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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - April ++


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Huw - who cares what he is, he's an excellent conversion. I think Apothecary is a sweet idea... a very Iron Hands version anyway!



Huw, that guy is crazy good. How do you plan to paint the head? Fleshy or skull-y? If I have one critique, it's that the axe haft looks wonky. It might be worth replacing the hand and haft with a plastic one, like the vanguard vets thunder hammers. Then just attach the chain axe head.


Keep up the good work.






Kor'Vesh, my main aim with this guy was to make something a little 'different'. I've seen so many Iron Hands apothecaries that look like techmarines (I have 2, so I'm just as guilty!), that I just wanted to do something else, and this idea of a psychotic murderer with no flesh seemed apt.

My other plan is to run him as a moritat with a destroyer squad, representing how he believes that the only way to remove weakness is through the cleansing purity of chemical fire and how he is (perhaps justifiably!) shunned by pretty much everyone in Clan Tellum - Including the other survivors of the Massacre. 


Brother Dallo, you're right about the hand/axe; I didn't notice until I posted the pics. I'm planning on painting the skull as bone, but making it look badly burnt. I'm also thinking of painting the eye socket to have the same blue glow I do for helmet lenses/bionics, to make it look like there's something still inside his skull. 

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Sigh... Running out of likes again!

Rage - With the sheer amount of resin you've got there, I can't believe that table doesn't just break clean in half. I don't know how you find the time to paint so much, or the skill to paint them so well! Totally inspiring. My hat's off to you sir.

mortis - That's one hell of an Ultramarine for something you call 'very WIP'. I may have to steal your blue.

depthcharge12/Hydra - Really looking forward to seeing stuff from both of you guys. Hydra, as I've said previously, your conversion work is fantastic. Can't wait to see how you tackle the XVII!

Also... If any of us every play a game against Reyner, I vote we give the Ghost of Iron a free choice of either Outflank from Reserves or Deep Strike to represent the looming threat of its eventual arrival... tongue.png

And a big welcome to all the new guys pledging! It's great to have some fresh blood in the challenge, and from the looks of it, April is going to be huge even though ETL (which I've only recently found out about!) is still a month away!

A quick WIP update from me... I've had an oddly productive couple of days, and everything is now pretty much ready for a spray (except Polux, because I haven't quite figured out how I want to paint him).

I've pulled apart and rebuilt my old Command Squad adding in bits from the Phalanx Warders kit to give them more of a VII feel, as before they were kind of a mish-mash of different kits. They've potentially lost a little individuality and character in the process, but I think they now look more unified as a squad, and so won't pull the focus from Polux as a character/centrepiece kind of model.

Anyway! Let me know what you think!


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@the hydra...your etl talk...is that theory or practical that your gonna paint 10 marines lol :-)

Looking forward to seeing your stuff for this month!


@ironwrought huw...thanks man appreciate the comment...great conversion by the way ;-)


@Kor'Vesh...many thanks mate...and pics of the completed pledge below! Will come up with another pledge later.


@strumanchu..haha..steal away mate...then I can steal your fists scheme! Talking of which, fantastic looking squad there...great use of bits!

Shame to hear your gonna miss the ETL...im sure you can sneak a mini in at some point for it ;-)

Look forward to seeing that squad painted!


Finished pledge (yay 2 points)
















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Ok, time to commit or be committed:


I OwlandMoonGuy, in full expectation of an impending ETL and recently in possession of a fresh pile of molded resin and plastic, neatly contained in little ziplock bags, pledge the following:


One (pink) Emperor’s Children tactical legionnaire test model, (to be clear, one of traitorous inclinations) and pending final inspection, who may also be joined by 9 of his legion brothers-at-arms,


in the month of April reserving the right to pledge more since I have plans to further build upon my IH army as aforementioned.  Otherwise may I be subject to my wife’s cutting aspersions concerning the time & expense I continue to invest in these self-indulgent frivolities.  So help me Horus.

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Since my stuff has still yet to arrive and the boredom is eating at me, ive begun working on a fallen brother that my contemptor will be shielding and protecting.

Any ideas on what legion I should paint him? Im thinking fists, but maybe a spot color of red via the blood angels would be more appealing. Im not so sure on the white scars since they ran attacks behind the traitor lines, and my force is fighting near the walls (plus the mk3 doesn't fit with scars to well):

med_gallery_82040_10175_17624.jpg med_gallery_82040_10175_937.jpg

Great work so far guys,


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I think Blood Angels sounds like a good choice DimDim. It might be interesting to paint him in such a way that points towards one of the successor chapters, as a subtle sign that, while he is wounded and hurt now, he has a future.


That, and I kinda want to see 30k Angels Encarmine dudes. :D



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Brother Eurus, a Morlock who fell in battle in the years leading up to the Dropsite Massacre. Interred in a Contemptor chassis, damaged in battle and almost forgotten in the repair shop of a fallen Iron Father. Repaired and brought to life following the Legion being scattered. A new name inscribed across his shoulders, a dreadnought renamed with an aspect of mythology; Horkos. Death to the Oathbreakers.


Magnetised. Placing on base not fixed. Woo progress!

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Oh and if it is Possible I will add a Bloodthirster to my pledge to lead my Demon allies.

Cool, looking forward to this!


I, Poom, pledge two Castellax with Siege Wrecker and Multi-melta and 3 Vorax with Irad-cleanser, for the Redjak Cult Mechanicum to support the mighty 13th Expedition!





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Kor'vesh, I would like to add a Russ exterminator to be built aswell. My package being this late(admittedly its the weekend) made me go insane and ive been reading through the HH hardbacks. Turns out my mind snapped while I was reading about the lord marshals own, and I bought a leman russ as a test piece from my local GW to pass time.

Updates to come soon!

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Hey everyone!


It was a hard week - we got a new project, had to help at the recruitment and the documentation - and i was left in shame. Here are the painted-up figures from last month - terrible pic again, sorry. (Didn't wanted to mess up the thread, but the one for last month's reached a closure.) At least I can confirm it, that they were finished.


As for this month's vow, I will make none. First and foremost, these were the last models that I built from last year's FW order. I still have some regular bodies, but without any Legion-specific markings or upgrades. I planned a new order - will look for some help to fill it - but I will leave it for next month. Second, right now I have so little free time, I cannot plan ahead. I got a really good job last month - and I hope that after April, I will get a new chance - but at the weekends I had to help in at the family's business too.


I hope that all of you will have a good month - and that we will see as much awesome models, as in March.


I wish you a Happy Easter!

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I, Dantioch pledge two marines for the IVth Legion.


There's a lot of awesome mini's already, nice work everyone!

Its my last month at uni so its a bit hectic, I don't think I will have much time to get much modelling done so it will be a small pledge for me this month. Once I'm finished with uni I've got big plans for my army to include in the monthly challenge and the upcoming ETL....

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