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Stu's Wolves and Nids- BUGS! BUGS EVERYWHERE!


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Tonight saw the legs of the dread completed, and base coated the rest of the body with The Fang. I used it on the legs for a base underneath the Wolf Grey, and it came out smoother, and I ended up using less, so I'll be using it more often. Tomorrow, I'll put the Wolf Grey on and repaint the black on the front panels. That should put me on pace to finish him by Tuesday at the latest. Let me know what you think.



Tonight saw the Wolf Grey coat go on, as well as the other little odds and ends done (lenses, gems, weapon effects). Especially proud of how the Helfrost Cannon's effect worked out. I should have the black, touch ups, and wash finished tomorrow, providing I'm sober enough (Mardi Gras celebration). Now to come up with a brutal, yet venerable name for this chap.




@ Bjorn- Thanks so much. Glad he is looking great, even though he still isn't finished.

Yeah, that was just a test to see how it would look. It will be cleaned up once I start the black.


So after enjoying myself at Mardi Gras, and a two day birthday celebration, I'm back. Wife starts her new job today, so I get to play Mr. Mom with the kiddos. I'll try to get some work done during nap time, but will definitely have some progress tonight.

I present for your viewing pleasure, the venerable Sigurd!




This was my first attempt at weathering, sponging on some Rhinox Hide (I finally broke down, Augustus :tongue.:). Might've been a little heavy-handed with the sponge, but a venerable dreanought that has been smashing his way through everything may have more than a few chips in his paint. I think I may do this weathering thing more often now. Anyway, as usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back! Life has been hectic as of late. Between starting a new job, still studying to be a volunteer firefighter, playing Mr. Mom in the evenings, and dealing with hobby burnout, I finally picked the brushes back up. No full unit to show, but I did finish one of the Sky Claws that I was working on before I took a break.




So this guy is proof that my style is evolving just a little bit. The base color was done with a base layer of The Fang instead of black, with AP Wolf Grey on top. In painting the rune, face, gold on the weapon, and engine exhausts I forced myself to be patient and use thin layers. And, since he is a Sky Claw, I felt that this would be perfect to try weathering on something smaller than a Dreadnought.


This guy was also a bit of a test of my modelling skills. His jump pack did not come with a main exhaust. Luckily, I still have quite a few regular jump packs, so I cut one of those off, glued it in place, and filled/shaped/filed plastic putty to make it work. Not the smoothest job, but I can't tell the difference. Basing will come later. As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

With regards to Sigurd... There are a few things.


First, he glow for the helfrost. Looks really really good.

Second, the lenses are really well done

Third, the rune on the arm plate looks so much better now that you have tidied it up.

Lastly, weathering looks pretty decent, so overall this is a great model and you have done an ace job with it. The helfrost kit-bash is particularly good.


The only ting I would say is that unless the flash has washed it out, it could do with a wash of sepia or agrax on the skull to give it a bit more depth, and you missed the dreads view port, unless it is supposed to be really dark :)


 Otherwise, cracking job man! :thumbsup:


As for the Skyclaw. I am really impressed wit the rune you did on the shoulder plate. Neat, precise, and in yellow, which is not easy to do.

Jump pack glow is awesome, and I would never have known that you had to add in the main exhaust. That is the sign of a really good conversion.

The armour could maybe have done with  a wee edge highlight before the weathering, but that is just nitpicking.

Also, nice use of the marauder spear :)


Sounds like life is stressful and hectic for you just now. I hope things ease off on you and you can find the time to relax.a bit.


Oh & well done on the new job!

@ Venomlust- Thanks! I've actually got 19 more Sky Claws, 9 with the Mk4 pack, but only 1 with the spear. I should've stocked up on the spears.


@ Dantay- Thanks so much. Watching you put the final touches on Geironul is what gave me the last little nudge to get back. As far as Sigurd, yeah the flash is washing out the wash on the skull, and the view port was meant to be dark, but I think I'll try some type of glow to break up the sarcophagus a little more. With the Sky Claw, I was thinking about trying some highlights, but still unsure how to actually go about selecting where to do them without the model looking like something out of a comic book.

  • 1 month later...
Wow, I can't believe I haven't done anything in so long. Long story short, life has been a bitch lately. Between losing my grandfather and a good friend easter weekend and work wearing me down, I have lost all will to do anything. But I hope to break that trend with ETL. I'm prepping some models long overdue for paint namely my Storm Eagle conversion, which coincidentally just needs a turret change to fill in as a Storm Wolf. Other than that, my pledge will be somewhat small due to June being a wash. I hope to have a couple pictures up this weekend of the Storm Eagle after gap filling. Until next time!

