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Doors close at 1700 UTC (1000 PDT, 1200 CDT, 1300 EDT, 1800 BST, 1900 CEST, (02/06) 0100 AWST, 0230 ACST 0300 AEST).






This is a snapshot of where we stand at this point (not a proper update):

FactionParticipantsVows Points pledged Completions RateCodex 78 94 49,643 8,754 17.6% Blood Angels 82 89 48,320 5,894 12.2% Dark Angels 45 56 43,065 6,947 16.1% Space Wolves 35 38 30,884 2,245 7.3% Realm of Chaos 73 85 65,628 8,531 13.0% Forces of the Imperium 85 106 65,605 10,885 16.6% Horus Heresy 95 112 96,155 19,860 20,7% TOTAL 493 580 399,300 63,116 15.8%



On June 1st the doors of ETL IV closed to all new participants. ETL IV has proved to be the most popular event in the B&C to date (including all previous ETLs) and with 493 participants (!) the support for the ETL has reached unprecedented levels! So now the teams are fully formed and new strategies must be devised for June is the month of procrastination. We are moving away from the initial enthusiasm of May and the end is still far away to trigger the alarm.
As such it is also the most interesting period because this is a make or break of a Champion! If you let procrastination creep in, you may be able to make it by the end of the event (although the chances will become slimmer if you lose momentum) but it is very likely you’ll not be able to leverage your position by additional vows and help your faction to reach its maximum potential.
An interesting observation now, that the dust has settled, is that a lot of forums are close in terms of participation levels and although HH leads in this department, there are plenty of contenders with roughly similar resources. And a high headcount is not all that matters (although it’s pretty important), it’s the high completion rate that takes the lead now as the metric to watch… So even if the faction with the highest following delivers the most points in absolute terms, it still may find itself in a difficult position if it’s completion rate is not high enough. Conversely, factions that may seem like the underdog at this point may shine and come to the top if the commitment of its members is strong.
So as a general advice to all: Finish your first vow sooner rather than later. If you’re confident you can re-vow and help your faction achieve its maximum potential. And lastly, do not overextend yourself. If you fail in any consequent vow ALL previous ones will be lost and will count for nothing. Completion rates will be applied AFTER all such penalties are applied!
Lastly please keep in mind that the funding campaign for B&C is still on.
No donation is too small – all are important and are greatly appreciated. For details on how to donate please follow this link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308146-yearly-board-fund-drive-begins/
Now lets see how the ETL IV looks like in this fifth week:

FactionParticipantsVows Points pledged Completions RateCodex 78 95 50,333 9,294 18.5% Blood Angels 82 91 49,415 8,279 16.8% Dark Angels 45 56 43,065 6,947 16.1% Space Wolves 35 39 31,244 2,545 8.1% Realm of Chaos 73 87 66,804 9,074 13.6% Forces of the Imperium 85 107 66,110 11,020 16.7% Astra Militarum 31 41 22,456 3,860 17.2% Grey Knights 9 9 6,016 0 0.0% Adeptus Mechanicus 35 44 33,731 6,800 20.2% Sisters of Battle 6 7 2,101 360 17.1% Inquisition & Agents 4 6 1,806 720 39.9% Horus Heresy 95 113 96,922 24,885 25,7% TOTAL 493 588 403,893 72,044 17.8%

