ronin_cse Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Hey everyone! Figured this would be the best place to post this as I imagine everyone in this sub-forum shares my intense need for more data on how the Skitarii actually perform on the table. Anyways had our monthly local tournament last Sunday and I decided to bring my brand new Skitarii to give them a run. Here's the list I took: +++ Skitarii 1500 (1498pts) +++++ Skitarii: Codex (2015) (Skitarii Maniple) +++ Troops +Skitarii Rangers [3x Arc rifle, Omnispex, 9x Skitarii Ranger]Ranger Alpha [Arc pistol]Skitarii Rangers [Omnispex, 7x Skitarii Ranger, 2x Transuranic arquebus]Ranger Alpha [Galvanic rifle]Skitarii Vanguard [Omnispex, 3x Plasma caliver, 9x Skitarii Vanguard]Vanguard Alpha [Phosphor blast pistol, The Phase Taser]Warlord+ Elites +Sicarian Infiltrators [Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads, 4x Sicarian Infiltrator]Infiltrator Princeps [Conversion field, The Omniscient Mask]+ Fast Attack +Sydonian DragoonsSydonian Dragoon [Phosphor serpenta, Taser lance]+ Heavy Support +Onager DunecrawlersOnager Dunecrawler [Cognis manipulator, Icarus Array - Twin autocannon, Gatling rockets, Daedalus]Onager DunecrawlersOnager Dunecrawler [Cognis manipulator, Neutron Laser and Cognis Heavy Stubber]++ Imperial Knights: Codex (2014) (Imperial Knight Detachment) +++ Knights +Knight PaladinCreated with BattleScribe I was mostly just experimenting with stuff to see how it went, which is why you see the single Dragoon, well that and I only own one ;). It was a 3 round tournament at 1500 pts, I'll try and give a decent description of how each game went. Some details will probably be lacking since it has been a couple days and I didn't write anything down :). We have been experimenting with different missions and this time we used the Forge the Narrative community mission pack: Game One: This game was against a Thousand Sons list against one of the better players in the area. It was 2 squads of TS marines in Rhinos, 2 Forge Fiends, a Vindicator, 2 Battle Cannon fortifications, a sorcerer in each TS squad, and led by Ahriman. It was vanguard deployment and the mission was basically kill points with some modifications (mission 2 of the FTN pack linked above). No night fight and I got the re-roll FnP warlord trait. I lost the roll off and ended up going second. Ahriman gets the infiltrate D3 units trait and he rolled a 6 (so 3). It was kind of a basic foresty map. Probably about 33%-50% terrain but most of it not LoS blocking. He just deployed his cannons on either side of his deployment and deployed his forge fiends and vindicator in the center against his line. I knew he was infiltrating his Rhinos so I spread out my guys a bit so he couldn't deploy on my flank or behind me. The sniper Rangers stayed near the back with the Icarus Onager in front of them to give them cover, the other ranger squad went to the left corner and the vanguard went to the right, the Laser onager was in front of them a little to give cover. The Dragoon went right in the middle against my line, my plan was to run it straight at the vindicator. Oh and my Knight was in a middle a little back from my line. I deployed my Infiltrators on the bottom left corner of the board behind a cliff out of LoS. As predicted he deployed the Rhino with Ahriman as close as he could near the top of the board on my side, and the other one kind of right in the middle because my units and infiltrators didn't leave him much choice. Finally I scouted some of my units forward and moved them around a little. Dragoon went forward, Arc rifle rangers went forwards towards some trees and his Rhino without Ahriman, and vanguard and the laser onager went towards his rhino on that flank. I didn't seize unfortunately. Turn 1 he moved his Rhinos closer and disembarked Ahriman's squad with I think 8 TS marines and a Sorcerer. He also disembarked the other TS squad. During the psychic phase he enfeebled the vanguard. He shot and killed a few Vanguard with them due to the damn AP 3 guns they have, and no FnP thanks to being enfeebled (T2). Then the rest of his shooting pretty much went on the Knight, which he managed to whittle down to 2 HP remaining. The battle cannons I think fired at the Dragoon, I think one scattered and one hit, which I saved thanks to his 5+ cover. On my turn I activated the +3 BS Doctrine and then I moved everything closer to their respective targets and moved the Knight towards Ahriman. I shot Ahriman's squad with the Knight and ended up wiping out all but the Sorcerer near the back, and then fired a stubber at the rhino so I could attempt the charge. Unsurprisingly the Vanguard wiped him out, I used the single radium carbine in range before trying the plasma just to avoid some unlucky gets hot chances and the one shot took him out. The sniper rangers shot at the rhino on the