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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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  On 5/3/2015 at 7:54 PM, Kurama said:

But we can have 2 captains yeah???

We know Semper loyalty is to the 3rd now msn-wink.gif

Technically, yes, but we all know 'Warsmith' sounds more impressive. ^_^

  On 5/3/2015 at 7:54 PM, Kurama said:

now I just need to get home and prime everything and pick a suitable helmet for my SoH praetor.

Any ideas???

What are the options?
  On 5/3/2015 at 7:54 PM, Kurama said:

But we can have 2 captains yeah???

We know Semper loyalty is to the 3rd now msn-wink.gif

So an actual proper post (sort of)

I've ordered some we therein powders from kromlech and built the 1st Castellax out of 3, now I just need to get home and prime everything and pick a suitable helmet for my SoH praetor.

Any ideas???

My loyalty lies with the First, the Honoured, the Sons of the Lion! Watch your tongue Traitor lest you become void debris! (the ECs are painted for Dark Angels target practice once they arrive).

  On 5/3/2015 at 6:40 PM, Hyaenidae said:

I was the Iron-Bound, traitors of Ferrus's blood, Frankenstein madmen with multiple personalities.

I was the Malevolent, of the IV Centuria, King of Outcasts. Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead.

I was a King of a Thousand Heathens, a pirate king of spite and riches. Akan's smile still haunts the Maelstrom.

I was a child of Badab, Steel and Sky. I spat on society, when society turned it's back.

I am now, and forever, The Wolfhound of Old Earth. The Firstborn. Child of Terra, son of Perturabo, The Sword of Civilizations' End.

But old failures still follow me from the past. Failed ETL vows, Oaths of Moment, blackened in failure, despite my bitterness towards the 41st millennium.

This can not stand. I must atone for my past sins, or I can never clad myself in white to descend into the filth. In his terrible majesty, Praetor Semper has beckoned me with redemption, and I will not turn away. To cleanse my heart of my failures, yet remain true to my dedication to 30k, I was challenged to paint a III Legion warrior. Specifically, Saul Tarvitz.

But simply creating Saul is not enough. Too many times I have dreamt of a different chapter in the 30k realm, an alternate Heresy where the Primarchs were never found alive. I shall follow through with this madness, in model, paint, and story.

This is my Oath of Moment, and I shall not look away. I vow to create Legion Master Saul Tarvitz of the Palatine, Knight-King of the III Legion, Praetorian of Terra, and the Voice of the Emperor. He shall be accompanied with the history of the Palatine, in a universe where Chemos died, and the God-Child Fulgrim with it. With his creation, I am absolved. In the end, I hope to have the Legion Master of every Legion painted, with histories of their Legions in this insane universe.

VOW: Saul Tarvitz. Points: 135

The Master of Recruits and the Hyena! Fantastic entry Hyaenidae - now the expectations are rising fast... very fast! msn-wink.gif

IMPORTANT NOTE: the following participants have yet to disclose the points' value of their vows:







Please edit them in your initial vow posts (that are linked to the first page) and give me a heads-up (a post here will do) so I can update your status.


  On 5/3/2015 at 6:40 PM, Hyaenidae said:


I was the Iron-Bound, traitors of Ferrus's blood, Frankenstein madmen with multiple personalities.

I was the Malevolent, of the IV Centuria, King of Outcasts. Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead.

I was a King of a Thousand Heathens, a pirate king of spite and riches. Akan's smile still haunts the Maelstrom.

I was a child of Badab, Steel and Sky. I spat on society, when society turned it's back.

I am now, and forever, The Wolfhound of Old Earth. The Firstborn. Child of Terra, son of Perturabo, The Sword of Civilizations' End.


 But old failures still follow me from the past. Failed ETL vows, Oaths of Moment, blackened in failure, despite my bitterness towards the 41st millennium.


This can not stand. I must atone for my past sins, or I can never clad myself in white to descend into the filth. In his terrible majesty, Praetor Semper has beckoned me with redemption, and I will not turn away. To cleanse my heart of my failures, yet remain true to my dedication to 30k, I was challenged to paint a III Legion warrior. Specifically, Saul Tarvitz.


But simply creating Saul is not enough. Too many times I have dreamt of a different chapter in the 30k realm, an alternate Heresy where the Primarchs were never found alive. I shall follow through with this madness, in model, paint, and story.


This is my Oath of Moment, and I shall not look away. I vow to create Legion Master Saul Tarvitz of the Palatine, Knight-King of the III Legion, Praetorian of Terra, and the Voice of the Emperor. He shall be accompanied with the history of the Palatine, in a universe where Chemos died, and the God-Child Fulgrim with it. With his creation, I am absolved. In the end, I hope to have the Legion Master of every Legion painted, with histories of their Legions in this insane universe.