So let’s see this one by one:
The Codex faction is doing OK. With a sizeable amount of resources, (78 participants) they seem to be able to compete for the top. But the problem is that the combination of the lowest average vow and a completion rate spot on the ETL average it’s not really a winning combination. So the strategy here is to drive the completion rate higher while increasing the average vow. The way to achieve this is not by making large vows necessarily (although that works) but to build-up your re-vowing rate at 18% that currently is, well… OK-ish! If there is a faction that can really turn the tables during June is you. Keep the pace and only good things will happen. Let go and July will not be sufficient to get you to the top. The hard work must take place in June.
Well, this is this year’s ETL surprise. The BAs have moved from the relative obscurity of the previous ETLs to prominence with 82 participants (that’s more than any winning faction of the previous ETLs had)! But, as I said above, the number of participants, important as it may be, it is not in itself a guarantee to win. You need to deliver on the vow front, and you need to keep up with the ETL average vow size. Right now you are lagging in terms of absolute vow (by more than 100pts) and your completion rate is also slightly lagging the average of the ETL. Your re-vowing rate at almost 10% is the lowest in the ETL (along with the SWs). All these ingredients point towards a certain strategy: You need to bring something above the ETL average to make a difference. High completion rate? This involves the heftier vows to complete soon. Increase average vow? It means those who vow again must do so in materially higher points. High re-vowing rate? That means that those who complete (irrespective of size) to commit again and bombard your rivals with vows… You have the numbers, now you need to improve the utilization!
Who would have thought that the Unfrgiven would be the underdogs in the ETL! Well although they have the second lowest participation with 45 participants we do have a few things going for us. For one our average vow is almost 100pts above the ETL average. So we’re sort of OK on this front. Our re-vowing rate at 20% is the highest in the game (along with IFOR). And our completion rate at 16%, although lower than the average is not in the alarm zone. What to do then? Well, we need to increase the resources – i.e. the pledged points. This can only be done if we send the re-vowing rate through the roof while maintaining roughly the same average vow. It is the fate of the Factions with relatively low participation to have more expected from few… Can we take the burden? Only time will tell.
It turns out that Space Wolves have the lowest participation in the event with 35 participants. Interestingly they also have the second highest average vow. But both the completion rate (at below 10%) and the re-vowing rate (at 8%) need fixing and fast. It’s true that completion rate in the case of the SWs is expected to be erratic as a few large vows that are bound to be completed later in the event will have a disproportional impact. But you really need to drive the re-vowing rate up i.e. get the smaller vows done fast and go for it again – you can afford smaller vows for now, but you need to leverage your limited resources before you threaten the more populous factions. As a side note your resources are not that far from the DAs which means that you have a great opportunity to score a moral victory over them. But even in a weakened state, the Unforgiven are a formidable opponent – so you have to work hard to come on top!
Chaos managed to get a big boost in the closing days of the recruitment period govog them a total participation of 73. This may not be among the highest in this year’s ETL but make no mistake: it’s a lot! Furthermore you also have the second higher amount of pledged points so the resources are in place. Will you be able to exploit and leverage on them? So far you have a large average vow but your completion rate is lower than the ETL average and your re-vowing rate is a mid-of-the-range 16%. So, forget about the big vows for the time being, they’ll be done when they’ll be done, right now focus on bringing your re-vowing rate higher… Truth is the Black Crusade with the Soul Vows will be a boost and provides some comfort on the re-vowing front. Keep at it.
IFOR has stepped up its game with the massive arrival of the Machanicum, alleviating some of the pressure of the Guard. Now with two leading forums and a great support form the other IFOR elements the faction has managed to gather an unprecedented 85 participants, north of 66k points pledged (only a few hundreds behind Chaos) and with a reasonably high average vow although somewhat lower than the ETL average. Interestingly they also have the highest re-vowing rate at 21%. So the challenge here is to increase the average vow. You need to bring it above the ETL average to make the other metrics really work for you. So be brave, assume the responsibility and make your second vows at higher points level. You have the numbers and the conviction. Do you have the courage? Now is the time to find out!
As we have already said, the HH faction has sported the biggest participation ever from any faction in any ETL. With the unprecedented 95 participants, almost 100k of pledged points and the highest completion rate in the event so far, it seems that they are in the best position to claim this year’s title. However there is a weakness: their re-vow rate of 16% is far from impressive. This may be interpreted that the HH faction is over-reliant on first vows. If June proves to be indeed the month of procrastination, then HH may see its fortunes reversed. Having said that, it may prove that a good completion rate among first vows to be sufficient to keep HH in the top positions and, why not?, the very top position.
So until next week, keep those completions coming!