left and I rolled very bad and they did nothing to it. The arc rifle rangers fired at the other TS squad and took out about 3. The Icarus Onager shot at a Rhino Ahriman had been in and actually took off 2 HP, the Laser Onager did a glancing hit to the vindy. I needed a 9 inch charge (so needed a 6) on the Dragoon at this point to get the Vindicator and failed it with a 5. The knight needed like 8" to get the Rhino and also failed. Oh my Infiltrators stayed where they were otherwise they would get destroyed by the battle cannon right next to them. Turn 2 he moved his one TS squad a little closer to the rangers. He also moved the rhino right by my Vanguard. He took out the Knight with both forge fiends, I rolled a 1 on the catastrophic explosion chart and it ended up scattering right on top of the Rhino, which didn't explode. My Vanguard were JUST out of range of the 7" blast. The battle cannons shot at the Dragoon again, one scattered and one hit and did a HP, but he rolled a 1 on the pen chart so no big deal. He shot the Vindicator at the Icarus onager for some reason and penned it, but I rolled a 6 for my invul save. His remaining TS killed about half of my rangers (stupid ap3). My turn 2 my vanguard had nothing to do so they moved to some trees for cover. The arc rangers again moved closer to the TS to get within rapid fire with everyone. My infiltrators moved closer to the TS marines while still staying out of LoS of the battle cannon) Shooting I shot both onagers at a forge fiend and destroyed it, my snipers shot at the TS and again did nothing, and my other rangers shot and killed all but 2 (a normal and the sorc). I used the +2 BS Doctrine. I finally managed to charge the Vindicator with the Dragoon but I whiffed and only did two HP (I think I forgot to look for 6s for extra hits) and immobilized it. Turn 3 he tried to ram my Dragoon and totally whiffed, which kept my Dragoon in combat with it. The last forge fiend and one battle cannon shot at the laser onager and ended up doing 2 HP and immobilized it. The other battle cannon shot at the Dragoon and scattered off. The TS shot the rangers again killed a couple more leaving me with about 3. The Vindicator shot at my Vanguard that were right in front of it and I think 3-4 died. He then charged those rangers who didn't make any overwatch hits. My Alpha and his Champion squared off in mortal combat. His Champion managed to do one wound to my ranger, who turned around and did nothing back. The other rangers made no wounds and his other TS did likewise. Being still in combat my Dragoon tried to take out the Vindy but only landed one hit and then failed to glance. My Turn 3 I used the +1 WS Doctrine and I moved everything closer to him again. I also moved the Infiltrators right next to the TS/Ranger combat (thank you 9" movement!). Shot at his remaining forge fiend but failed to do anything to it. I charged the Infiltrators against the TS and the Rhino which was still there. They took out the rhino easily but all together with the rangers only managed to do enough to kill the single TS (really bad rolling). My Alpha ended up getting killed in the challenge, the sorc didn't get anything useful on the Chaos gifts chart. Very luckily that combat was ongoing as TS are fearless. My Dragoon rolled really well and I got 6 out of 3 hits and then rolled 3 pens and 2 glances. I consolidated closer to the forge fiend. Turn 4 he killed the dragoon with a battle cannon and ended up doing a wound to one of the onagers. I killed the sorcerer with the infiltrators and consolidated towards the forge fiend. On my turn I closed on the forgefiend with the infiltrators, did a couple more HP to it in the shooting phase, and then took it down my assaulting it with the Infiltrators. We called it after this as the battle cannons were the only things left on his side. The only thing of mine that was killed was the Knight. Obviously luck was on my side here, but overall the Skitarii did really well. Their shooting can be just brutal but as expected they die if you look at them. I think if he hadn't gone after the Knight from the start it would have been very different. Just a couple rounds of shooting from the Vindy and the Forgefiends would have virtually wiped out my Rangers and Vanguard. Although in Retrospect they didn't contribute all that much to the victory. I only have the 1 Dragoon but this game convinced me to get some more, they move so fast that getting a charge in turn 1 is very possible (6" scout + 9" move + ~10" charge). With a squad of 3, 1 will almost certainly make it to it's intended target. Actually everything performed really well. Obviously the Icarus was kind of dead weight since he had no flyers or skimmer, but that was expected. Oh wow that was a lot more writing than I thought it would be. I think I'll split this up into separate posts. Might not finish all 3 games today but we'll see how bored I am at work ;). The next game was against GK, and the last was against Tau. