Augustus b'Raass Posted December 2, 2015 Share Posted December 2, 2015 Good stuff here! Loook great, I'm impressed by your productivity and like your kit bashes. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 2, 2015 Author Share Posted December 2, 2015 More progress to report! In preparation for the tournament on the 20th, I finally got to spraying base coats on the few unpainted models. Nothing too spectacular, just 3 drop pods, a Vindicator, and 5 PAWG. While I had the cans out, I decided to try my hand at stencils and masking again. My first attempt was with my Storm Eagle, which went horribly, horribly wrong. Taking lessons learned, and tips that I pulled from B&C, I gave it another shot on my Vindicators, Freki and Geri. I say it turned out pretty well considering it is sub-optimal conditions for spraying outside. I made the Redmaw stencil by hand. I'm a little proud of that. You may notice that the photos are much larger than usual. With Augustus' advice, I broke down and began using Photobucket. I think it makes a huge difference already. I have some more progress to document, but I'm planning on coming up with a backdrop and re-taking photos of completed models. Now for comments: @ DSS7- Thanks! He did turn out really well considering he was a test for new colors. I'm still uncomfortable (see clueless) with highlights, but his claw did begin me on the path of blending (at least for weapons). @ Augustus- Cheers brother! I am by no means as productive or creative as you, but I try my best. As always, C&C is appreciated and welcomed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 7, 2015 Author Share Posted December 7, 2015 No real update from the weekend. Playing the citizen-soldier role made sure of that. As I was trying to figure out my army and what needs to be done, I threw this together. Looks like a unicorn puked onto MS Excel, but I now have an organized tracker. Good thing is, majority of the purchases needed are just bits; the only full kit I have to buy is the Typhon. Should have some progress on the vindicators to post in the next couple days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 15, 2015 Author Share Posted December 15, 2015 I'm not dead! I'm just really slow. I have been working, and will have some progress to show tomorrow. Still hoping to have the majority of my list painted for the tournament this Sunday, but sadly, I don't think I will finish the vindicators, let alone start on the drop pods, in time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 17, 2015 Share Posted December 17, 2015 Well, that's an excellent list, there / which also shows your process, I´m guessing. You first build everything and then paint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 18, 2015 Author Share Posted December 18, 2015 I DECLARE PROGRESS! It really isn't too much. Mainly weapon and backpack swaps for variety in my Grey Hunter packs, but I did paint a whole melta gun model to provide AT power for one pack in prep for the tournament this weekend. I present Hunter Pack Aeska: And Hunter Pack Brom: (This pack has the new Melta Gunner) I just realized I hid one guy in the last photo. Oh, well. I also applied my new power weapon theme to my power axes. I think it turned out decent. After the tournament, I think I will begin my basing with these guys. I found a kind of flagstone type of style that I like, and that I think I can modify a little to add some ruin and damage to them. On to the comments! @ Augustus- Hahahaha, what a Khorney pun. ;-) And yes, it shows where my army is currently. Luckily, I will not have to buy much more to get it where I want it. And yes, most of my models are built before painting, but only due to the majority of it already being assembled by the time I buy it. Final parting shot, even with the wife's birthday tomorrow, I'm gonna try to power through 5 PAWG with combi's before the tournament. This will at least put all my infantry for this event painted. Compared t the quality of paint jobs that were voted for at the last tournament I played, it isn't that farfetched that I could possibly get a vote for best painted. As always, C&C are welcomed and encouraged. Until next time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 22, 2015 Author Share Posted December 22, 2015 Life is funny sometimes. Instead of going to the tournament I've spent a month prepping for, I spend roughly 8 hours assembling a massive swing-set for my children before the 4 day Deluge scheduled between now and Christmas. Good news is the wife says I can make an extra trip to the shop in January to make up for it. So maybe that means a chance to test my list before the next tournament, and more time to get the list painted up. To give myself a break from Space Wolf blue, I'll be finally looking at how I want to base my models. I hope to have a progress photo in a couple days, if not tomorrow. BTW, does anyone have any ideas for an easy, but effective technique for painting Drop Pods? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 22, 2015 Author Share Posted December 22, 2015 Ok, maybe I lied. I found a basing tutorial from BoLS that was different than what I've seen before. It's essentially a flagstone type of road, so it could be modified for a heavy urban theme. Excuse the washout from the flash, but for my first attempt at basing, I think this simple technique will help me tie my army together. I tried something out, and did a piece of sprue as a steel beam that might have fallen through the flagstone during the fighting. As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 24, 2015 Author Share Posted December 24, 2015 Tonight saw Hunter Pack Brom's bases completed. So far, with the time I am allotted, it looks to be a night for assembly, and then a night to paint. Not too shabby for my pace. But, with Christmas time almost upon us, no more progress will be made until after the weekend. Anywho, here are a couple pictures! Here, the bases are assembled. Essentially oddly cut and placed plasticard to resemble a flagstone path. The trick is to take your knife and, at an angle, slice the edges off fairly unevenly for that worn edge look. Here are the bases after a black basecoat, grey drybrush, white drybrush, and wash with Army Painter Strong Tone. Finally, the rest of Hunter Pack Brom with the melta-gunner posted earlier. I'll get around to basing the other models for this squad (another melta and two plasma gunners to swap out), but I'm now ramping up for the next tournament. Finally, still looking for advice on how to quickly and effectively paint some drop pods. I am really not looking forward to painting them, and just want to get them over with. Any help? As always, C&C is welcomed and encouraged. And in case I do not post before Friday, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedInventor Posted December 24, 2015 Share Posted December 24, 2015 Everything is looking good man keep up the progress i have found for city type bases adding in little bits and pices of stuff can really add some depth to the bases. Just a thought, keep up the good work! And Merry Christmas as well! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 24, 2015 Share Posted December 24, 2015 Bases are looking good, mate. Excellent work. For drop pods: assemble them, spray them white, and then with the largest brush you have, base-paint them all together with very thinned paint, the SW blue you use. It goes on easily, so you can paint all your pods at the same time. Dry them with your wife's hairdryer, and go for the next round. Repeat until you're satisfied with the coverage. Alternatively, ask the wife for an airbrush for Christmas. Even if you're not going to use it for fancy highlights and such, it's an enormous time-saver for base paints. Happy holidays! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted December 24, 2015 Share Posted December 24, 2015 Looking good Cody. Go for 30K Wolves. We are already have grey armour and plastic is grey, no need for paint lol!!! I tease. Airbrush or sprays are a good way to go for speed, otherwise just as Augustus suggested :) Have a good Christmas bud! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 26, 2015 Author Share Posted December 26, 2015 Well, another Christmas has come and gone. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the holiday. After hours of toy assembly and cooking for our traditional Christmas lunch (smoked turkey FTW), I found a little time to do some work. Majority of it was on a scout pose that's been kicking around in my brain, but not quite ready to present yet. The rest of the work saw my heavy bolter scout finally receive a cloak, as well as working on Redmaw's cloak. First is Redmaw's: This turned out much better than my first attempt. Truth be told, I used the first cloak as a base, then made a couple layers that will hopefully stand up to some abuse. Next is the scout. I'm not really feeling this one. It didn't act anything at all like I wanted it to. Worst of all, I cut the sides at such a sharp angle that, with the overlap in the middle, gives it that arrowhead look it has. Maybe, once again, I can use it as a base for the next layer at