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Stu's Wolves and Nids- BUGS! BUGS EVERYWHERE!


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Well, it doesn't look like much, but I completed all of the metal on this beast tonight. I've mapped out which areas will be red, and will try to complete that tomorrow, leaving the rest of the week for the rest of the armor, washing, and moving on to other projects.



So, for red, I am thinking the armor plating on the exhaust stacks, the recessed area on the cockpit (right above the wolf head around the viewport), and the recessed areas on the sides (where I have the chapter badges). The badges will be grey with the wolf being red, and the wolf head on the front will be painted as the bloodied hunter to represent it being seconded to the Bloodmaws. Now I just need to come up with a name...


@ Augustus- Well, man, you're not gonna like this, because there is going t be grey EVERYWHERE :laugh.: (BTW, I just remembered that my Lukas counts-as is still awaiting a name while you're playing with yellow :wink: ) .


@ Konnaver- Thanks so much, man. They are quite brutal, both in aesthetics and in assembly :wacko.: .


As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

Here is where the Sicaran is now:



In the past 2 days, I was able to lay down the red and most of the grey. I still have the right side and bottom to paint grey, then the touch ups followed by a little bit of wash.


The red was, by far, the biggest pain. Even after laying down a lighter base color, it still came out splotchy. As for the rest of it, the paint may be a little thicker than most people like, but in my experience with military vehicles, the paint jobs aren't always smooth and fine. It's usually quite thick and never stripped beforehand. That is what I was kind of going for with this, make it look like a venerable vehicle that gets fresh coats of paint on the regular to appease the machine spirit (that and I always get the paint too runny when thinning, making a mess). As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.


While I may still add another layer of wash to it, I feel good enough to declare the Sicaran complete. I present for your viewing pleasure, the venerable Orvar, revered relic of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. 




Funny how pictures always pick up flaws, but this time, I will not fret over them. I'm just glad to be done with this model. But, for being my first hunk of resin, I learned alot of lessons for the next time. The only thing left to do in my book is to go over the whole model with one more wash of AP Strong Tone, but I need some advice. What is the best way to go about washing a vehicle without an airbrush? Sponge maybe? As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

Hey buddy. He looks good! Nice colour scheme there.


About the advice: sponging is not advizable for washes. In fact, it's completely the wrong tool for it. (Comparable to using a vacuum cleaner for cooking. If you're going tor AP strong tone, I'd advice mixing it with some GW Lahmian Medium (When thinning paints, put some of the paint on a piece of cardboard, pllasticard, paper, or whatever (i use the lids of some tupper ware as a palet), then use your brush to soak up some thinning agent (water or, in this case Lahmian Medium) and gently mix it into the paint blob, form the edges inward. This way, you'll have total control of the thinning process and will prevent the mess you usually experience.) now that you have mixed AP strong tone with GW lahmian medium, you can gently paint. Into the edges and recesses of the tank. Do it sparingly, you can always go back for more. :tu:


Afterards, take the aforementioned sponge and use it to eeather your tank. To get this effecct, dab the spinge into some GW Rhinox Hide, wipe it off some paper, and then start gently dabbing it along the edges of the model. This will create a weathering effect that is both simple and looks great. You can even paint some light steel paint into the biggest splotches of brown along the edges, to create the effect that the paint has scratched off. Do this sparingly though!


Good luck and I'm lookign foreard to your progress. :tu:

No progress on anything tonight. Just taking a break from studying.


@ Augustus- So with the thinning, if I were to try and darken the grey, how would I avoid the streaking with the brush strokes? Just ensure it's thinned enough? And for the weathering, this part scares the hell out of me. As with the wash, I don't want to go full potato and ruin 8 hours of painting. What are some tips you learned as far as controlling it? Last question, I swear. Rhinox Hide, is it a lighter reddish brown, or a darker brown? If I'm going to attempt it, I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

To avoid streaks: thin your paint. With water or some kind of thinning medium, like Lahmian Medium. And do multiple thin layers that have completely dried. Three or four super thin layers should give a very nice effect.

About you 'darkening the grey' (I assume you mean: mix it with black paint). That's fine, as long as you paint the resulting colour multiple thin layers, as above. 


Sponge weathering sounds scary but really isn't. The only prerequisite is a dry piece of sponge and your paint. Try it on a piece of sprue painted in your colour scheme, or on the bottom of your tank, where you won't see it. :tu:


Rhinox Hide is a GW paint. It shouldn't be too much trouble figuring out its colour by yourself, no? ;) 

August's advice is really good.


When you say you want to darken it down are you planning on using either agrax earthshade or nuln oil to wash the whole model?

I would not wash it completely, but I would go into the recesses where dirt or oil might acumulate. It will create a bit of depth or shadow to the model.


You also did a great job using those straws to sort out the gun barrels.


With all my vehicles I have the base grey (standard mech gey by GW) and heavily wash the recesses, I then use super thin grey almost like glazing and build it up as I move further from he recess until I get to the base grey. When close to the edges you switch up to your highlight colour and glaze it up to where you want it.


My WIP S[artan for example:


It is how I did the Fire Raptor and the Sicaran too

@ Dantay- I might've done a bad thing... but I like the way it turned out.