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frater Cornelius Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Good to see some feed back. What I am interested in is the compared utility of the Vanguard and the two Ranger units. Which one contributed most and which one was the most cost-efficient? Looking forward to your other games ;) Also, you can not charge T1 if you Scout. Still, the Dragoon might be worth it in bigger units as it rips apart even TWC on the charge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted April 28, 2015 Author Share Posted April 28, 2015 Good to see some feed back. What I am interested in is the compared utility of the Vanguard and the two Ranger units. Which one contributed most and which one was the most cost-efficient? Looking forward to your other games Also, you can not charge T1 if you Scout. Still, the Dragoon might be worth it in bigger units as it rips apart even TWC on the charge. Oh crap you're right! I always forget that , didn't matter that game because I failed it anyways but will keep that in mind. From the 3 games they are both good. I think the Rangers did a little better because with 30" range it is very easy to shoot stuff, 18" is much more limiting. However next time I play I'm going to bring some BA allies with a drop pod for them, I feel like that will change things quite a bit. Edit: Thanks for the kind words, makes it a lot easier to motivate myself to write up the other games when I know people are actually reading it ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 Don't worry, more than one person is reading this...Omnispex default setting switched to -"continuous scan of forums for ++Hard Data++ Target word "skitarii" I'm very curious about the Dragoon as i am still debating that unit as a ranged unit or CC unit...did it play an active and positive role in the later games??. look fwd to the rest of the Bat Reps. cheers, Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaulerUK Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 Always an interesting read when it's well written and new stuff's deployed :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jarl of Wulfen Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 Write em up and ill read em. Haven't had a chance to play my skitarii yet so ill live vicariously through your batreps :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Battybattybats Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 I too am eager to hear how the other games went! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted April 30, 2015 Author Share Posted April 30, 2015 Alright finally getting the motivation to write more ;). Again thanks for the encouragement! Ok so Game 2 was against Grey Knights as I said above. Let's just say this game....didn't go very well. He had a knight paladin, two dread knights with heavy psilincers and heavy psycannons, two battle cannon fortifications (crazy 2 ppl brought these), and a squad of 10 terminators led by....Draigo? Maybe just a grand master or something, I dunno didn't really come up. Keep in mind we did random pairings, table assignments, and missions from the FTN pack. I ended up on the exact same table and we did FTN mission 8 which was vanguard deployment yet again and was for control of table quarters. 2 Neutral quarters, 1 enemy quarter entirely inside his deployment area, and your quarter in your deployment. Neutral were worth 1 point a turn starting turn 2, your own was worth 0, and the enemy one was worth 2. Progressive scoring. I lost the roll so he deployed first and went first. No night fighting and I didn't seize. He deployed his imperial knight against his line in the center flanked on either side by his dread knights. The battle cannons were further to his left and right flanks. His terminators were kept in reserve. Of course they were in the strike force formation so they could come on turn 1. I deployed my rangers to the left and right in some trees. My Infiltrators were along the center across from the IK and my Dragoon was up in my right corner. The Onagers were deployed near the center in two forests. Finally my vanguard went behind one of the onagers. I had played a little defensively in the last game so I decided to try being aggressive this game, but I kept the vanguard in the back because I figured he would deep strike his termies in my lines and I was eager to see what 9 plasma shots would do to them. Oh and I had the shoot as BS 4 warlord trait. Turn 1 his terminators didn't come in, he moved his IK forward a tad, and moved both DKs forward towards me as well. Psychic phase he just cased sanctuary on each DK and I couldn't stop it. His IK shot at my arc rifle rangers and killed, oh I think 