  On 6/5/2015 at 8:03 AM, Captain Semper said:






IFOR has stepped up its game with the massive arrival of the Machanicum, alleviating some of the pressure of the Guard. Now with two leading forums and a great support form the other IFOR elements the faction has managed to gather an unprecedented 85 participants, north of 66k points pledged (only a few hundreds behind Chaos) and with a reasonably high average vow although somewhat lower than the ETL average. Interestingly they also have the highest re-vowing rate at 21%. So the challenge here is to increase the average vow. You need to bring it above the ETL average to make the other metrics really work for you. So be brave, assume the responsibility and make your second vows at higher points level. You have the numbers and the conviction. Do you have the courage? Now is the time to find out!


@Captain Semper - Who are the Machanicum?

Hey everybody, I am working on a list of all the models vowed and completed for this ETL. I just finished up the vowed models as of nowish, so I figured some of you might be interested in it: here.
7659 models vowed so far (give or take a few, my math isn't necessarily perfect, and some units didn't give model counts in the vows).

  On 5/30/2015 at 12:17 PM, AndrewChristlieb said:


  On 5/30/2015 at 11:59 AM, Forté said:


  On 5/30/2015 at 11:42 AM, Jolemai said:

In this thread since the last update, I'm reading that not only are the forces of Chaos are fickle ,but that they are throwing this year's competition as they have no honour.








Who knew?

Yep we're throwing it. I've already completed my first two vows, which for me is amazing.



Good stuff Forte! 


Finishing anything is amazing >.<


and regarding a chaos dex next year, I have heard its out after marines, from 2 sources, one being a family member who was an ex gw sculpter who is still in contact with people, might just be him teasing me though. if he is ill throttle him

Ok everybody, I'm on a business trip this week - won't be back home before Friday. I may manage an update or two but generally expect scarce presence from my side...


That means nothing though. Continue your work, report your completions and your follow-up vows and, come next Saturday, we'll be back to normal. 




So, we’re virtually half way there… Time flies, no?

First off let me apologise for the late update – I was on the road last week and could not follow all the developments in the ETL closely. Now I’m back though and everything is back in order.

The ETL has entered the difficult period of June, a time where the initial enthusiasm dissipates and the end is still too far in the future to worry about. It is also the beginning of the summer where outdoor activities become more attractive and some people also take holidays driving them away from their paint stations.

But, be that as it may, this is the period that ETLs are won or lost. If people manage to keep up with their self appointed tasks during this period they will have a clear advantage in the closing part of the event as they will both have some points under their belt as well as the ability to re-vow and leverage their contribution.

So by this time next week we’ll be beyond the mid-point of the event and time will start counting in reverse. So get down to it, complete your first vows and if you’re on your second or subsequent vow make sure you are not left behind – the stakes are just too high! As it happens the overall completions exceed 90kpts at this point while the overall completion rate is almost 22%.

Now that the new Codex Space Marines is out and the Codex Dark Angles seems imminent, please note:
All vows should be made using the current Codex at the time of the vow and it remains unchanged regardless of whether a new Codex is released during the life of the ETL. In case a new Codex is released replacing a previous Codex, all existing vows that have yet to be completed will remain as per previous Codex and exactly as they were pledged originally. There will be no change in points or retrospective repricing.
However the new vows that are to be made after the release of a new Codex are supposed to consist of units as described and as “priced” in the new Codex. It is possible that some units may disappear from the new Codex. Well, tough. You cannot go back to the old Codex even if your chosen unit does not exist in the new one. It is time to consider alternative “count-as” options. 
If you have any further questions on that feel free to ask if the above does not cover you.
On an unrelated note (or is it related?) please keep in mind that the funding campaign for B&C is still on.


No donation is too small – all are important and are greatly appreciated. For details on how to donate please follow this link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308146-yearly-board-fund-drive-begins/
Now lets see how the ETL IV looks like in this sixth week:

Codex 78 98 50,908 10,709 21.0%
Blood Angels 82 96 51,416 10,560 20.5%
Dark Angels 45 60 46,756 8,159 17.5%
Space Wolves 35 40 31,493 2,930 9.3%
Realm of Chaos 73 95 69,941 13,782 19.7%
Forces of the Imperium 85 113 68,465 15,740 23%
Astra Militarum 31 46 23,709 8,095 34.1%
Grey Knights 9 9 6,016 200 3.3%
Adeptus Mechanicus 35 45 34,328 7,085 20.6%
Sisters of Battle 6 7 2,606 360 13.8%
Inquisition & Agents 4 6 1,806 720 39.9%
Horus Heresy 95 120 99,911 29,542 29.6%
TOTAL 493 622 418,890 91,422 21.8%

