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Stu's Wolves and Nids- BUGS! BUGS EVERYWHERE!


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Yeah, BFTBG is on my list of paints to buy, along with Retributor Gold. Just need to quit being lazy/cheap and go buy it.


I started on the banner for the exchange in the Space Wolves forum. Also my first attempt at freehanding the Space Wolves symbol, the Wolf that stalks the stars.



  • 2 weeks later...

So, back with more photos! First, a better group shot of my November vow. The Headsman, Lone Wolf of the Bloodmaws, and his two companions.




Next, work on the remainder of my October vow, Bran's Wolf Guard. The leader is almost done minus weathering.




And everyone else is still looking for love and attention.






And now a little teaser on my Standard Bearer. Threw a filter on it to hide his final look a little bit.



  • 3 weeks later...

Howdy everyone! After a couple weeks playing army, I have some goodies to show. Mainly standard bearers. First, my standard bearer for the Space Wolves forum's exchange. This dude ended up finding his way to user Gemini's doorstep. I was so proud of this guy, especially the banner, that it was hard letting him go.








Next, is the one I received from user Vykryl. I absolutely love this model. Vykryl outdid himself with this one.








My next project is a pain know of Swiftclaws with their Pack Leader for the Tale of 20 Legions. I fixed the base coat, but that's about as far as I got.



  • 2 weeks later...

Progress to show today. Slowly but surely. Slowly but surely.


Pack markings are done. May go back and redo the pack leaders at a later point.




They're currently a little further along. Bases have been painted grey, details have been painted, and touch ups have began. Left to do is silver and grey touch ups, washes and weathering, then drybrushing hair and bases.


Also did a face tattoo for the pack leader. Kinda random, but it went on smooth, so I didn't fight it.



So, tonight saw the "arming" of Nobilis, my first Imperial Knight.




I finally broke down and finished the magnetization of the weapon points, and most of the weapon options. The launcher and gauntlet were the only additional weapons I've worked on at the moment. The gatling cannon and Icarus autocannon will be magnetized when the other one is built. The magnetizing wasn't as painful as I thought, but it was tedious. I may do a tutorial of how I did it when I build the next one if anyone is interested. Thanks for looking.


Edit: pics showing the options.





  • 2 months later...
Wow... it's been a little bit since my last post. I guess 3 jobs, a family, and a new little side project with teeth and claws will do that. But, I am back, and hope to post more regularly. Should have a unit of Wolf Guard that have been waiting, oh, about 5 months to be finished done by the end of the week. Stay tuned for more, folks!

Finally, progress to show. These guys sat half finished since December, and I'm glad to finally get them finished. Redmaw's bodyguard, I am dubbing the Hunters.




They are specialists in the use of combi-weapons, waiting for the perfect moment to deploy their overwhelming munitions.




Their combo weapons were made using scout bolsters, magazines from storm bolters, and various bits and pieces to help distinguish which one. Tomorrow when I have a full battery I will take some more detailed shots to show off some things I'm proud of.


For a parting shot, a dramatically lit group picture with Jarl Redmaw. For Russ!



Thanks for the replies guys. These were my first PA guys to paint in a couple months (something... something... bugs...). It was quite fun to finish them. As promised, here's close ups.


Pack Leader



Mr. "What setting is this on?"



The stoic vet



Mr. Photogenic



Token Beanie



And the newest member of the Bionic Eye Club



Complete with possible explanation for his membership



Boy, close ups really bring out the mistakes, don't they...

Your pack looks pretty good, I woud put some gloss on the blood to freshen it a bit.


Weathering is pretty good, they have certainly been through the wars and nicely customised combi-weapons.


Also pink sword of doom rocks!!! :tu:

Eh, the red glaze over white didnt work work this sword like it did the other. But, I'm tired of fooling with it for now.


This week, I thought I would take a crack at a long fang pack. I am not overly enthused about this group, but I'm just trying to get projects off of my desk. Between the wolves and a reclamation project that isn't B&C friendly (something, something, bugs...), my desk runs out of space just as fast as I can clean it. Anyway, here's where they're at right now.




They are not the best looking. They were one of my first ever units, and first attempt at priming, so A LOT of mistakes here. I rarely find myself using long fangs anymore, so I just want to get them painted and out of the way. Does anyone else have that one unit they just can't get psyched up to paint?

  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all. So, after slogging away on the long fangs, I got to a point to where my pride wouldn't let me go any further on them. They were horribly assembled and primed, and it showed through the layers of paint. Needless to say, they're in the soak. So in their place, I started working on the weapon choices for my knight, Nobilis.




So, what you see is probably 4 hours of work (goddamn white...). I'm really liking the progress I'm making, and hope to have everything painted and varnished by the end of the week or early next week. Hell, maybe I can get my first game with him in soon. Until next time everyone.

More progress. All the base colors are blocked on the weapons by the timing of these photos. I also started on the gold accents.






In a last minute change, I decided against the armor plates on the gauntlet. It just felt out of place to me. Anywho, I need some feedback on something. I was going to do the carapace mounted weapons white, until I realized how many layers I was going to need. Going form my current pallets, which color would you suggest? Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I had a brain fart when I first primed the model. Wasnt sure what color i was going to paint the missile launcher until I had finished the main body and thought ":cuss, now I gotta try to paint more white over black..." I'll give the yellow a shot, maybe with painting the ammo access hatches red?

Don't have xv88, but I do have Rhinox, Zandri Dust, and Averland Sunset. Maybe mix a little rhinox and zandri together for a lighter brown base.


Bjorn- Thanks, man! He's been waiting awhile, and I still have one more to do (bought the renegade box last June).


I've also got a little surprise in the mail that I can't wait to work on, but pics will have to wait until I get home.


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