2/3 of them. One DK shot at my infiltrators and killed them all. The other DK shot at my arc rifle rangers and finished them off. I can't remember what his battle cannons shot at but they both scattered too far and hit nothing. On my turn 1 I chose +3 BS. Moved my IK forward a bit and shuffled the rest around a little. Moved my dragoon towards one of the DKs. I shot the laser onager at his IK and did a HP. Shot the icarus at a DK didn't do any wounds. My IK shot at a DK and did a couple wounds. Shot the sniper rangers at the same DK and did another wound (he was in range of the galvanic rifles as well). Vanguard were out of range of anything. My dragoon was out of range of anything to charge. I tried charging his IK with mine needing a 12" charge but failed. Turn 2 his terminators came in, but he mishapped and they just went back in reserve. He moved his IK and one DK down towards my sniper rangers and icarus onager. He shunted his other to the upper right and closer to my vanguard, laser onager and dragoon. His IK shot at my icarus onager and killed it, and shot a stubber at my rangers killing 1. One DK shot at the same rangers and killed about 3. His other DK shot at my laser onager and killed it. One battle cannon shot my dragoon and penned and rolled a 6 so it exploded (damn open topped). The other one missed whatever it shot at (probably the sniper rangers). Unsurprisingly he charged my rangers and killed them as there were only 3 left. He gained 2 points for holding each neutral quarter. Obviously things were looking very dire at this point. I was going to lose, but since this was a point based tournament I knew I needed to get points. Instead of moving my IK towards his, which onlookers assumed I would do, I moved into his quarter. The vanguard moved towards his right most DK to try and wound it. My IK shot everything it had at his bottom DK and managed to kill it. A few vanguard had range on the other DK and managed to do a wound to it. I gained 2 points for holding his quarter (fortifications didn't count for scoring). Turn 3 his terminators came in, but he mishapped yet again. This time I got to place them and put them in the top right corner. He moved his DK closer to my vanguard and table quarter. He moved his IK closer to mine. He shot my knight with his and did a HP. His cannons both shot it, one missed and one did a HP. His DK shot my vanguard and easily killed them all. He ran his terminators to spread them out for the hell of it. He got 3 point for a neutral quarter and my quarter so he was up to 5. On my turn I moved my IK closer to the leftmost battle cannon and shot it with a stubber, then shot the battle cannon at his IK and did a HP. I then charged the battle cannon and killed it. I got 2 more points for his quarter bringing me to 4 Turn 4 he moved his DK further into to my quarter. He moved his IK towards mine. Shot my IK and did another HP so I was down to 3 at this point. He tried to charge but didn't make it. He got 3 more points going to 8. I moved up a bit to make sure there would be trees between us when he charged (trying to get him to go through difficult since AFAIK that still causes an IK to hit at I1, please correct me if that isn't the case). Shot his IK and did two HP bringing him down to 2 (my math may be off, but regardless how many I said were done he was at 2 HP by this point). 2 more points for me so up to 6 Turn 5 he moved his IK closer to mine as predicted. Shot my IK and did 2 HP bringing me down to 1. He then charged me in what would most likely be an epic nail biting battle....and killed me with his hammer of wrath hit :(. He got 3 more points. So final score was 11 to 6 primary. 14 to 6 after first blood, slay the warlord, and linebreaker all of which he got. Obviously this was a brutal battle. I was far to aggressive and it really cost me. I think I also should have held at least the walker and infiltrators in reserve. The infiltrators could have outflanked and come in on his board edge to get me points at least. Thinking about it some more I'm still not sure what else I could have done though. He said he has been playing a lot of armies with lots of infantry lately so he just built his list to the meta. It just happened to also be a rock to my scissors. I had hoped that he would concentrate on my IK giving my infantry the chance to get closer and take him out with Haywire and Plasma, but he didn't fall for that. If ever in this position just don't give up though, especially if placings are based on total battle points. I may have lost but at least I got some points out of it due resisting the urge to be reckless with my IK. Next up is Tau...I'm on a roll so I may as well just finish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted April 30, 2015 Author Share Posted April 30, 2015 So 3rd and final game against Tau. This was not a typical cheesy Tau list by any means. He had a riptide with ion cannon and missiles and 2 drones. 