So let’s see this one by one:
Codex is keeping up. Just. With a completion rate virtually at the ETL average it appears that it keeps the pace. But in order to come comfortably on top, it requires more. Right now the leading Faction, the HH has close to 30% completion rate – a good 9percentage points ahead. Also the 51k pts pledged although still appearing to keep them afloat in reality will not win it for you – even at high completion rates. Whay you need to do is revow and do so as much as you can and as soon as you can. The 20% re-vowing rate is nothing to write home about in this stage of the ETL. You’re still very much in the game but you need to come back with more vows in the week to come. You have a good excuse, waiting for the new Codex to arrive. Well now that it’s here let’s see taking advantage of it!
The Blood Angels received a lot of praise from me in the opening weeks of the event as they managed to amass significant participation that makes them among the favorites to win. Now though they have to translate their participation numbers in solid completion points to exploit that advantage. The fairly low average vow (second lowest after the Codex) and a low re-vowing rate of just 15% it is evident that you need to speed up. Finish your first vows without any delay and go for bold follow-up that will not only increase your completion rate and your total vows pledged (and completed) but also increase your average vow as this is what is really keeping you down right now. I know that now is the most difficult period where you must use all your focus, but if do not use this next week to build momentum you will be missing an opportunity that’s far too precious to miss.
This year the DAs are plagued by low participation. Otherwise things are running smoothly having a high average vow of 780pts (100pts above the ETL average) and the highest re-vow rate of 25% (along with the IFOR). However the completion rate is on the low side at 18% - although its probably a side-effect of high re-vowing rate at higher points’ values. I guess we need to keep it up to ensure we don’t lose sight of our immediate rivals and maintain the momentum throughout June. The momentum is good – where other will falter, the DAs prevail!
OK, the SWs are lagging behind in points pledged and completions. What really worries me is the low re-vowing rate of only 13%! I think you guys need to speed up your first vows and come back for more fast. In fact, given your fairly high average vow (second highest in the ETL) you can afford to return with smaller vows as the total points completed is currently the most important metric for you.
Oh the wonders of high average vow! Chaos has roughly the same number of vows compared to Codex and BAs yet with an average vow rough 200pts higher they sport 50% higher total completed points despite a lower completion rate. Well the advice is simple: improve your completion rate that currently stands below 20% while the average of the ETL is 22% and there is nothing stopping you. Let’s see those completion coming especially among the high value vows (it’s been a month and a half guys) and there you have it. Re-vowing rate is not bad either but improving that will also yield results – even if new vows come at lower value compared to the Faction’s average.
IFOR is the second best (after the HH) on every metric conceivable. In the early stages it was the Mechanicum that was the main drive, now it’s definitely the Guard. Although they have fewer points pledged vs. the Mechanicum they sure have a materially higher completion rate that is reflected I the overall points completed. The Mechanicum seems to have deflated a bit, which is a pity because it is instrumental in the IFOR’s overall performance. You can now turn around and start completing some of your vows, your books are out, your minis are out – you have nothing to wait for! I’m also a bit concerned with the GKs as they showed a lot of enthusiasm in May but somehow it seems they stalled…Good thing Redemption is around to stir the spirits! June is difficult. Deal with it – the Emperor is not known to forgive and forget.
Constantly at the helm of the ETL this year the HH Faction is indeed showing not only enthusiasm but also delivers results. With a 30% completion rate, and having almost 100k pts pledged it’s easy to see how they maintain their lead. But will they see this through? Only time will tell.
So until next week, keep those completions coming!

I am empathising retroactively with every non-Chaos painter last year. That HH lead looks pretty insurmountable. Thankfully, the Eye does not harbour weakness and we will overtake our glorious yet flawed forebears, but still, it's a hell of a gap.