So, today is a slow day at the office, so I figured I would finally update. First is a sketch for my new vision for Bran Redmaw. Shamelessly stolen from Kurama's FW Khârn based Wolf Lord, it's not that involved, but will truly look awesome fleshed out.http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/IMG_20160420_131653_zpszmrdzu8z.jpg

He'll have his head and arms magnetized to swap out to the Redmaw, since the new rules no longer give him monstrous creature, my Daemon Prince conversion doesn't make sense anymore. He'll have the upgrade sprue helmet, different arms, a Wulfen backpack, some pelts, and Gorechild on a shaft to represenot the Axe Langvast. Anything of the original model not will go on the poor guy getting axed to make him a berserker. The Redmaw head and arms will be spare Wulfen parts. His previous incarnation will lend himself to the ETL cause by becoming the basis for my Cypher.


Also have pictures of my Storm Eagle conversion. http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/Mobile%20Uploads/20160331_220656_zpskrv4xubl.jpghttp://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/Mobile%20Uploads/20160331_220703_zpsv6q4cziz.jpg


I changed up how I originally had the missiles, to where I can use my converted Whirlwind launcher, which also allows me, along with magnets, to use it as a counts as Storm Wolf. All it needs is some gap filling before priming. Now all I need to do is talk the wife into letting me purchase some things, and I will be ready for ETL. Stay tuned to this channel for more updates.

Dantay, that bird was probably one of the most challenging projects I've ever done. Not to mention it was my first, so I'm going back and fixing things that I screwed up before.


Double post! Here is my Cypher so far. Still need to make a scabbard for the Lion Sword, but it should be ready for paint after that.http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/codyrstuart/Mobile%20Uploads/20160420_215315_zpsqxqcjfio.jpg


I think the statue under his foot is a nice touch for our dress wearing brethren.

very sorry to read about your losses, mate. My condolences. Hopefully the hoddy will give you some relaxation and/or distraction.


On a brighter note: both that storm bird and cypher are inspired conversions. Love to see them get paint!

Edit: hobby. Not hoddy. Good gos, I shouldn't type while eating.

Edit edit: good god. Aaaaaaah

Thank you, Augustus, and you too, Dantay. Everything in the personal realm is finally getting back to normal. And as far as these two models getting paint, the Cypher has been sitting around since last ETL, and the Storm Eagle has been waiting to be finished for almost 2 years, so it's about time.

While waiting for everything to show up, I filled the gaps on the Eagle. Just needs some sanding after the putty dries.






I also did some ripping of arms and heads from some unused terminators for Wulfen. Once everything gets here, it's going to be fast and furious to be prepped before the 15th.

Finished my Wulfen tonight. The idea is that within the 13th Co., along with the Bloodmaws, is that the curse does not discriminate; it affects the hardened veterans as well as the new Bloodclaws. With that said, some of my Wulfen are a little more clad than what a 4+ save would represent.






I had some Terminators laying around that weren't being used, so I decided to repurpose them. Now I just have to wait for the putty to cure and clean it up a little bit. Just waiting for two more packages to show, then I'll be prepared for ETL. As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

  • 2 weeks later...

The :cuss show has begun.


I, codyrstuart, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Ragnar Blackmane (195 pts), Cypher (190 pts), 10 Wulfen (4x Axes, 4x TH/SS, 2x Claws and Frag launchers, 440 pts), and a Storm Eagle (TL Multi Melta, 2x TL Lascannons, 300 pts) from Codex: Space Wolves, totalling 1125 pts on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring glory to the Bloodmaws, the Rout, and Russ, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Cypher and Ragnar








Storm Eagle



Also got a little work on Bran done as well. I have his PA arms and head magnetized as of now.






Gotta admit, I didn't like that helmet at first, but it is growing on me.


@Chaoz- Thanks man. I'may happy with how that guy turned out too.


@Bjorn- No, I got a Chapterhouse kit a while back, and it comes with a bit to cover that front hatch. I actually didn't follow directions exactly. That hatch would be closer to the rear, but I repositioned it. The turret guns will sit in a turret ring near the back.


As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.

First small victory in ETL, Cypher is finished.










I really like how he turned out. I did alot of stuff on him I haven't really done alot. First off, I dry brushed the armor with some grey and white, then glazed it with a green glaze I made myself. While the green came off stronger than I wanted it, it was one of those Bob Ross "happy little mistakes". I'm also really happy with the old, possibly warp touched, skin tone on his face. Finally, while it doesn't look like much, that's the most freehand painting I've done on a model,and quite proud of how it turned out. While I may not put as much effort into every single mini for ETL, the event has already tested my skill, and helped me advance it. As usual, C&C is welcomed and encouraged.


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