VOW: Saul Tarvitz. Points: 135


This is going to be amazing! I can't say how exited I am for this project :tu:

  On 5/3/2015 at 9:11 PM, StruManChu said:

Quick question for BCK before I chuck in my pledge - Is there going to be a March of the Legions thread for the length of the ETL, or carrying on with the monthly ones? 


The MotL competition is going into a pause/hold period, until the completion of the ETL. We came so close last time at whupping everybody and taking the crown, we can't turn back now, and must avoid distractions, including the painting comp. Consider this a period to catch up, if you'd like (I need to, for sure, lol), but the Legions' focus will remain on the ETL.

Dang it!


  On 5/3/2015 at 11:09 PM, Hyaenidae said:


  On 5/3/2015 at 9:11 PM, StruManChu said:

Quick question for BCK before I chuck in my pledge - Is there going to be a March of the Legions thread for the length of the ETL, or carrying on with the monthly ones? 


The MotL competition is going into a pause/hold period, until the completion of the ETL. We came so close last time at whupping everybody and taking the crown, we can't turn back now, and must avoid distractions, including the painting comp. Consider this a period to catch up, if you'd like (I need to, for sure, lol), but the Legions' focus will remain on the ETL.




Dang it! I think I'm gonna have to reconsider my vow then. Cheers boss!

  On 5/3/2015 at 11:09 PM, Hyaenidae said:


  On 5/3/2015 at 9:11 PM, StruManChu said:


Quick question for BCK before I chuck in my pledge - Is there going to be a March of the Legions thread for the length of the ETL, or carrying on with the monthly ones?

The MotL competition is going into a pause/hold period, until the completion of the ETL. We came so close last time at whupping everybody and taking the crown, we can't turn back now, and must avoid distractions, including the painting comp. Consider this a period to catch up, if you'd like (I need to, for sure, lol), but the Legions' focus will remain on the ETL.

As long as we follow through we will win.


Now a quick question.


As its a max of 3000pts a vow am I able to start on my achillies for vow 2 if it's posted alongside pics of my resin pile from vow 1?

  On 5/3/2015 at 11:39 PM, Kurama said:


  On 5/3/2015 at 11:09 PM, Hyaenidae said:


  On 5/3/2015 at 9:11 PM, StruManChu said:

Quick question for BCK before I chuck in my pledge - Is there going to be a March of the Legions thread for the length of the ETL, or carrying on with the monthly ones?

The MotL competition is going into a pause/hold period, until the completion of the ETL. We came so close last time at whupping everybody and taking the crown, we can't turn back now, and must avoid distractions, including the painting comp. Consider this a period to catch up, if you'd like (I need to, for sure, lol), but the Legions' focus will remain on the ETL.

As long as we follow through we will win.

Now a quick question.

As its a max of 3000pts a vow am I able to start on my achillies for vow 2 if it's posted alongside pics of my resin pile from vow 1?

@Kurama: you are not to start work on your second vow before you actually make it. And you cannot make it before you officially declare your previous one complete.

I MindOfMetal rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

2 Thanatar Siege Automata, 2 Castellax battle automata (each with 2 flamers), an Adsecularis Covenant of 15 models with carapace armour, an Adscecularis Covenant of 13 models with carapace armour and a tenth Legion Sicaran tank with heavy bolter sponsons on or before August 1st, 2015; with a points total of 979pts.
Success will bring eternal glory to the Imperium and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.




  On 5/4/2015 at 10:25 AM, Phalanx Warder said:

How does one sign up for this program?


Everything you need to know is either in the original post of this thread or can be found by the bloody great big link to the ETL rules. :)

  On 5/4/2015 at 10:25 AM, Phalanx Warder said:

How does one sign up for this program?


Like Olis said, have a look at the rules (link is in the first post of this thread) to familiarize yourself. It is open-to-all event so all it takes is for you decide to join.


Basically it works thus:


1. You pick a faction (the entire Horus Heresy is one faction irrispective of in-game affiliations)

2. You make a vow to paint any number of legal units of your preferred faction. Each vow should not exceed 3,000pts and you can vow 5 times in total.

3. If you make all your vows (irrespecitve of size) you will be awarded the most prestigious Custos Fidei badge for your signature. On top of that, the faction with the most points becomes Primus Inter Pares i.e. ETL Champion.


There is more to it - just read the rules and PM me if you have further questions.