I am curious Semp, for those of us too poor to afford the new Codex (heck I never got a game in with the last one so...) can we still vow from the old Codex?  Or has someone already updated the Battlescribe files so I can just cheat that way...

  On 6/15/2015 at 11:31 PM, Brother SP said:

I am curious Semp, for those of us too poor to afford the new Codex (heck I never got a game in with the last one so...) can we still vow from the old Codex?  Or has someone already updated the Battlescribe files so I can just cheat that way...


Well, we cannot have to Codices at the same time... That will create inconsistencies and points "arbitrage". People may choose to price their minis from the Codex that gives the an advantage and we may even have two identical units within the ETL that come at different pricing... As such all vows should be made from the current Codex at the time that you make a vow. Now that the new Codex is widely available I'm afraid we need to go by that.


If you do not have access to the new Codex, you may describe what you want to pledge and other frater may oblige you by working out the points for you. I'd do it myself but I still wait for my new Codex to arrive... Don't know is Battlescribe has updated yet either. Maybe you want to ask in the Codex Strategium or other relevant threads in the Codex forum?


If you cannot find any support, then pledge what you want from the old Codex with a provisional points cost which will be eventually converted to the new points cost once I at least get the Codex in my hands. Just be prepared to see potential lowering of points...

@ captain semper

just got a copy from my local now.

am happy to keep an eye on the codex thread for entries with "CHECK THIS" in the post.

can PM points if you want to keep the thread cleaner.

just options, up to you.

would give a reason to actually read the thing :)

That is great paul, thanks!


If you are to post points publicly though, please do so without going into an itemized list i.e. just sum up the total value of the unit.


I appreciate your assistance! :)




We have passed the mid point of the event. Now things will become increasingly tighter in terms of time and people must look at their workload quite seriously… We only have another week in June and then it’s the last month of the ETL.


I guess the most important bit for this week (as was the case fro the previous week), is the release of DAs brand new codex that replaces the existing one. As with the Space Marines, the DAs must choose their units from the new Codex when it becomes widely available (i.e. the standard edition is on sale (not pre-order). Existing vows that were based on the previous version of the Codex remain as they are.


Now the ETL has a cumulative 435k points pledged, a quarter of which have been already completed. We are also seeing some more meaningful differentiations between the various Factions, with HH remaining in the lead and Chaos and IFOR waving surpassed the 20k level. The second group that is Codex and BAs are in the 10-15k bracket and I tend to add the DAs to that group although ther are somewhat below the 10k mark. The SWs are lagging behind at below 5k but this is one of the characteristics of the SWs given their generally higher average vow. I expect they’ll gain serious ground as we approach the end of the event.


The most important message that applied to all participants equally:




Nothing beats high first vows completion, no matter the re-vowing rate or the size of the average vow. Ultimately, the completion rate (a very important metric this year) depends greatly on the first vow completions! So no more procrastination, get down to it and complete your fist vow irrespectively of size. Just do it!


And our usual reminder:




No donation is too small – all are important and are greatly appreciated. For details on how to donate please follow this link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308146-yearly-board-fund-drive-begins/
Now lets see how the ETL IV looks like in this seventh week:

Codex 78 102 51,808 11,139 21.5%
Blood Angels 82 102 54,248 13,284 24.5%
Dark Angels 45 62 47,430 9,059 19.1%
Space Wolves 35 41 32,343 3,480 10.8%
Realm of Chaos 73 100 75,116 20,095 26.8%
Forces of the Imperium 85 118 72,750 21,165 29.1%
Astra Militarum 31 50 27,084 10,970 40.5%
Grey Knights 9 9 6,016 200 3.3%
Adeptus Mechanicus 35 46 35,238 9,635 27.3%
Sisters of Battle 6 7 2,606 360 13.8%
Inquisition & Agents 4 6 1,806 720 39.9%
Horus Heresy 95 124 101,411 30,521 30.1%
TOTAL 493 649 435,106 108,743 25.0%

