnish but have yet to try them myself and am open to any suggestions or alternatives.

Im also torn on whether to go for the old school eye-slit/postbox style front or if i should convert it up to a more venerable dread/marine helmet type. HAve some parts in the post, so i may just dabble and see what happens.

Have you considered the legs from an imperial guard sentinel for servo arms? They've got enough length to reach around from the back of the dread, and look different enough from regular dread arms that it won't look like just a dreadnought with four arms.

This, is a moment of genius. And so obvious (in retrospect) that i am kicking myself for not thinking of it. Sometimes one cannot see the woods for the trees, as they say. I have a battered old sentinel lurking somewhere, so ill see what i can do with it. Thank you smile.png

Oh and thank you SanguiniusReborn for the alternative chapter suggestions. Various good ideas there. I think i will concentrate on building it for now and see if any chapter sparks my interest more as the model grows in character.

I will hopefully post some pics at the weekend... (work permitting) rolleyes.gif

So, somewhat later than expected, here is the build so far! Sorry for the delay, but real life got in the way as per usual. I now have a few days leave and so hope to make some real progress. smile.png

As i wanted this dreadnought to have more presence than your avarage dreadnought, i have decided to extend the legs and up-armour the entire build. I initially considered the idea of the reversed joint ED209 style legs, but decided that this might make the whole model too tall and too agile looking for the stocky, heavyweight feel i am going for. I settled on extending the legs by about a cm.

Leg extensions


Taking into account the taller, heavier build, the arms tend to look a bit short, so i have then extended the power fist...

power fist extended


...giving it roughly the same dimentions as the siege drill.

drill arm (for scale)


Now, i really liked the idea of using sentinel legs as servo harness arms, but the question was how to fit them. I decided to extend the rear power core using the rocket launchers from the ironclad dread and some plasticard. This gives enough room to attach the ball joint sockets from the sentinel feet to the side of the core (Basicly the feet with the toes cut off) to form the base of the harness. A little electrical wire completes the look as a power line or hydraulic hose. I have also extended the body with a collar around the waist joint.

power plant extension and arm ports


power plant extension and ports


beneral side 1


general side 2


wip rear


Having done one side, the legs work quite nicely. However, i am not convinced about the straight legs coming out of the back of the dread. I cannot shake the feeling it makes it look like a stumpy, heavily armed x-wing... wacko.png

sentinel legs (close)


wip with sentinel legs


sentinel legs (front)


Sentinel legs (rear)


...so some modification of the legs/arms may be required.

The next bit will be to up-armour the whole chassis and find another sentinel to cannibalise!

oh and i will be tidying up all the wonky bits. dry.png

As per usual, feedback and ideas are welcome! smile.png

Well, much pin-drilling, carving, clipping, swearing and a little bloodshed later, the dreadnought now has a pilot hard-wired in place and partially painted. smile.png

pilot 1


pilot 2


pilot 3


pilot 4


Sorry for the dubious quality of some of the photos, but trying to focus inside a dreadnought is...challenging... dry.png

Now, I'm off to build a set of servo arms and to try and figure out the best way to up-armour an entire dread. At the moment I am leaning towards 2mm plasticard for thickness and 0.75mm for detailing. We shall see.

Anyway, i hope you like it so far. unsure.png

As per usual, comments and advice, etc. most welcome.

So, a little more to show.

I have begun up-armouring and expanding the main body of the dread, in order to accommodate the pilot and also to generally increase the mass & weight of the hull. I am also rather pleased that i have managed to line up the head of the pilot with the view slit of the sarcophagus (if you look carefully at the photo below you can just see his eyes illuminated by the flash). cool.png

Hull front step 1


I am generally increasing the hull mass and armour thickness with the 2mm white plasticard and will then be applying a thin veneer of the black 0.75mm plasticard which I am using to make the detail of the armour plates, rivets etc. I have just started that on the roof of the sarcophagus, but unfortunately its not showing too well on these pics (I blame my phone and bad lighting).

