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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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All progress is good! Remember that this year the 100% completion goal is more than just for honour! Not only will you be failing the Emperor and barracks but harming your comrades in arms contributions should you fail and the commissariat takes a very dim view of this...

Great work baz, the classic red weapons complement his robes very well :D


In case anyone was wondering I'm busy working on sorting my second vow out since I can't start on the Shadowsword yet. I will make the vow once I have the model and WIP ready which may be over the weekend :) Keep up the effort comrades, this is a marathon not a sprint don't forget! :tu:

I Cod rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from Codex: Astra Militarum of total value 845pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the PDF Regiment and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



Vow 1: The Leaders of Men



1 Company Command Squad with Regimental Standard, Vox caster, Heavy weapon Mortar, Laurels of Command (check out the collar of the Commanders pet dog), Master of Ordnance (counts as figure), Officer of the Fleet (counts as figure) plus Commissar (counts as) with Plasma Pistol and Power Sword = 205pts.




1 Company Command Squad with Commander Power Weapon and Plasma Pistol, Medi-pack, Heavy Flamer, Melta gun, Grenade Launcher and Kurovs Aquila (on Commanders back) = 190pts.




1 Tank Commander in a Leman Russ Vanquisher Tank with Hull Lascannon, Multi-Melta Sponsons, Pintle Heavy stubber, Dozer blade, Hunter-killer missile, Augur array = 240pts


1 Tank Wingman in a Leman Russ Battle Tank with Hull Lascannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Pintle Heavy stubber, Dozer blade, Extra armour (track guards) = 210pts.



Hopefully in next couple of days the weather permits tank priming, in the meantime I decided to glue the tank commander together so it's clear which figure he is, in fact I'm not sure the wingman even needs a figure.

Almost finished Commissar shouty fist person. The model itself is done, I just need to wait for the varnish to dry then finish the base, add some weathering to his coat and re-highlight the metallics after then being dulled down by matt sealant. He'll be 100% complete by this evening.

First vow complete



I, Toxichobbit rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Baneblade from Escalation of total value 580 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to Cadian 61st and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Baneblade - 580

All the guns, a pair of sponsons with more guns, pintel mounted gun, searchlight, smoke launchers, a few more guns.


That is seriously one of the best names for a commissar since the one from Angry Marines (which I won't say here since children use this forum). laugh.png

Commissar censored.gif law, what a legend!

Fantastic stuff Toxic, well done! I love the mud on him (he can wash it off with xenos blood), the details are great. He will no doubt be leading your troops to victory! Another Baneblade to the cause too, excellent! I look forward to seeing it painted up to the same high standard :tu:


I should have my second vow ready for priming and vowing tomorrow :D Hopefully we can get some more models pledged over the weekend :)

Bad news, comrades. The holy priming can of Chaos Black ran dry mid-way through the coverage of my blessed Knight. The most important pieces were primed so I guess there's the silver lining. My wife has been sent on a mission to grab the rest of the holy cans of primer from our old hab-unit.


Good news, comrades. The Knight has begun to take on a metallic sheen. Strong girders and redoubtable cabling are meshing together to form the perfect image of a Knight Titan. All hail the Emperor!

Awesome work, Hobbit, glad to see you joining the Superheavy race after such a solid first vow! :)


I've been a bit quiet on the painting front with various social and work things, plus this weather has messed up my plans of priming my almost-completed Macharius! Planning to get it done tomorrow if the weather allows, then roll straight onto the Eradicator.

Well, Cod... Another of the Unforgiven is leaving the Rock! tongue.png Good luck mate! msn-wink.gif

Yes, it was a tough decision, I admit what guard figures I have to paint are far less than my built, primed and ready dark angels, but with a recent discovery which has disappointed me enormously (I'm totally gutted), my enthusiasm for the DA forum has evaporated.
Hope everyones weekend allows them to progress how they want!

Vow complete. Glory to the Emperor!





Huzzah! Great work Wulfgar your weathering really tops the model off, be proud of your achievement! What's your next vow? ;)


I am going to dedicate a fair chunk of time this weekend to my Guard, so I hope to be back with updates very soon. Keep fighting comrades there's still a long way to go and much glory to be won along the way :D

The plot thickens, let's keep pushing on and seeing our vows complete. For my part my second vow is now ready!

I WarriorFish rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Leman Russ Demolisher from Codex: Astra Militarum Imperial Guard of total value 290pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the regiment and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

A fully magnetised Leman Russ Demolisher with:
- Lascannon
- Plasma cannons
- Tank commander
- Fire barrels
- Hunter-killer missile
- Dozer blade
- Auger array


Through the Warp, to near and far,

To Tallarn, Lethe and Ultramar,

The Emperor points and we obey,

Through the Warp and far away.


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