1 broadside with missiles and 2 drones. Another broadside with rail rifle and 2 drones. A 10 man fire warrior squad. Another 10 man fire warrior squad with the pulse carbines (the assault 2 18" weapons that you never see). A stealth team. A piranha, and 3 crisis suits led by a commander. I'm not quite sure what was in that unit but he had some plasma, fusion, and missiles. It was not a buffmander and didn't have the +1T 2+ save suit and actually had weapons. They all had shield generators. Different table but we rolled the 3rd mission with vanguard strike (there are 9 missions btw and only 3 with vanguard strike), this was mission 4 from the FTN mission pack, basically emperors will worth 9 points at the end of the game and 6 objectives worth 1 point each for each turn starting turn 2 progressively scored. I actually managed to win the roll off and took first turn. No night fighting. I rolled the eternal warrior warlord trait. I deployed similar to before with my big stuff along my center line, my vanguard to my left flank, and my sniper rangers to the right on top of my emperor's will objective. My onagers were placed to take the two objectives in my deployment zone. My arc rangers were against my line in the center as there were some trees within 6" they could scout into. He deployed his riptide in his corner, the missile side a bit down from that, the railside to the right behind a cliff and on top of his emper objective, the regular fire warriors down from the riptide kind of in a choke point. The other fire warriors were to the right a bit more directly above my arc rangers. His piranha was on his right flank edge. I infiltrated my infiltrators in the lower left corner behind a LoS blocking hill and he deployed his stealth suits in the upper right very close to my sniper rangers. I then scouted my arc rangers forwards, my sniper rangers into some nearby trees, by onagers into some trees, my Dragoon forward (forgot him, he was halfway to my left flank against my deployment line), and my vanguard behind the same LoS blocking hill as my infiltrators. Thankfully he didn't seize. So my turn 1 I went with the +3BS (shocking I know). Basically just moved everything up a bit except the onagers as they were in cover and holding objectives. Likewise with the sniper rangers and infiltrators. My arc rangers shot at the fire warriors across from them and killed about half. My Icarus Onager was filled with joy at actually having something it could hit and shot the piranha and destroyed it easily. He disembarked his drones after this, and I told him I was fairly sure they would count as destroyed and he was sure they wouldn't, I didn't want to press the issue so I let him have it...looking at the Tau codex now though I was correct (pg 33). Sniper rangers shot at the stealth suits and even though they were within rapid fire range whiffed and only killed one. Vanguard weren't within range so stayed out of LoS. My knight shot at the railside and killed the closest drone and the broadside. My laser onager shot at the other broadside and killed both drones. Infiltrators stayed put as they didn't have much to do other than get shot. Dragoon moved and ran closer to the leftmost fire warriors. Sadly he passed all morale checks. His turn 1 he shot his carbine firewarriors at my arc rangers and killed a couple, and the same thing with his stealth suits against my sniper rangers. Riptide shot at my knight but didn't do anything. Regular firewarriors shot my dragoon and did a HP. His missileside shot at a couple infiltrators that I had left in LoS and killed one. His drones shot at my rangers but didn't do anything. Turn 2 I used the +2 BS doctrine. Moved my infiltrators towards his broadside and my vanguard up to hold the bottom left objective. Moved my knight towards his center fire warriors and my arc rangers towards them as well. Moved my sniper rangers towards the stealth suits. Dragoon went towards the fire warriors to the left. I had a few vanguard in range of the broadside and they shot and killed it, thank you plasma. I shot the knight and the arc rangers at the center firewarriors and finished them off, for some reason I had it in my head that firewarriors have haywire grenades and I didn't want to assault them with my knight, of course it's pathfinders that have haywire grenades. Sniper rangers shot the stealth suits and finished them off. Icarus Onager shot at the drones and missed with everything. The laser onager shot the riptide and killed a drone. I tried to charge the firewarriors with the Dragoon but he died to overwatch. Tried to charge them with the infiltrators but they failed as well, but it was a long shot. I gained 4 points for holding 4 objectives. Turn 2 his commander and suits came in on top of my emperor's will