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The Diades class Techmarine dreadnought.


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After some advice folks. huh.png

I want to rebase this thing but im torn on what style:

I am currently torn between some form of semi-generic 'rubble/fallen enemy' base or an intact 'deck-plate/industrial' feel, possibly as though in a chapter's forge.

In as much as he would by equilly at ease striding across the battlefield, I'm thinking that perhaps a techmarine who had had such knowledge and experience that he merited being implanted in a dread might rarely be risked on the front lines despite being a heavily armoured block of plasma-cutter wielding death with more hardware than black & decker...

Grotsmasha kindly advised a possible source for bases, but im still torn on what style. unsure.png

Any thoughts?



Deck plating seems to be a reasonably popular option among other modellers out there and I would chose that over the generic rubble idea. Everyone sees the generic rubble style on a regular basis (or at least I do), so the decking idea would be somewhat different I think.

Well, to the best of my somewhat shoddy skill, the project is (with the exception of a scenic base which i have not had time to build yet) completed... unsure.png

So, with no farther ado, i present for your appraisal Venerable Mordan, former Ironfather and now Diades class dreadnought of the Iron Hands chapter.

Fully armoured....










And 'in the flesh', or rather, what is left of it...





I will, at some point soon, hopefully get around to building a more suitable base for him, however I trust this will suffice for now.

So there he is! I hope you like him and have enjoyed seeing him take form as much as I have. Thank you to all who have helped, advised and contributed in any way. It is all very much appreciated.

As per usual, any feedback, criticism, advice etc. gratefully received. smile.png

Now, to figure out what to build next.... biggrin.png



Thank you for your kind words. smile.png I'm happy to see he is appreciated.

I am just wondering what to do next actually. I have various ideas floating about, but not sure what is winning out. I'm fairly sure a contemptor version will happen eventually, but I'm also dabbling with a couple of Salamanders bits and pieces too.

Still trying to decide what army i fancy building as i really want to get back into playing. wacko.png

Anyway, i digress. Suggestions for what i should undertake next are most welcome. smile.png I'll see what i can do...




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