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Stu's Wolves and Nids- BUGS! BUGS EVERYWHERE!


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So, here's what I was so excited about. My shipment from Hexy/BitsPudlo came in. They offer an alternate quad mortar/thunder fire cannon, that I might add looks great.








There are some minor issues, nothing outside of the usual warpage (minimal) and flash that comes from resin casting. This model so far is a dream and would highly suggest it. My only nitpick is that it feels to tall for a quad mortar. But if you take the turret attachment and front feet off, it looks more plausible.




I just haven't decided whether or not to keep the shielding on the weapon, or try to use it for a front shield. Thoughts?


Edit: Here is a comparison shot with a couple marines.



Race- I just saw kromlechs quad. If I could put this cannon on kromlechs tracks/carriage, it would be perfect. I just feel kromlechs cannon itself looks more like quad melta guns.


Venator- I'm thinking along the same lines you are after taking that shot next to a couple marines.


No pictures tonight, but did want to express my excitement about something. After debating it, I broke down and tried to use Retributor Armor gold. It felt like I was cheating. The old Army Painter takes 3-4 thin coats for full coverage. Retributor Armor is the same shade and goes on much easier. The only learning curve I have with it is thinning it too much on accident. Hell, I finished all the remaining gold on the knight in the same amount of time it took to put two coats of the AP gold on the melta cannon. Super stoked to use it some more.

  • 2 months later...

It as been a couple months, but I am back for the time being. As the new title suggests, with the new B&C rules, I can post what has been taking up the majority of my hobby time (as little as it is). But before I do, I have a something a little wolfy to show. With our scouts regaining Behind Enemy Lines, I've been spurred to start back on my scouts.






These two blokes, affectionately known as the Fist Bros., will lead my melta teams. I know fists may not be optimal, but they look cool as hell, and I probably won't play them outside of open play. I still need to work on cloaks for them before paint.


That was the Maws, now it's time for the claws. I purchased a Tyranid army off of a guy for about $100 total. In it was a load of stuff, including a Mawloc, 2 Tervigons, 2 Flyrants, and 150+ OOP Termigants. The problem is they were VERY poorly put together with some conversions that made me want to cry (including desecration of the OOP "screamer" Carnifex). So, ive been on a mission to reclaim them. Here is what Ive managed to finish so far:


The Swarmlord



A counts-as Stone Crusher Carnifex



And my concept for Devil-gants



Ive got about 29 more of those Termigants to paint before I move to the next unit (genestealers!). Let me know what you guys think!


Edit: used Flikr instead of Photobucket.

So, that's disappointing. Before I posted with photobucket the last time, all my pictures were still intact. Not anymore... :cuss. Just updated the last post using Flikr. I'm not a fan of it right now. I'll give Imgur a shot on my next photo dump.

Hey buddy! Photobucket is no longer a fre-to-use platform for viewing pics, so better switch to flickr or imgur. I'm not sure how flickr works (personally I hate it) but posting links to pics doesn't cut it. No-one likes to click links just to see the images, unfortunately. 


For now, might I suggest at least altering your signature's photobucket image? 

Auggie- Yeah looks like Flikr is not b

Mobile friendly when trying to post photos. I will try Imgur tonight. This may show how long it's been since I accessed the site on a computer, but I have a photobucket image on my Sig?

  • 2 weeks later...

Danny, I will have to try that, maybe some camo-netted cargo... So interview prep ate into my hobby time, but I did some digging, and found some more old gauze pads that had tissue backing. Here is what I was able to do; kind of a cloak/ghuille suit-type of look. What do  you think? The Fist Bros look a little more badass now. Only 23 more scouts to go.




I think I've cracked the code on Flikr with help from Danny. Only thing I don't like is that I can't upload from my phone anymore. On the game front, still have yet to get a game in yet since 8th dropped. I don't have weekends available, and no one seems to be available during the week... In a college town... during summer break/semester... This kinda blows.



Glad I could help (although no idea what I did).


Cloaks look good. I have used paper towel in the past to make cloaks as I found normal tissue too thin. The gauze cloaks look decent :tu:


I never use my phone for things like flickr. I am a techno-dinosaur, so I use my phone to take pictures, email them to myself then upload to flickr from my laptop.


My phone is for calls texts, wechat photos and emails.

No new progress yet. I may have something to post later tonight, but it appears I have some cleaning up to do. With the great Photobucket Crisis of 2017, the majority of my pictures have been lost. Seemed like a better time than not to showcase my finished(ish) models. Majority of these are complete, minus a weapon swap or two to be completed.


First off, we have the namesake of the Bloodmaws, Bran Redmaw, and his Wolf Guard





The Storm Eagle Brunhilde



Redmaw and the crew when they get angry...





My Wolf Lords, to include my Ragnar conversion





The Rune Priests



Wolf Priests and a Heretic...



