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15th Black Crusade(AKA ETL)


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Jesus I forgot you guys have the new regenades list. Good thing their stuff is so cheap point wise. Unless you guys decide to do the Ogryns. Plz don't do that.

I could convert my Ogre Kingdoms army(like 40 ogres) into orgyns, great idea. 

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I would actually like to see that

Sadly, they are one of the worst unit in the game pt for pt.


If we count the horus heresy we've got the justarien ( WS 5 terminators) and assualt squads. For assualt squads it's 250 points for a squad of 10 man marines. For justarien they're like 60 points per a member or something. They pale in comparison to Ogryns though.

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I am almost done with 16 genestealers for a friend, then I will be able to finish the black legion models I have. They are all partially done, is that acceptable? (not sure if I asked this >.>)

Depends on the level of completion, but generally speaking only as an ooc entry.




Out of competition?

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And the basing begins.

Just to get you into the mind set to stomp some Imperial fools. The start of my Lords base.


And no, it's not a dead Marine. Just missing an arm and a hand. Wasn't a good enough opponent to be worthy of death. As for the flat part on the head, that's where my Lords foot will be attached ;)

Both legs will be missing from the base edge down as that's my bases frame if you want to think like that so they'll be blacked on the ends to match the base edge.

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Lame!  I didn't realize Knights were pledge-able.  Just started painting mine so i'm not distracted from painting my vows come ETL time.  Too far into painting him now to claim him as a pledge too.  Meh, o well.  I still have a Decimator, a Greater Brass Scorpion, and a bunch of smaller things to vow.

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I just got 10 more cultist from EBay that arrived today. I've also finished stripping the rest of what I intend to vow. They will actually be base coated as I paint. I also tend to do final assembly (arms/weapons, heads in some cases and backpacks/capes) to allow painting in the hard to reach areas.
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Here's my Lord so far.



And the last bit of basing


And now for the blu tac mock ups


Also, I've just remembered last year we ran 'SOUL VOWS' so maybe, you'll be able to put your soul on the line for Chaos.

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Allright! I have a series of primed models ready to be painted, and for the sake of pacing, priming, and my desire to start painting I am going to vow my army a little bit at a time. 


So here we are: 


Captain Omassi (Chaos Lord w/Lightning Claw/Mark of Slaanesh/Aura of Dark Glory/Bolt pistol):



Chapter Master Alsandair: (Chaos Lord w/Power Fist/Combi-Bolter/Sigil of Corruption)



Fire Squad Gilroy: (Count-as Noise Marine squad: Champion w/Doom Siren/4 Noise Marines w.Close Combat Weapons/1 Blast Master)



Fire Squad Edan: (Count-as Noise Marine squad: Champion w/Doom Siren/4 Noise Marines w.Close Combat Weapons/1 Blast Master)



Venerable Ancient Fearghus: (Count-As Sonic Dreadnought w/Blastmaster) 



Fire Squad Lorcan (incomplete): (Count-as Noise Marine squad: Champion w/Doom Siren/4 Noise Marines w.Close Combat Weapons/1 Blast Master)



I vow these models for the ETL! I look forward to posting the completed work.

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Wouldn't put a Doom Siren and Blastmaster in the same squad msn-wink.gif

You'd be surprised at the utility of having both. Blast Masters have a use as a heavy weapon or assault weapon. A five man unit in a rhino with a dozer blade and havoc launcher can usually out perform most other MeQ troop choices. I would rather have the option to be aggressive than not and an s5 ap3 template certainly helps me accomplish that.

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Good thing I've just assembled my Chaos starter army :D


I'll be pledging 1500 of Alpha Legion, I'll make the detailed list later on, but this is what I'll do :

1 Chaos Lord

1 Dark Apostle

20 Cultists

10 CSM

1 Helbrute

5 Chosen

5 Terminators

1 Land Raider

3 Oblits


They're all assembled but not primed, and I'm pretty confident I can them ready in 3 months :D

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Lets see... This year my tax return got me:

1 Warsmith
2 Squads of Chaos Marines
2 Rhinos
8 Spawn
1 Relic Sicaran Tank
2 Maulerfiends
2 Helbrutes

Coming in the mail:

40 Cultists

For a total of 1847 points. Only problem is I will have three weeks of training in the field to attend, as well as two weeks of my boss being on vacation and running the department at work by myself, plus school. Basically, I'll lose the last week of May through June 21st confused.gif Dunno if I want to risk the shame banner losing all of that time... I may just not pledge the two cultists squads and the ADL. The remainder of the models are big and bulky, and only the Spawn require sculpting :D

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Primed before I depart for the gym...



Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage


5 Warp Talons


Arrived in the mail to be built tonight...


2 Maulerfiends


In the SimpleGreen


10 Bikers

2 Rhinos


In the Mail


15 Fleshhounds

10 CSM

5 Possessed



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There's that but also dropping 45pts on a small squad which isn't playing to the strength of either weapon doesn't sit with me.

I've found a single Blast Master is usually sufficient to do the job. 


Plus, Teetengee raises a good point. 



There's that but also dropping 45pts on a small squad which isn't playing to the strength of either weapon doesn't sit with me.



Also, doom sirens are a nice assault deterrent.



People want to break my boxes and kill the guys inside. The prospect looks a lot less appealing when the models inside can still sweep through 3+ or higher armor saves. They compliment my Rapier Batteries really well. 


I will be posting pictures of those when the Cykotrokes I am working on are done. 

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