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[HH1.0] The Sons of Barbarus : A Death Guard Tactica Thread

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With the new changes to Orbital assault, it could become pretty viable having Box dreads in Talons drop down with chemical flamestorm canons.




This should definitely be something to discuss tactically in this thread ;)


I recently proxied up two flamerstorm cannons from the LR redeemer sprues and spare right arm shoulders I have.  Question are, should I be looking to make up a third and if so, what left arm options should we be considering, as well as how this fits in with Chem Munitions and the DG drop podding as a whole ?

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I'd say keep a combat arm but unsure of underslung weapon.


Dont want another chem flamer or you could risk gets hot Stripping Hull points.


Do plasma blasters get hot? Brain fog. If not could complement well, or grav to be ready for anything.

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I'd say keep a combat arm but unsure of underslung weapon.


Dont want another chem flamer or you could risk gets hot Stripping Hull points.


Do plasma blasters get hot? Brain fog. If not could complement well, or grav to be ready for anything.

Plasma Blasters do GET HOT! and they're Assault 2 so you risk 2 results.


Stick with the Graviton Gun so that even while Burninating, you can strip hull points if necessary.

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Thought so, but wasn't 100% on it.


In which case Grav gun is amazing.


If you were horrendously cheeky you could position some troops between you and some AV, target the AV with grav and still shoot the template covering does bodies.

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Grave Warden users: to heavy flamer or not to heavy flamer?


Given they already have Death Cloud I wasn't planning on taking the upgrades but wondering if people think the shredding template is worth the loss of some S6 shots

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If you're going to play in ZM, might as well take them for the +1S due to them already having Shred. Additionally, their poison 3" Blast Grenade Shots would also gain shred as would their cloud, if it doesn't already have it making them a VEEEERY nasty unit due to the sheer amount of wounds they'd be able to pile on no to mention the 10D3 Wall Of Death that occurs when you charge them since the cloud is a Template Weapon.


Outside of ZM, keep the 'nade launchers.

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I always take a Heavy Flamer with Terminators (both Grave Warden and Legion if I don't use Reaper Autocannons) if for the advantage of being able to cover 4+ opponents in most cases with one. It's an easy way to thin the herd, if you will. In ZM they become murder machines.

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Thoughts on maximizing al-chem weapons in a list (for fluff reasons)?


Creeping Death

Siege Breaker w/Phosphex

Dreads w/Chem-Flamers

Quad Mortars w/Phosphex


Chem-Flamer Supports

Medusas w/Phosphex

Grave Wardens

Missile Launcher Heavies


Am I missing anything?


I've avoided adding a Lightning as it doesn't seem as Death Guard'y but I wonder if I should replace the ML squad with a Chem-Flamestorm Predator. I know the former is not that effective given its short range but it may be more fluffy.


Thanks for the opinions!

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I like it and it's how I would play DG to an extent.


Typhon is another one with his Chem Bombardment.


Only problem is that Chemical Weapons don't really hurt AV :(


Creeping Death is also just so subpar. The 5+ Cover is nice, as are the S5 missiles, but did we really need anymore help killing infantry? It's just a strange mix of side-grades as opposed to upgrades. Lack of allies hurts too.


It could just be me being a little disheartened with DG after wanting to be fluffy but not walk Terminator across the table/ buy dreadclaws etc. but lists for them just seem generic or like you can't get all of your toys and be effective, even at 3k, OR there is just too much anti infantry overlap.... Bleh

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I like it and it's how I would play DG to an extent.


Typhon is another one with his Chem Bombardment.


Only problem is that Chemical Weapons don't really hurt AV :(


Creeping Death is also just so subpar. The 5+ Cover is nice, as are the S5 missiles, but did we really need anymore help killing infantry? It's just a strange mix of side-grades as opposed to upgrades. Lack of allies hurts too.


