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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - April ++


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I Athrawes, pledge to complete two Deredeo Dreadnoughts for the Lightning Bearers, sadly traitors all to replace those lost in the fire. 


If I fail, I swear to continue mocking Depthcharge over the loyalty of his Angels Tenebrious.

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My pledge this month is gonna be sweeeet.

I, Raktra, of most bounteous booty, do hereby pledge to paint five Gorgon Terminators, an Iron Father, and... *drum roll* Autek goddamn Mor.

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Some progress done...


And a little sneak preview if you've been reading my Vorpal Claw thread...






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Before I post my pledge for this month I would just like to post a picture showing my collection so you can tell I'm not cheating with my pledges :). 









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Before I post my pledge for this month I would just like to post a picture showing my collection so you can tell I'm not cheating with my pledges.




:o wow :o
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Meh, I might as well starting doing this.


I Wolf_Pack, pledge to do the thing. (ALL OF THE THINGS!)


I will paint the following Imperial Fist models

-Primus Medicae

-Legion command squad

-Legion champion


should I fail my vow, may Macho Man Randy Savage rise from his grave and beat me senseless with some Slim Jim. OOOOOOOH YEEEAAAAH!

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I shall re-pledge my Ultramarines Delegatus (he is still in the same condition as he was in the image in the March thread), Ghost of Iron (the stealthy Sicaran Battle Tank) and 5 Veteran Tactical marines of the 13th Legion!


Summary of my pledge for the loyalists:


  • Delegatus (XIII Legion) - main colours blocked
  • Sicaran (IV Legion) - basecoat + wash applied
  • 5 veterans (XIII Legion) - need undercoating (lucky I impulsively bought some Maccrage Blue spray paint last month!)


Pushing myself now since I have the Easter weekend! 

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Due to the uncharacteristically gorgeous weather outside at the moment, I've managed to slap some paint down on the Lighting. 

Royal Fail finally delivered the transfer sheet from FW, so I might actually get something finished long before the deadline for once :lol:





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Before I post my pledge for this month I would just like to post a picture showing my collection so you can tell I'm not cheating with my pledges.


ohmy.png wow ohmy.png

Until now I never thought that 40K Apoc could be played solitaire.

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New month, HOORAY!



I, Cocha, from the lands of Ancient Romans, pledge 2x Iron Hands Basilisks and a Stormtalon (I'm planning to use it as the Xiphon, I dont like that model)

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I Kriegriss as a lord of the Glorious VII and loyal servant of the Emperor of mankind do solemnly pledge to complete 9 tacticle marines and there veteran Sgt. to aid my lord Dorn in keeping the traitor stink out of the emperors palace.


If I fail I shall live forever ball deep in shame



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Firstly, well done to everyone for March. ..cracking stuff!


And a new month of challenge eh!


Right...this month I vow to paint 2....yes 2 whole ultramarines!


Lol...so I have heard theres this small thing called the ETL coming up??

So later will be rummaging through the resin box seeing what I can get add for "making" this month..


Oh and like a Duffus I forgot what paints I used for my original ultramarine, so im doing 2 so im SURE I can remember lol


Very W.I.P below


Good luck guys










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What the nuts is the ETL? I'm so baffled.

A yearly event where each sub forum goes head to head in a battle for honour, glory, and blood. Or, more accurately, you vow models to a certain sub forum, so I will paint 10 Tac marines for the heresy forum, then the units points get added to there heresy total once I've completed them. You can make up to 5 vows over the 4 months it runs. It's a lot of fun, and very competitive.

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Right...this month I vow to paint 2....yes 2 whole ultramarines!


Holy Throne, you're making me want to start an Ultramarines army! I've run out of 'likes' for today - but those are good. The gold on the snout of the marine 2 in particular has made sure that my jaw has been reacquainted with the floor. 


Kor'vesh, I'd like to amend my pledge if possible, to include this happy chap. I pledge to paint this unnamed consul. He might be an apothecary-lord, I'm not entirely sure on what he is yet.





"Justify your existence. I witnessed the death of a primarch before my very eyes, I have had the very flesh burned from my body, I have seen unspeakable weaknesses, yet still I endure... So explain to me why you deserve to live

-The 'Angel' of Isstvan. Unknown warrior associated with Clan Tellum, post Isstvan Massacre. 




The identity of this warrior is unknown. Some within Clan Tellum believe he may have once been a techmarine, others suggest he was once one of the Clan's rare destroyers. The extensive chem-burns suffered to the warrior would certainly support the latter theory. All that is known is that he was present at the Massacre, one of the few to survive long enough to be evacuated off-planet. What he witnessed changed him - he now sees his sole mission in life being to purge weakness wherever he finds it. 


I had a fair bit of fun converting this one up - in particular the head, with exposed skull. Like I said, I've no idea what he is, but I like the idea of running him as an apothecary - he judges those he finds, and saves only those he deems 'worthy' of saving. The vox-kit on his backback represents a vox-thief, which he uses to listen in to radio-chatter to locate any wounded marines.  



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Damn it Mortis! You've only just started them and they look beautiful!


Huw - who cares what he is, he's an excellent conversion. I think Apothecary is a sweet idea... a very Iron Hands version anyway!


Great work so far Depthcharge!


Raktra - just what Hydra said, but one additional and important point - You are playing!

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D: Dammit, I've spent 22 years dodging the draft but they found me eventually. Tell me the truth, the other dolphins ratted on me didn't they?

Could you stop with this dolphin thing tongue.png , you're turning into atia with her ponies!

I will fight you



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Huw, that guy is crazy good. How do you plan to paint the head? Fleshy or skull-y? If I have one critique, it's that the axe haft looks wonky. It might be worth replacing the hand and haft with a plastic one, like the vanguard vets thunder hammers. Then just attach the chain axe head.


Keep up the good work.



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