least. Now to the replies. @ RedInventor- Thanks. I had a similar thought, but I don't want each base have faux-steel beams on them. Good thing I wen't rummaging through the bits box for every single bit that had a tint of chaos . @ Augustus- I wish I could afford an airbrush set up right now. Thank goodness I can get a spray can of white for a little over $1 US. Now with that, I just have to find a match to Army Painter Wolf Grey, as I'm not entirely sure I have enough for 3 Pods and 1 Vindicator. And no need to piss the wife off, I have a desk fan for that . @ Dantay- Going off of my thoughts to Augustus, I have 1 Pod, that due to the shape it was sent to me in, has damage and shields glued all over it. I think it may be fitting to paint that one grey, as any pod that is this badly beaten must've been used during the Crusade and Heresy . I'm also thinking about repainting my Bjorn and Deimos Predator grey, along with my Sicaran and Storm Eagle conversion, if I ever get them assembled. So I will be out of town for the weekend, but now I have bits for basing, expect more work on that front, as well as more work on Bran. While it will be awhile before I can assemble the army list I have planned for him, it kind of sucks knowing your army's namesake is looking at you from across the hobby table judging you. As always, C&C is welcomed and encouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted December 26, 2015 Share Posted December 26, 2015 Cloaks are pretty good. I tried and failed abysmally with mine. I found the tissue too thin. Either that or I am very ham-fisted. I use paper towels, like the ones yo get in the toilets at work, as they are much thicker, so can take a bit more abuse plus they don't shred when you try to move them around. It is alo worth bearing in mind that if you want to do designs on cloaks... Yo an draw them on to the tissue/towel and then you can see where to paint it all in :) Redmaw's looking good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 26, 2015 Author Share Posted December 26, 2015 Ive had decent luck with tissue so far, but my luck will run out lol. Yeah, my free hand is no where ready to start adding designs to cloaks and capes. But I'll have to remember the paper towels. I can get a roll at the local bulk store for decently cheap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 1, 2016 Author Share Posted January 1, 2016 Happy New Year everyone! I still have 5 hours to go, but understand that many readers are already a year ahead (Khorney pun intended). For my last post of 2015, I offer up some progress from last night. First off, Bran Redmaw is fully built, base included. Things may have gotten dicey for that Thousand Son... Next up are some Scouts. While I still need 5 pairs of PA legs to splice them together, I couldn't help but think about having a full Bolter/Heavy Bolter squad, so I threw this together. And revisiting cloaks for my scouts, I was not happy with the tissue cloaks on them, so I gave gauze a shot. I think it will need one more layer, but I like it alot more. Seems more natural, also, I can rough it up a little to make it look like a psudo-ghille suit. Finally, my Black Death WGBL needed a new back pack, as well as having the axe head pinned. So the next tournament at the store is January 31. I plan to play test the list I've been working on either this weekend or next. In case that one does not play how I would like it to, I already have one in mind. One that would entail more work (i.e. painting another unit of Grey Hunters, a Rhino, two Dreads, and finally assembling my Sicaran on top of the Drop Pods and Vindicators already on the docket). Essentially hoping for Master of Ambush, its 3 Rhinos of Plasma Hunters with Ulrik, Black Death guy with combi-plasma, and a Wolf Standard to help make up for shortage of CCWs, and the before-mentioned Bolter Scouts infiltrating, with 2 Helfrost/Flamer Dreads Drop Podding, and Vindis/ Speeders, and Sicaran cracking armor. While it banks on rolling up Master of Ambush, its a list that I feel is flexible enough to be successful without it. As usual, C&C are welcomed and encouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainStabby Posted January 1, 2016 Share Posted January 1, 2016 Rock! Good stuff. I've always ran the Blooded Hunter as my Great Company marking since I started my wolves waaaaaay back when. Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 1, 2016 Author Share Posted January 1, 2016 Thanks Cap! Even though he turns into a frothing maniac, tactically and strategically, he is the most level headed Wolf Lord, actually using tactics other than rush ahead or crash down in a metal box from the sky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 2, 2016 Author Share Posted January 2, 2016 No pics tonight, but base coating has begun on a 5 man PAWG team with combi-weapons. They are my final infantry models for my tournament list. Then its Pods and Vindis, with basing mixed in to break the monotony. Hope to have the team finished by Sunday, if not sooner. That will allow a month to finish everything else, unless I go a completely different route with my list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 4, 2016 Author Share Posted January 4, 2016 No hobby progress to show today, but I did get a game in with my tournament list. 1850 against a KDK player who is learning how the army works. His list was a Slaughtercult and Charnal Cohort that from memory was: Juggerlord Herald on Juggernaut 5 Possessed in a Rhino 3 Terminators 2 Squads of 8 Bloodletters 2 Squads of 5 Flesh Hounds 2 Squads of Bloodcrushers Basic Soul Grinder Skull Cannon Fire Raptor My tournament list is: CotGW- Njal in Terminator Armor Ulrik 5 Wolf Guard- 3 Melta, 2 Plasma, Power Sword Dreadnought- Plasma Cannon, Fist with Flamer CAD- 2 Rune Priests- Runic Armor, ML2 2 Squads of 9 Grey Hunters- Melta, Power Axe, CCW, 1 Drop Pod 2 Drop Pods 2 Land Speeder Typhoons 2 Vindicator Laser Destroyers Diemos Predator- Executioner with Battle of Keylek Legacy Mission was The Relic, Vanguard deployment, and Night Fight. He won to deploy, and deployed Juggerlord, Herald, and 1 unit of Crushers in the middle (Super Squad), flanked to left by the other unit of Crushers and one unit of Hounds. Terminators, Soul Grinder, and the other unit of hounds flanked right. Skull Cannon and Possessed deployed behind the first line, and Letters with the Raptor were in reserves. My deployment went with the Vindis pushed back as far as possible, the Predator just in front of them. One unit of Hunters with a Priest deployed close to the relic in center, flanked by the Speeders to the left. I failed to seize, and watched the red tide advance. Turn 1- Everything KDK that can move forward moves forward. The Termies move forward and capture the Relic. His shooting sees only 1 casualty from the Havoc Launcher on the Rhino. I bring down the other HQs with the Wolf Guard in one Pod right of the Skull Cannon, the other Hunters behind and left of the Soul Grinder. Psychic phase saw nothing but the priest with the Hunters activate Force on his weapon. Shooting sees one from the one Crusher from the Super Squad die to Krak missles, and Juggerlord tanking the rest. Hunters behind the Grinder whiffed on their melta. Biggest shock was the Skull Cannon wrecking with just 2 rapid fire Combi-Plasmas. Now the hurt is about to begin. Turn 2- Fire Raptor and 1 unit of Letters come in. Hounds on the left move toward the Speeders, while Juggerlord and friends move towards the Hunters (gulp), Grinder moves towards the Drop Pod Hunters (double gulp), with the Letters coming in right next to it. Termies take the relic into nearby ruins. The basic squad of Crushers fall back to charge my HQ bomb, with the Possessed leaving the Rhino to assist the Crushers next turn. The other group of Hounds move to the Rhino. Shooting phase only saw the Raptor killing one Speeder and damaging the other, with the Havoc Launcher killing one Wolf Guard. Assauts happen, with mixed results. Hounds kill the remaining speeder, the Super Squad kills all of the Hunters, but he forgot the Priest had Force activated when he challenged with his Herald. In his last act of defiance, the Priest sent the Herald screaming back into the warp. The other hounds take two hull points off the Predator. Soul Grinder kills 3 Hunters, and they fall back towards the Relic. My HQ bomb actually wins their assault versus the Crushers. Ulrik wounded 5 times at initiative 5, and my opponent dispersed the wounds evenly, mistakenly concussing the whole unit. The others finish them off before they even swing, and then consolidate towards the Possessed. I bring in my last Drop Pod with the Dread behind the Letters, and back the Predator away from the Hounds. The surviving Hunters go to contest the Relic, and the HQ bomb stares at the Possessed squad. Psychic Phase saw Force activated on the remaining Priest. Shooting sees the Raptor lose two hull points, its main weapon system, and Jink due to the Vindis firing at it. Dread BBQs 3 Letters in front of it. Predator and the Hunters do nothing. The HQ bomb fire everything at the Possessed, and sees one die. In assault, the HQ bomb