objective. Moved his drones towards the top right objective to hold it. He shot at my infiltrators with his firewarriors and killed 1 and wounded 1. He shot his suits at my sniper rangers but didn't roll that great, he ended up killing about 3 or 4 leaving me 2. His riptide shot my IK again but did nothing. Drones shot at my rangers and didn't do anything either. He assault moved his suits to spread them out. He scored 2 points for holding 2 objectives Turn 3 I did the +1 BS doctrine. Moved the IK towards the suits, the sniper rangers towards the drone and the objective, the arc rangers toward the top center objective, and the vanguard and infiltrators towards the firewarriors. My knight and laser onager shot at the suits and ended up killing all but the commander. The vanguard didn't shoot the fire warriors as I wanted to charge them. Now that I think about it I think I shot at them at least once with the knight as there were only about 6 left. The sniper rangers and icarus onager shot at the drones and killed one. The arc rangers ran towards the top center objective. I charged the left firewarriors with my infiltrators but just left my vanguard holding the bottom left objective. My sniper rangers charged the drone They whiffed pretty badly and only killed a couple, which really was for the better. The drone killed a ranger and my rangers did nothing to the drone, but the alpha stayed strong and didn't flee. His turn 3 his commander shot at the laser onager and didn't do anything. The riptide shot at my knight again and did a HP. In the assault phase the infiltrators still failed to kill all the firewarriors, mostly due to my bad rolling. The ranger and the drone did nothing to each other. Turn 4 I moved my knight next to his commander. At this point we were informed this was the last round. My knight turned so it could shoot at the riptide and killed the last drone and did a wound, and fired the stubber at the commander. My laser onager missed the riptide. Infiltrators finally finished off the firewarriors and moved toward the last drone holding his emperor's will objective. My ranger finally killed the drone, and my IK wiped the commander from existence by rolling a 6 on the D table. We called it at this point as his turn was the last and not much more could be done. We tied on the primary objective so we each got 5 points for that (4 each for tying + 1 for each fast attack destroyed). I got 8 points for the secondary as that was the cap. Also 3 points for the bonus objectives bringing the score to 16 to 5. I think he was a less experienced player and obviously his list wasn't THAT bad. He did have a riptide and some suits though so it wasn't a pushover. First turn was a big factor in this one, I think if he had gotten first turn it may have been different. Although Skitarii stuff is almost like Tau with better shooting in some cases. Hitting stuff on 2s with such powerful weapons is nothing to laugh at. So overall I placed 2nd in the tournament. A different Tau player took 1st and the Thousand Sons player I faced took 3rd. The Skitarii were very impressive IMO. I expected to do a lot worse seeing as this was my first time using them. After this I WAS very excited to get a few more Skitarii units and maybe run a Killclade, that is until the Cult Mechanicus stuff leaked ;). We have another tournament coming up in a couple weeks to fundraise to get a fat mat for the store and I plan on running Skitarii again. My next list will drop the IK for some BA allies to see how that goes. I expect the Vanguard will be crazy good coming out of a drop pod. Here's my tentative list if anyone is curious: +++ Skitarii-BA 1750 (1750pts) +++ ++ Skitarii: Codex (2015) (Skitarii Maniple) +++ Troops +Skitarii Rangers [3x Arc rifle, Omnispex, 9x Skitarii Ranger]Ranger Alpha [Arc maul, Arc pistol, Refractor field]Skitarii Rangers [Omnispex, 4x Skitarii Ranger, 2x Transuranic arquebus]Ranger Alpha [Galvanic rifle]Skitarii Vanguard [Omnispex, 3x Plasma caliver, 9x Skitarii Vanguard]Vanguard Alpha [Phosphoenix, Radium carbine, Refractor field]+ Elites +Sicarian Ruststalkers [4x Sicarian Ruststalker, Transonic razor, Chordclaw, and Mindscrambler Grenades]Ruststalker Princeps [Conversion field, Prehensile Dataspike, The Omniscient Mask]+ Heavy Support +Onager DunecrawlersOnager Dunecrawler [Cognis heavy stubber, Cognis manipulator, Neutron Laser and Cognis Heavy Stubber]++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Flesh Tearers Strike Force) +++ (No Category) +Relics and Detachment-rules [Codex: Blood Angels]+ HQ +Librarian (Terminator) [Gallian's Staff, Melta bombs, Psyker (ML2), Storm bolter]+ Elites +Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]Power Fists [Frag cannon, Heavy flamer]+ Troops +Tactical Squad [Heavy flamer, Meltagun, 9x Tactical Marine]Razorback [Dozer Blade, Storm bolter, Twin Linked Lascannon]Tactical Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Boltgun]+ Fast Attack +Drop Pod [storm Bolter]Rhino [Dozer Blade, Storm bolter]+ Heavy Support +Stormraven Gunship [Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-linked Multi-melta]Created with BattleScribe I'll be sure to post up the summaries from that as well. Praise to the Omissiah and thanks for reading! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Well written reports, can't wait to take mine on the table! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