So let’s see this one by one:
The Codex is weakening. The only reason I can think of is the arrival of the new Codex having disrupted the momentum. However with north of 100 pledges you should be closer to Chaos and IFOR. And with roughly the same amount of pledged points (only 4% less) as the BAs (and the exactly the same number of vows) there is no reason to be 16% behind in completions… Your completion rate is below the ETL average and that is the end of that. Unless you increase that, make more solid completions and recover your momentum, you’re putting yourselves in a needlessly difficult position. Just increase your fist vow completion rate and do so fast for time is running out. Again, all the first vows were made under the previous Codex – so just attack those minis remorselessly and regain the initiative. In case you want to revow and do not have yet access to the new Codex, just say what you want to vow and other frater or I will provide the points for you.
The BAs are really making a unique effort this year. With almost as many pledges as Chaos and the IFOR and a completion rate about the average of the ETL they are in a good position to threaten the top. However the average vow is their main weakness. Although you have many participants (more than Chaos and about the same with IFOR) and similar number of vows, your average vow is significantly lower (by 200 and 100 pts respectively). To counter that you need a materially higher completion rate or significant revowing rate at much higher point values. The revowing rate is right now at 20% (the Codex and IFOR has 24% and Chaos has 27% so this is an area you could definitely work on. However in order to get to a second vow you need to complete the first one, which brings us back the completion rate (the first vow completion rate to be exact). Sorry to put pressure on you guys but this week and the next will be crucial if you want to keep the top position in your sights.
I’m afraid that the lack of number is beginning to show. But having said that, we are not that much behind the Codex and the BAs in terms of points pledged. As such I expect that a higher completion rate will put us at par to the other two factions and indeed with the new Codex to instill more enthusiasm I expect to see next week a fairly different picture. This will probably be the last week where we pick our units from the old Codex but the strategy is to complete the first vows first and foremost. Our low numbers is a disadvantage this year but it doesn’t have to be our doom. The current 19% completion rate is just too low and fortunately it’s something that can be fixed!
Here the low participation numbers is an even more pronounced issue. However the 11% completion rate is even worse as it shows relatively slower progress compared to all other Factions. If you only had the ETL average completion rate then you’d practically be there next to the DAs, while a higher level would easily put you ahead. Furthermore a high completion rate among the fist vows will all for a more rigorous re-vowing activity that would do wonders to even out the numerical handicap. It all boils down to firat vow completions. Let’s see if the coming week will change this – you still have time, now you need more momentum.
OK, fantastic week. You increased your completions by 46% this week driving your completion rate above the ETL average and your total completed points above the 20k threshold. The only two forums that are ahead of you, IFOR and HH have significantly higher completion rates though. So if you have a similarly strong week in Week 8 then we may see the balance to turn towards the denizens of the Eye! It has to be said that your re-vowing rate of 27% is among the highest in the ETL which in turn means that it may have somewhat distorted your completion rate. But be that as it may, you are very close to second position and if the HH show weakness similar to the one it showed this week, it is very possible that by the end of week 8 you guys will be leading. If IFOR and HH won’t respond that is…
IFOR retains its second position although they are too close to Chaos for comfort. With similar completion rates to the HH Faction and comfortably above the ETL average, with the highest re-vowing rate among all factions and with the Guard leading the way (41% completion rate at this stage is nothing to sneer about) and the Mechanicum close by things look pretty solid. However, the other Forums of this Faction had a very weak week with SoBs, Inquisition and GKs adding now completions at all. The key here is for those factions to do their bit because they hold in excess ok 10k points between them. This is important and as the Guard and the Mechanicum expend their resources the rest of the IFOR must step in to make up for it. Still if the next week is similarly strong, the IFOR will be definitely in a position to threaten the very top!


Hmmm… What happened here? Week 7 appears to have been the weakest to date… Your completions increased by only 3.3% on the week and your completion rate increased by only half a percentage point… You’re still ahead because of your vast resources and the strong performance in previous weeks but another week like that and there goes the momentum. As you can see your rivals are putting there far more limited resources to better use and increase the tempo. So you either keep up and retain your safety margin or your let procrastination creep in and watch as the more zealous rivals gain on you fast.
So until next week, keep those completions coming!


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