waxes the Possessed squad, losing one Wolf Guard. The Hunters charged the Termies holding the Relic, losing 1, but staying in combat. Things begin to look up for the Wolves! Turn 3- His last squad of letters do not show. He moves the Super Squad to multi assault the Predator and one Vindi, while one group of hounds go for the other Vindi. The remaining hounds move to assault the HQ bomb. The Letters move towards the Hunters to assist the Termies. Soul Grinder moves toward the Dread. Then things get hairy. I didn't notice that he hadn't spent any blood tithes yet. He chooses to sacrifice the Terminator Champion to summon a Thirster (not the D one, thank the Emperor). Shooting sees the Vindis absorb the Raptors fire. Assaults are declared, and the Grinder fails to reach the Dread, and the Hounds fail to reach the HQ bomb, thanks to Overwatch. The Letters reach the Hunters, and clear them out. They then consolidate toward the HQ bomb. The Vindis and Predator are chewed up, but now his Super Squad is on the other side of the board. I move the HQ bomb into the open. As of right now, it is only them and the Dread that can affect any outcome, so I figure, last stand. The Dread advances toward the Grinder. Psychic phase sees me take one would of the Thirster, and activate Force on Njal and the Priest, and shooting sees no damage done to the Thirster(the next turn I realize I forgot Ulrik's Monster Hunter...) or to the Grinder. The only assault I declare is with the Dread, since the Thirster is still in the air. I manage to destroy the Grinders claw, essentially rendering it useless. Turn 4- I think this is the end. the last of the Letters deep strike in front of the HQ bomb, and everything is coming that direction as well. Shooting sees the Raptor picking off Drop Pods, because he wants the last blood to be spilled in combat. But then he doesn't bring his Thirster down for the assault. The Hounds and Letters that can assault declare, and I choose to Overwatch the Hounds, since there are more wounds in that unit. I drop one Hound that way. As battle begins, Ulrik swings first again. This time my opponent doesn't evenly divvy the wounds, leaving one dead, one concussed, and one OK. The Priest takes care of the last dogs, while Njal swings at the Letters, killing them. While two wounds get through his armor, Njal makes 2 6+ FNPs (WHAT!?). The Grinder and Dread whiff at each other. With a glimmer of hope, I go on the offensive. I move towards the Thirster... thirsty for... blood? Psychic Phase sees me take 2 more wounds off of the Thirster, but more importantly, grounds him. Ulrik lines up a Plasma shot, and takes another wound off. I declare an assault on the Thirster. He challenges me before I can do anything. I decide to send my Priest forward, this proved to be pivotal. The Thirster only wounds 3 times. I fail 3 invul saves, but make a FNP to keep wounds from bleeding over. My boys consolidate into combat, and Ulrik raises his mighty Crozius. He lays the Thirster low. I just beat a Bloodthirster in close combat. I was shocked. I then manage to consolidate within distance to the Relic just before we call the game. With that, the Wolves eeked out another glorious win against the minions of Khorne, 2-1. Compared to my last match up, even though I had less on the board, I feel like this was so much sweeter of a win due to the sheer number of units that HQ bomb killed (Skull Cannon, Blood Crushers, Flesh Hounds, Bloodletters, and a Bloodthirster). This time, I learned to spend Warp Charges wisely. It also didn't hurt to put Ulrik with that unit, and to give the Wolf Guard combi-weapons. Seeing how I spent most of the battle with only 2 Psykers, but did a good bit during the Psychic phase, I think I may cut one out. The rotten eggs for this battle are my Hunters and the Predator. The Predator did nothing at all. Didn't even cause a wound. Looks like it will be replaced fairly soon with the Sicaran. The Hunters have just been outclassed in the last two battles. Part of it may be my play, but they just seem underperforming against other Troops choices recently. The Speeders and Vindis didn't do too much either, but they at least contributed, whether it was drawing other units away, or harassing and soaking fire from the Raptor. I think I now have a way forward tweaking my list for the tournament at the end of the month. I'm thinking replacing the Speeders with twin Melta Speeders, cutting the Predator for the Sicaran, and adding a flamer Wolf Guard for that just in case template. Tomorrow I will have progress to show, even if it kills