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Blood Angels & Skitarii


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I'm loving the new models and I'm quite tempted to build a small allied detachment. Not sure if anyone has the codex yet, I'm going to pop into my local GW next week and pick one up along with some Rangers. Does anyone have any insight into how they might synergise with Blood Angels?
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Great troops (rangers) to provide static yet still mobile firebase to our fast paced troops. Thier speed in everything synergises with our own for sure. The Vanguard assaulting the same unit as one of ours mean we will be not only striking before enemy marines, but wounding on 2+
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Plasma squads in our fast attack drop pods.  Or the haywire guns in our drop pods.  Either way.  A cheap hard hitting force to be dropped in first turn, wreck whatever it wants, and not be worth enough to mind if they all die.

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The Onager Dunewalker looks like it'll have some excellent anti-air capability, too, which gives us a nice alternative to always having to ally with IG or vanilla Marines if we want a bit more air cover (or don't feel like taking Storm Ravens).


Also, keep in mind that the Ironstrider Ballistarii may be one of the best mobile firebase units pound for pound once it lands; the Cognis rule is absolutely glorious and you can pick from Autocannons for transport hunting or Lascannons for heavy armor sniping.  And you can take up to 6 in a unit!


All in all, BA may have the MOST synergy with the Skitarii of any Imperium codex, mostly because we assault well and they shoot well, and they gain lots of benefits from our ready supply of transports.

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That's the Luminagen Special Rule from Phosphor weapons.  I know there's a pistol that Skitarii Alphas can take, and you can put a Phosphor Serpenta on the Dragoons.  Not sure if it's anywhere else in the 'dex, but it definitely furthers the argument that Skitarii are best allied with assault heavy armies.  I think they might be decent to ally with Space Wolves, too.

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That's the Luminagen Special Rule from Phosphor weapons.  I know there's a pistol that Skitarii Alphas can take, and you can put a Phosphor Serpenta on the Dragoons.  Not sure if it's anywhere else in the 'dex, but it definitely furthers the argument that Skitarii are best allied with assault heavy armies.  I think they might be decent to ally with Space Wolves, too.

They're going to be great allies for Space Wolves and I can't wait to try that combo out. Pretty sure Blood Angels suit them best, though, which is kind of ironic given the relationship between the AdMech and the BA over the years. Do you really trust them around your overcharged engines..?

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As far as I can see from the wd, it's only the enemy unit that's affected.


Vanguard and Rangers I can see being superb additions: they offer a durable fire base that can knock out key enemy targets and whack heavy armoured vehicles on the move.


Infiltrators and ruststalkers can offer close support to our assault troops, but besides lowering enemy weapon skill and leadership to help with combat, it might be possible to do without them.


Can't see much use for the walkers, but I occasionally enjoy being wrong :)

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The eradication beamer on the Onager does provide some nice, high strength/low AP fire, albeit at close range, that we really rely on melta for...plus, at the mid/long range, it's blast.  They are perhaps slower than BA need, though.  And their anti-air version is definitely a good help to us.


Isn't there something in the Skitarii arsenal that also lowers enemy T?

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Confirmed, Skitarii Vanguard's Rad Poisoning special rule lowers the Toughness of units locked in combat with them by 1.  Since you can't be locked in combat with friendly units, they are safe from this ability.  I'm not sure of any other units that lower enemy Toughness in Codex: Skitarii.  Infiltrators reduce enemy WS, BS, In, and Ld by 1 within 6", so that could stack nicely with Red Thirst to let BA strike before fast enemies (like Eldar).


Now, let's not discount the Onager yet folks.  This beast has the Heavy Phosphor Blaster, which is a decent shooting attack but also includes the Luminagen rule to allow re-roll to charge rolls.  This is amazing in combination with BA assault units to really cement those long range charges (because sometimes you just can't get that close in 1 turn, right?).  Beyond this, it adds AMAZING anti-air with its Icarus Array (which BA desperately need since all we have native to the codex is the pricey Stormraven) and has brutal long ranged anti-armor with its Neutron Laser.  Trust me, BA players would be well in hand to take a look at the Skitarii 'dex as an ally option!