It could just be me being a little disheartened with DG after wanting to be fluffy but not walk Terminator across the table/ buy dreadclaws etc. but lists for them just seem generic or like you can't get all of your toys and be effective, even at 3k, OR there is just too much anti infantry overlap.... Bleh



I was thinking Creeping Death because of the Bombardment - fluff wise. But I suppose the Reaping has Rad Grenades.


Don't forget a few flamers on breachers there Kilofix :)

Hey I only now just realized Breachers are Troops haha... I have no Breachers but I'll look into getting some.


I think I'll stick with the Heavy ML Squad as opposed to the Predator. Infantry is probably more DG. I'll have to rely on the ML, Shatter Shell, Fist/Flamer Dreads and Terminator CC for AV. It won't be optimum but it'll be fluffy. I just need to find some old school green templates.

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Aye, god speed!


The Reaping is probably the better choice if going infantry, as it turns those heavy chem flamer/ missile squads into non-compulsory troops - an absolute blessing. The lack of Deep strike is bad, but that isn't what the 14th are about son!


Playing defensively with the Reaping can work wonders, suddenly charging a squad that will overwatch you with shredding flamers while you are a -1T and losing charge bonuses because the character has a boarding shield is a scary proposition. Especially when that unit also has a couple of power scythes ready to hit you back too.

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So, lets talk new res book changes:


Veterans- points drop and being able to take combis, and having both outflank and sniper makes it pretty hilarious with our shred flamers. I see good use here with both Morturg infiltration and in the reaping list.


Assualt marines- significantly cheaper. These could be brutal in the reaping as they have speed and rad grenades


Land Raider Achillles- can be given chemical death mortar if we take a siege breaker...

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What do we arm Vets with now?


Combi-Chem-Flamers on Outflanking Snipers to make Mor'Deythan jealous? :D


WS5 Rad Grenade Vets with Stubborn from Mortarion? Hit on 3's wound on 3's!


Combi-Melta in a Dreadclaw with +1 to pen, so you can even hurt AV14 with some luck!

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I am so disappointed that Destroyer squads didn't get changed.  However, for a small increase in points compared to a fully kitted Destroyer squad I can run 2 10 man assault squads under the reaping.


Rad grenades-check!

Compulsory troop choice-check!

Work around to being slow in a reaping list-check!

Synergizes well with move through cover benefits-check!


Couple with outflanking vets and cheaper scouting proteus (with tac support squads inside) might finally give us the ability to be fast moving.


Who's slow now suckers???




Oh right...






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Techmarine Covenant Servitors can now take freaking RAD MISSILES


For less than 200 points you get a Techmarine with Augury Scanner & 4 Rad missile servitors. A bit over 200 to get a Conversion beamer in the mix.


Start blasting :cuss from 48" away with Rad missiles!


Dirty Trick: Drop something T6 down to T5 with Rad-Phage and then instant Death it with a Conversion beamer.... :furious:

Edited by Slipstreams
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So, another friend is starting 30k (and with him all my 40k playing friends are also playing 30k, yay!) and has decided to go for the death guard. We have sorted out a starting list based on the Betrayal at Calth box:


Praetor in cataphractii with scythe who is a Master of the Legion and enables the reaping (apart from being a beatstick).

4 bodyguard deathshrouds with LR that will go with the praetor

Marshal Durak Rask

2x10 breachers with 2 graviton, rad grenades, sergeant with artificer armour and scythe and apothecary with artificer armour and augury scanner.

2X10 veterans all with combi-chemical flamers, rad grenades, sergeant with AA and scythe, apothecary with AA and augury scanner and the veteran tactic that gives you outflank and sniper.

A heavy support squad with missile launchers with flakk missiles, sergeant with AA and augury scanner and apothecary with AA who goes with Durak Rask to kill vehicles.

A contemptor/cortus (still not sure on this one as it doesn't fit much the list but comes in the BaC box).


What do you think? We're also thinking of changing the heavy support squad to lascannons, but that would leave the list without any anti air and is even more expensive.

Edited by The Traitor
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