me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 5, 2016 Author Share Posted January 5, 2016 A model I bought in July is finally coming around. This recast Sicaran has been a pain. I know. "What did you expect buying a recast?" That wasn't the issue. I knew there would be problems. The issue was my over-inflation of my skills and abilities. Needless to say, this project is continuing to test me, but I am also learning. Enough of my blabbing. Pictures! I'm still thinking on how to magnetize the sponson weapons. I believe I will permanently glue the mounts on, as I don't see myself running without sponsons. For anyone interested, I will document how I go about it. Then the straightening of the barrels before primer. I'm thinking a 30k type of scheme on it for paint, due to it being a relic. That should help tie in anything else I decide to paint grey in my army (my Lukas, for example). The Sicaran will be replacing the Predator from my tournament list (that has seen alot of work to it), so it is priority #1 right now. As always, C&C is welcomed and encouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 6, 2016 Author Share Posted January 6, 2016 I completed assembly on the Sicaran tonight. Im too beat to post pics right now, so I will tomorrow, including how I magnetized the sponsor weapons. If time permits, I will prime it tomorrow as well, along with some of the jump pack guysI did recently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 6, 2016 Share Posted January 6, 2016 Ow dude that recast looks like a nightmare. Good luck with it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 8, 2016 Author Share Posted January 8, 2016 Finally found some time to update. Between kids, job hunting, studying for substitute teaching, and training for the local volunteer fire department, this week has been hell. But it's slowing down now with the end of the week. As I mentioned earlier, I finalized the assembly on the Sicaran for now. I still have to magnetize the lascannons, but since I'm not using them in my lists right now, they can wait. First thing I will attempt to do is my first semi-tutorial on how I magnetized my sponsons. Tools and materials I used were pretty simple- a 1/8" drill bit, 8x 1/8" diameter magnets, and a round hobby file. (Caveat- as far as full dimensions of the magnets used, mine were 2mm thick I believe, but use whatever you feel will get the job done.) Step 1- Take your sponson weapons, and drill where the targeter and bottom hubs insert with the 1/8" bit to the depth of your magnets' thickness. The bit and magnet is a perfect fit diameter-wise. Step 2- Glue the magnets into the holes, doing your best to ensure they sit flush with the opening. Step 3- Take the bottom hubs and targeters, and cut the mounting pegs off, replacing them with magnets. I also took the connecting cable off of the hubs, as they aren't really practical to me. Be sure to do a bit of dry-fitting with the sponson mounts. In order to make sure the targeter and hub sit flush against the mount, you may have to do some drilling with the drill bit to recess the magnets slightly. Step 4- Put it all together. The fit of the magnets into the holes on the sponson mounts may be a tad snug, so if you want your targeter to track along with the direction the weapon is pointing, take the round file and sand the holes down until you get that movement. Now for the good stuff. The assembled Sicaran. I am SO glad that is over. That was a nightmare, but I learned alot of things that I can take and apply to my Storm Eagle conversion. Next is to get this beast painted. As much as I hated putting this together, I can't wait to see it painted in pre-heresy colors. As usual C&C is welcomed and encouraged. Until next time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 11, 2016 Author Share Posted January 11, 2016 No slacking here! Tonight saw some paint hit the Sicaran. I managed to push through and finish the turret. Definitely not going to choose an army where red is the dominant color until I pick up an airbrush. Anyway, I'm aiming at finishing the Sicaran, and starting the Drop Pods by the end of the week. Even though I'm a good ways off from buying the other parts, I will also try to mock up my idea for a quad-mortar Rapier weapon. My goal is to have 3 magnetized Rapier carriages for both quad-mortar and quad-bolter (which I already have the weapons) versions. Just gonna throw this out there, but does anyone have any Taurox tracks they're willing to part with? As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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