abraxus Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Firewarriors can take EMP grenades as an upgrade. They usually don't, but when they do it can be a surprise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frater Cornelius Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Thanks for sharing. You, my friend, require some of the upcoming Cult Mechanicus support ;) from what I have noticed, lack of staying power is what put a dent in your performance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Yes very well written, and an interesting read...++Hard Data++ from your Omnispex's has been downloaded and will be put to good use. thank you for taking the time to give a well detailed report. cheers, Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 Firewarriors can take EMP grenades as an upgrade. They usually don't, but when they do it can be a surprise. I swear I didn't see that upgrade for them when I was doing a "theoretical" of how a Tau army can take down an IK army. I must have been looking at a different unit or something, oh well! Thanks for the correction. Thanks for sharing. You, my friend, require some of the upcoming Cult Mechanicus support from what I have noticed, lack of staying power is what put a dent in your performance. Already planning on that! Definitely going to add the upcoming robots and a Tech Priest (regardless of rules he looks too cool). I imagine I'll add some of the servitors as well but we'll have to see how the rules turn out, likewise for the Electro priests. Also hoping adding in some BA allies will help as well. I'm thinking having an HQ in terminator armor in with the rust stalkers will help them quite a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Amarel Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Great reports, thanks. On your new list, the Phosphoenix replaces the Radium Carbine, which is worth noting. Not many Tau players take the EMP grenades anymore as only 1 grenade can be used in any phase (which I only found out recently, it hadn't occurred to me that that had changed from 6th). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 Great reports, thanks. On your new list, the Phosphoenix replaces the Radium Carbine, which is worth noting. Not many Tau players take the EMP grenades anymore as only 1 grenade can be used in any phase (which I only found out recently, it hadn't occurred to me that that had changed from 6th). Yeah unfortunately on the current battlescribe file it keeps the carbine regardless. Don't forget each Tau firewarrior can use the EMP grenades in assault. Since the IK can't over watch and could only kill at most 4 in CC before they get to go that's a viable option. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dez Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 I really enjoyed reading your battle reports, thanks! How are you planning on utilizing that BA Allies list exactly? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Amarel Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Great reports, thanks. On your new list, the Phosphoenix replaces the Radium Carbine, which is worth noting. Not many Tau players take the EMP grenades anymore as only 1 grenade can be used in any phase (which I only found out recently, it hadn't occurred to me that that had changed from 6th). Yeah unfortunately on the current battlescribe file it keeps the carbine regardless. Don't forget each Tau firewarrior can use the EMP grenades in assault. Since the IK can't over watch and could only kill at most 4 in CC before they get to go that's a viable option. . But only a single model in a unit can use an EMP grenade in the assault: "Some grenades can be used to make shooting attacks or attacks in the Fight sub-phase, albeit to different effect. Only one grenade (of any type) can be thrown by a unit per phase" Emphasis theirs, page 180. Back in 6th all models with grenades could attack with them in melee (the "Fight sub-phase"), but now just one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shandwen Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 Great reports, thanks. On your new list, the Phosphoenix replaces the Radium Carbine, which is worth noting. Not many Tau players take the EMP grenades anymore as only 1 grenade can be used in any phase (which I only