The only progress I have to show is some overall washing of Orvar. Taking a couple of very watered down layers of Strong Tone, I was able to successfully tone down the colors on the tank without any excessive pooling, or annoying streaks from the brush.





I still couldn't bring myself to try and chip the paint, but I feel the wash gave it a grimey, used look that conveys use on a battlefield. This week's project is basing and those blasted drop pods. Looking back, I was not happy with how my first attempt at basing went, so I broke down and got some fine and medium grade gravel for just a crushed stone look on the bases. Probably will not have the whole army painted for the tournament, but I will play with more painted models than previous attempts.


As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

He's looking good, buddy! Perhaps you might want to do a last relatively thick AP strong tone wash in the recesses - to make the transition from red to grey a little more distinct? Also, don't be afraid to sponge some battle damage on, using Gw Rhinox Hide. Perhaps begin with the underside of the tank where you don't see it normally. It's very easy to learn, and perhaps even master. :tu:
  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been slow-going lately. Between teaching, job hunting, and Papa Nurgle visiting the whole family, hobby time has been very limited. I do have some progress to show.


First off, I, once again, have changed the way I paint my plasma effects. It's only a green base with a yellow dry brush, but I am finally happy with my plasma weaponry.



As you can tell by the last couple pictures, I've changed how I am basing. I ended up unhappy with the other basing technique, so I just went with a crushed concrete look. One in every 5 will have something adorning their base, and the last photo shows some poor soul that may have taken some plasma to the brain-bucket.




I had to think hard on how I wanted to paint the helmet, and since all the cool kids are painting Night Lords or Word Bearers now, I thought I would try a Night Lord. Turned out decent for base decoration, I think. The guy from the other squad just has a metal beam on his base.



And group shots of the finished bases so far.


Just realized I missed the rim of the banner's base...:cuss...http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/20160203_211851_zpsqesk3olx.jpghttp://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/20160203_212036_zpshg0myf6d.jpg


Next on the block is a Dreadnought. He's got a kitbashed Helfrost Cannon, but in game is being used as a Multi-Melta until I get my hands on one. However my purchasing plan has been altered since the Wulfen drop. The Campaign book, Wulfen, and the possible Ulrik will be my next purchases. I especially can't wait to get my hands on all those spare bits that will come with the Wulfen release. As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

Two updates in a day. Began working on the Dreadnought. Basically did the majority of the base and painted the metal. This was a regular plastic Dread that I put the Space Wolf Dread armor on. It took a little bit of filing and gap filling, but they work. The right arm was an Assault Cannon arm. I cut the barrels and ammo feed off, and used a Necron weapon (from a Destroyer I think) to make my own Helfrost cannon. I'm hoping to be complete with him in the next couple of days.




Finally, thanks to looking at Carrick's process of camo painting his Predator, I realized that I bought the wrong GW paint to match AP Wolf Grey. So, looks like I'm buying a pot of Russ Grey along with a pot of Rhinox Hide (finally gonna nut up and try some weathering, Augustus :tongue.: ). I may use the pt of The Fang I bought to use as a basecoat, so I'm not wasting anymore Wolf Grey applying 2-3 times over black. As usual, C&C are welcomed and encouraged.

Yeah, I know they're looking rather William Wallace-y, but thats about the best I can do for facial tattoos until I can get a finer tip brush. Plus nothing yells freedom quite like blue face paint and a hatred for the established ruling class.

Lol, but on Fenris, they are the ruling class :p


One thing I would say though. The rubble looks good, but it needs something to break up the colours as the Wolves seem to blend in to the bases and get a bit lost.


Unless that was the overall plan (camouflage) then well done :)

That's been bothering me a bit as well. I'm not too sure of what an easy fix could be, except for maybe pools of blood? My bits bag is not quite extensive enough to give everyone something on their base. Maybe once I get my first paycheck from this new job I can order some skulls? Or would that be too Khorney?

Maybe change colour. Go for something warmer Like browns, so it is like earth. Stick a few tufts on it



Both were done with either baneblade or calthan brown, then drybrushed up with brown bone mix and then drybrush with bone, then a bone/white mix. Angrons base was then washed with Agrax.


It wouldn't require any additions or changes to the base.


Makes a change from seeing all the Wolves on snow too :smile.:

Nah, no need to pull them off the bases.


Just go easy with the drybrushing and if you get a little on the feet, then it is just dust/weathering :wink:


You don't have any brown paint?


You could always just try a sepia or flesh shade wash to see if it tints the bases slightly. Either that or just use brown and mix in some white each time you drybrush.


An alternate idea, would be do a base coat of brown on the base and a quick drybrush of grey ten very light grey or white, so it looks like mud with gravel or rock in it.


Other things is if you have bits of sprue, glue it on and paint it like metal or rust or something, do a brown base with a grey slab, like you were doing before.


You are on the right track with the bases though.


No, Ive got brown paint, but I'm starting to run low. I'll give the brown and grey a shot, but I'm really digging how yours turned out. In fact, except for one or two here or there, I haven't restocked my paint supply in almost 2 years, so I'm starting to run low on quite a few.


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