Bjorn the Fell-Handed and the Venerable Sigurd



Fenrisian Wolves and my first iteration of the Redmaw (now counts-as Thunderwolf Lord)






Part two:


Land Speeders




Predator Executioner Wulfrik



Sicaran Battle Tank Orvar



Swiftclaw pack




Thunderwolf Pack with Iron Priest (I know, I have to swap the bolt pistols out for 8th)





Long Fangs, Vindicare Assassin conversion, and Aegis Defense Line (complete with runes of aversion)




Grey Hunter Pack Aeska (with auxiliaries and Rhino)




Grey Hunter Pack Brom (with auxiliaries, Rhino, and standard bearer from member Vykryl)




And finally, the Freeblade Nobilis




That is everything that is painted. There is alot of basing left to do, some touch-ups, but I'm quite proud of what I've accomplished so far. Hopefully you'll like them as well. As for my next project, I need to replace my Wolf Scouts... Long story short, I played my first game of 8th edition last night. It ended with me being tabled. Lessons learned: plasma cannon on Bjorn sucks, Long Fang load outs need at least one lascannon, and scouts were a waste of my points. Needless to say, I'm done wasting my time on scouts. Maybe it's time to work on those quad launchers.... Until next time folks!

Well, seeing as my finished(ish) work didn't do it for you guys, maybe some WIP will do. Right now, I'm holding off on doing too much with the Wolves. Minus getting some Reivers for the hell of it, I'm waiting to see where the wolves are on the release schedule and how it will affect my prioritization. Good thing I have another army that can keep me occupied. The past couple days were spent giving the majority of my Tyranid army a much needed cleaning. This army was in just :cussty shape; horrible paint, even worse assembly, so it was time for a dip into the biomass pool (Super Clean) for reclamation by the Hive Fleet.




And here's about 3 1/2 hours of scrubbing. And with all the wondrous power that Super Clean has, even after a 24-hour soak, there were still models that paint and mountainous globs of super glue wouldn't come off. 




But with the brunt of the heavy work done, I was able to sort out some projects to use as rewards for slogging through devourer termigants:


10 termigants- 3x Hive Guard




20 termigants- 3x Biovores




and all 30 termigants- The Red Terror




Most of my big gribblies still need to go in, but they will have to go in one at a time due to their size (or the small size of my bucket). Also on my list, figuring out how to pin my Swarmlord's tail. It broke off for the third time during a game Monday (that I lost due to poor target prioritization [damn Necrons], but it was a thematic game that favored the defender, so it was fun in the end), and I'm getting tired of repairing it. I'm looking forward to knocking some of these bugs out, and putting my own stamp on them. Until next time, sports fans!

Thanks Marqol, I used an Elder guardian as the base for the Vindicare. The attempt at an Eversor I used a Scout as the base. In the end, I just wasn't happy with the Eversor, so he went back to being a Scout. The Vindicare, however, is one of my favorites.


Edit: I just realized I mislabeled my Vindicare as an Eversor (de, de, dee). Thanks for helping me find it!

  • 1 month later...

From the darkness, I return! I know from my last post that I was promising some Tyranid love, but nothing to report on that front. I'm coming up for air from my first class in an institutional setting in 6 years. Grad school is not leaving me much time for anything (averaging 7 chapters and assignments a week). That, paired with how much work is going into my current paint scheme has me putting them on hold until I can find a more efficient scheme that I like (suggestions would be nice!). Today, I have progress on the Bloodmaws to share.


A couple weeks ago, I purchased my first Primaris kit, the Reivers. With the modus operandi of Bran Redmaw's company, minus massive amounts of Wulfen, is completely encircling the enemy before the kill (always loved that part from the company's description in the 5th ed. codex), Reivers sounded like a no-brainer. They do fight for an Elite slot, which is where most of the Space Wolves' heavy hitters appear, but I actually see them replacing the Wolf Scouts in my army. They can do the same job with better armor save and more maneuver flexibility with grav chutes. Anyway here is my test model.










I like the dark grey on the armor, and in person the Russ grey helmet, shoulders, and knee stand out. But I think I may do one with black armor just to see what it looks like. I also added the combat knife to him, in case I want to run pistol/knife and run into someone who is a WYSWYG player. And for the first time in forever, I actually enjoyed painting a Space Marine! Feel free to drop some critiques/suggestions.

  • 2 months later...

Hello all. Apparently I suck at this keeping up with hobby thing. Kids, work, army, grad school, yadda yadda. Anyway, I do have an update. First, my last project before radio silence was a group of Reivers for my Space Wolves. While I haven't done much, I did complete the two sergeants; one in the grey of the test Reiver, and one in black. I like the look of both, so I think I'll use the grey and black to break up combat squads.




What really has pulled my interests back in was the new Tyranid codex. If you weren't aware, I bought a Tyranid army on the cheap earlier this year, but couldn't really decide what to  do with them, even down to the paint scheme. Well, not anymore. With the new hive adaptations, I realized I was actually sitting on a great beginning of a Hive Fleet Kronos army, and decided to make some small tweaks to the color scheme to justify a splinter fleet. Below are my testers; the Termigant for the swarmy stuff, and the Warrior for the bigger stuff. Warrior is only basecoated right now, but I  am curious, do you guys think I should keep the green to a minimum (where it already is) or expand it to the joints in the limbs? Maybe even green spots somewhere? Any suggestions would be great.







Mmmmmm.... choco-Nids! They look perfect for Christmas.... Om nomnomnom


I would say that you need to put the green in the joints, it makes no sense to have it in some of the joint like bits but not others.

Give the armour plates a wash of agrax and the flesh a light glaze of waywatcher green or a slightly thinned green wash (coelia or biel-tan). It will tie the flesh a little more into the joint-y bits. Alo the warrior, that is a mass of brown, have you considered doing the "ribs" a bone colour to break it up a bit?


And good to see you back :)


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