found out recently, it hadn't occurred to me that that had changed from 6th). Yeah unfortunately on the current battlescribe file it keeps the carbine regardless. Don't forget each Tau firewarrior can use the EMP grenades in assault. Since the IK can't over watch and could only kill at most 4 in CC before they get to go that's a viable option. . But only a single model in a unit can use an EMP grenade in the assault: "Some grenades can be used to make shooting attacks or attacks in the Fight sub-phase, albeit to different effect. Only one grenade (of any type) can be thrown by a unit per phase" Emphasis theirs, page 180. Back in 6th all models with grenades could attack with them in melee (the "Fight sub-phase"), but now just one. I always thought that grenades in assault were not thrown... that the different phases were for shooting and overwatch. I'll have to reread that section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 I really enjoyed reading your battle reports, thanks! How are you planning on utilizing that BA Allies list exactly? The Ruststalkers will be joined by the Librarian and will be in the Stormraven, and the dreadnaught will be carried by the raven as well (what can I say I like dreads, and the storm raven doesn't feel complete if it isn't carrying a dread too). The Vanguard will go in the drop pod and the arc rangers will go in the rhino. The mandatory tac squad will mostly just cap objectives and provide some fire support with their flamer and melta. I wanted to take the infiltrators to get more testing with them but I just don't have the points and don't want to drop anything else. I'm thinking the Vanguard will be absolutely devastating when coming out of a drop pod, and the rhino will allow me to get some good shots in with the arc rangers. The ruststalkers will be able to get into assault very easily thanks to the stormraven and with a librarian in terminator armor they will be much more durable. My plan is to cast quickening on the princeps for more attacks, might use some other powers depending on what I draw. Great reports, thanks. On your new list, the Phosphoenix replaces the Radium Carbine, which is worth noting. Not many Tau players take the EMP grenades anymore as only 1 grenade can be used in any phase (which I only found out recently, it hadn't occurred to me that that had changed from 6th). Yeah unfortunately on the current battlescribe file it keeps the carbine regardless. Don't forget each Tau firewarrior can use the EMP grenades in assault. Since the IK can't over watch and could only kill at most 4 in CC before they get to go that's a viable option. . But only a single model in a unit can use an EMP grenade in the assault: "Some grenades can be used to make shooting attacks or attacks in the Fight sub-phase, albeit to different effect. Only one grenade (of any type) can be thrown by a unit per phase" Emphasis theirs, page 180. Back in 6th all models with grenades could attack with them in melee (the "Fight sub-phase"), but now just one. Yeah and then right below that it says: "A model can use such a grenade as a Melee weapon, but can only ever make one attack, regardless of the number of Attacks on its profile or any bonuses. Different grenades have different profiles when used in this manner, as explained below." The line you quoted is referring to using them as a ranged weapon. It even says they clamp the grenades on in CC so they aren't being thrown anyways Edit: Then under the shooting profile for each grenade it specifically says only one model can throw one, whereas nothing of that sort is said under the assault profiles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Amarel Posted May 2, 2015 Share Posted May 2, 2015 Can see grenades being played that way. Round here it's played the way I stated, with the first rule being the defining one (rightly or wrongly). Maybe I'll get to convince them otherwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronin_cse Posted May 2, 2015 Author Share Posted May 2, 2015 Can see grenades being played that way. Round here it's played the way I stated, with the first rule being the defining one (rightly or wrongly). Maybe I'll get to convince them otherwise. I can be very convincing (read: stubborn), have them come on here and talk to me ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frater Cornelius Posted May 2, 2015 Share Posted May 2, 2015 Can see grenades being played that way. Round here it's played the way I stated, with the first rule being the defining one (rightly or wrongly). Maybe I'll get to convince them otherwise. I can be very convincing (read: stubborn), have them come on here and talk to me In those cases, I like to use my negotiation tool. Have you ever heard of a Dreadsock? :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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