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Confirmed, Skitarii Vanguard's Rad Poisoning special rule lowers the Toughness of units locked in combat with them by 1.  Since you can't be locked in combat with friendly units, they are safe from this ability.  I'm not sure of any other units that lower enemy Toughness in Codex: Skitarii.  Infiltrators reduce enemy WS, BS, In, and Ld by 1 within 6", so that could stack nicely with Red Thirst to let BA strike before fast enemies (like Eldar).


Now, let's not discount the Onager yet folks.  This beast has the Heavy Phosphor Blaster, which is a decent shooting attack but also includes the Luminagen rule to allow re-roll to charge rolls.  This is amazing in combination with BA assault units to really cement those long range charges (because sometimes you just can't get that close in 1 turn, right?).  Beyond this, it adds AMAZING anti-air with its Icarus Array (which BA desperately need since all we have native to the codex is the pricey Stormraven) and has brutal long ranged anti-armor with its Neutron Laser.  Trust me, BA players would be well in hand to take a look at the Skitarii 'dex as an ally option!


I know I'll be taking some for sure! so much so I'm tempted to not even assemble my tactical squad as tacticals and use the parts for vanguard as the Rangers will have my troop shredding needs!

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Get a Vanguard unit in CC with something to reduce T, then charge with some Vanguard Vets w/Priest and/or Dante, slaughter that unit and make a disordered charge onto another enemy unit that's been marked with luminagen for "guaranteed" charges.  And, if possible, plop some Infiltrators near both units to be charged.  That could be pretty nasty so you can make full use of the VV's ability to retain charge bonuses and wipe out multiple units in one turn's worth of combat; with Dante attached, you could also Hit n Run from the second unit if you want so you don't get stuck in with the dregs of the second unit (and use VV's with storm shield to tank return fire in the next turn).

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Definitely.  The Imperatives are going to be one of the real longterm selling points of the army, especially given Skitarii don't seem to be paying a "special rules tax" to get them.  Although, until I see how they work as per the codex I'm going to restrain myself from talking about them too much!

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Stick two Skitarii Vanguard with three Arc Rifles in a pod each for your minimal Troops choice. They will wreck Infantry and Vehicles alike, especially with their Doctrines.

After that, Onager is awesome. The AA version will give xenos skimmers a massive headache. I would say at least one unit of 3, where one is AA and the other are general purpose.

Dragoons are also fun. Remember, if you stick pods in their faces as well SG and DC, they will quickly forget about the Dragoons. But once they get stuck in, they can decimate a unit of Wraiths on the charge.


Do not discount the army as slow either. They all get a Scout move and every unit bar the Troops get an additional 3" on movement, charge and run and are not slowed by terrain. They will easily keep up with the rest.

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I think in terms of synergy you don't get a better army for BA than Skitarii. From what I've learnt:

  • They love our pods! (But who doesn't?)
  • We love their infantry for long range but mobile shooting as well as that tasty -1 toughness debuff.
  • The combat unit that has the bigger debuff is even nicer
  • The scout, infiltrate and Dunestrider rules keep them up with out bikes and jumpers.
  • The Onager really shores up our Anti-Air/ Skimmer. A squad loaded out as Immersturm pointed out would be pretty lethal for anything.
  • Dragoons and Balistaari are strange but I think work well with us purely because there will probably be bigger targets so they will be ignored and do thier job surprisingly efficiently.

I think the only downside is that they cost a bit in terms of £'s msn-wink.gif

Edit: Super Secret Plus Point!

  • More Red!

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Update on Doctrina Imperatives:  These are amazing.  The flexibility granted to your Skitarii is absolutely astounding and you can set them up to ally and fill gaps in ANY Armies of the Imperium force.  For BA, this means a solid firebase with good mobility and reasonable durability.  They can handle our long range anti-tank (an expensive prospect for BA players), anti-aircraft, and can even help with our torrent of fire needs!  The buy-in for a Skitarii Maniple is literally as low as 110 points (2 squads of Vanguard), barely a Power Fist more than a single stock Tactical Squad!

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