The rear of the dread i thought needed expanding a little more which was achieved with an imp-guard power cell for a lascannon and some minor carving/filing. I have also removed the original 2 exhaust stacks and am experimenting with the armoured stacks from the sentinels as you can see below (excuse the blue tack msn-wink.gif )

rear power plant (draft)


I have also begun construction on some suitably robust tools to attach to the various servo arms. Unfortunately there is nothing readily available which i consider of suitable scale and have therefore had to scratch build. Below is the mostly completed power claw/wrench.

servo arm 2


servo arm 1


and the beginnings of a suitably large plasma cutter:

Plasma cutter (ongoing)


More to come in the (Hopefully) not too distant future... rolleyes.gif

So, a minor update.

The armour plate detailing I have decided to actually do individual plates. I'm also quite pleased with the way the rivets are coming out. Wasn't sure how it would work,but so far, so good...

armour plates


And here are a few in place..

hull atmour top stage 2


I know its a bit messy and scuffed at the moment, but I'm hoping it will clean up nicely. And that styrene dust gets everywhere.... wacko.png

well, the main hull is now completely armoured:

Hull front stage 2


Hull armouring stage 2a


And for the final arm attachment, i have chosen to go for a circular saw, which i have now built:

saw 1


saw 2


Again, both need a bit of tidying and cleaning, which they will get shortly (once dry).

I hope to shortly see how the whole thing ill look tacked together, so watch this space... unsure.png

I can't express just how impressed I am with this build. You're knocking it out of the park.

I'm particularly loving the circular saw. I did one for my ironclad dread, but I just cheated and stole the one from the Ork dreadnought kit. Building one from scratch is.... Mental.... But brilliant mental.

Great work chief, keep it up!

Well a minor update at last! ermm.gif (Sorry for the delay, work has been a wee bit hectic blink.png )

So I have finally finished armouring the dreadnoughts main limbs and have finally found a home for the chainsaw that was lurking in my bits box begging to be used!

So here are the legs

leg armour front 1

leg armour front 2

leg armour right side

leg armour left side

The left siege drill arm I thought I would do something a little different and try the studded look on the shoulder pad.

left arm armour (studs) 2

left arm armour (studs)

Finally, the right arm has also been up-armoured and tweaked/modded a bit. I felt the right arm is was missing a certain 'something'. So, having had a sentinel chainsaw lurking in a bits box begging to be used and a few other bits, i threw together a little something to spice up the powerfist...

right arm armour

right arm armoured & with saw 2

right arm armoured & with saw 1

So that's the build so far (recently base-coated). The servo arms are also currently drying, on the windowsill and I'm hoping to get the whole thing stuck together in the week. Watch this space! rolleyes.gif

Any comments and feedback welcome as per usual... biggrin.png (Be gentle unsure.png )

*Realisation of the week - nothing is more soul destroying than cutting and attaching individual rivets. 64 so far...*

Well, it is still far from complete and please ignore very early stages base-coated bits, but Ancient Diades (as he is now named) is taking shape nicely. All limbs, both servo harness and dread original, are now in place and holding their own...



And best of all the hull still opens so you can see the man himself (what's left of him)...


And yes, I know that construction before completed painting flies in the face of convention, however with the capacity for things to go catastrophically wrong while trying to stick this monstrosity together was so high, I thought I would risk it as I might stand a chance to paint out any major scratch, glue or other screw up later. ermm.gif

Also with measurements in the fraction of a mm involved, knowing my luck I would paint it all only to find it didn't fit any more... wallbash.gif

So, on with the painting and a couple of details. Wish me luck as painting is not my strongest suit... unsure.png

Anyways, cheers for reading and i hope you like him! biggrin.png

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello folks,

Sorry it has been a while, but i have been up to my eyes in work & family stuff and it doesn't appear to be easing off any time soon. blink.png

Painting is ongoing, but is not my forte, so is taking a while. unsure.png

here is a swift snap of it so far....


Still a lot more to go...

I haven't painted in years and it is proving a bit of a challenge to try and get this not looking like i have just dipped it in a paint pot... wallbash.gif

Hope you like it and any advice /pointers welcome (i need all the help i can get! ) ermm.gif

Cheers! :)


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