Look forward for your vow! :)

I MordentHex rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

One Warmaster Horus of HH book 1 of 500pts. for my first Vow. This will make me finish Him some time sooner than later and if i don't i will be shamed in front of my peers. He is still in a very early stage of painting(basecoated). picture below. If this is so far to much work to be eligible let me know. The base has been worked on, but not much.



I, Olis, after much prevaricating and fence-sitting, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux IV and do declare on the honour of the Liber and my own beloved Caliver that I swear to complete:

1x Alexis Polux 165 points
1x Moritat with twin volkite serpenta, artificer armour and jump pack 135 points
1x 10 man Legion Tactical Squad with nuncio-vox 160 points
1x 10 man Legion Tactical Squad with 3 extra marines, power weapon and artificer armour 200 points
1x 5 man Legion Veteran Tactical Squad with 5 power weapons and artificer armour 185 points
1x 5 man Legion Destroyer Squad with melta bombs, jump packs, missile launcher equipped with suspensor web and rad missiles and 3 phosphex bombs 305 points
These units, taken from the four current Horus Heresy Books combine for a grand total of 1150 points. My mission must be to paint these units to a standard I would be proud of, on or before August 1st, 2015. Should I succeed not only will I be surprised, I will bring glory to the Seventh Legion, mighty they are, and the forum I now pledge to. And should I fail, Emperor have mercy upon me, I shall bear the shame and be labelled Oathbreaker until the turn of the next year.
Full Vow shot:
Alexis Polux:
Ten Man Squad with Nuncio Vox:
Thirteen Man Squad:
Vet Squad:
Destroyer Squad:
(Some squads are still waiting for parts.)
Edit - typo.

Well, it would seem that I have just bought a ticket for the Heresy Train.


This year i will vow the following 2,255 points of units in helpfully color coded sections:

Taghmata Omnissiah

[325] Archmagos Draykavac: 4 Cyber-occularies, abeyant

[285] 6 Thallax: 2 multi-meltas

[480] 2 Thanatar Siege-Automata

[110] Tech-Priest Auxillia: 1 Adept w/ conversion beamer, 3 Servitors w/ heavy bolters, 1 Servitor w/ servo arm


Solar Auxilia

[70] Legate: Paragon blade

[115] Veletaris Section

[115] Veletaris Section

[-150] Non-FW model discount


Night Lords

[435] Night Haunter

[175] Sevatar

[170] 8 Veterans


I r on W arriors

[125] 5 Veterans


Space Wolves

[0] Leman of the Russ in all his pewter Rogue Trader glory


Now the 13 Veterans are plastic GW models so if they are not allowed, then 295 points need to be deducted, but the vow for them remains.  As Leman Russ lacks rules and is also the old GW sculpt, I do not know what to ring him up as so there he is.



Night Haunter, Draykavac, 3 Thallax, 1 Thanatar



Solar Auxilia: Mars Attacks minis.  Yes I am building a Solar Auxilia army based around these guys since they both officially are armed with Martian ray guns!.  Eventually I will get a Big Stompy Robot for a Styrix Knight and add UFOs for aircraft, but yes, volkite city here I come.



Pictures of the other Thanatar, remaining Thallax, the Veterans, Sevatar, and Tech-Priest will be coming later.  Right now I am waiting on the rest of the resin to finish drying following their bath while the Adept is an Enginseer on order and has yet to arrive (although if worse comes to worse, I can raid my Guard for a Tech-Priest to convert and repaint him).  The Servitors and Veterans are set aside on a shelf behind my printer while Leman Russ is in with my Space Wolves so I will get them all out for pictures once the Tech-Priest model arrives. 


EDIT:  Photos of Thanatars, Sevatar, and Leman of the Russ added.



Oh, who am I kidding... 


I, StruManChu rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vox to complete one Death Guard Moritat with Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Volkite Serpenta, Nanyte Blaster, Melta Bombs and Refractor Field (I'll also be adding a Charnabal Sabre so that I can change the load out if needed while maintaining WYSIWYG) from the LACAL of total value of 200 points on or before August 1st, 2015.


Success will bring eternal glory to the Warmaster and the Age of Darkness subforum, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

It's that time again brothers and sisters, here is the running total of the vows so far: 


(Wait for it...)


49,852 points! Almost ten thousand pledged points since yesterday! Does anyone doubt that the AoD forum has it in the bag this year? :D

Yup yup. Better to pledge low and complete with plenty of time for another vow, than pledge big and come up short. 


Still...almost makes you wonder if AoD Forum will be divided into Loyalist and Traitor ETL Camps next year. I didn't say that! Ignore the first part of this sentence!


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