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WiP Nassir Amit conversion - no, surely not!

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I started on my Nassir Amit conversion (using Marneus Calgar model... Oooooh Ultramarines...) this evening for my Flesh Tearers force, and thought I would share some WiPs.

First up the gauntlets, with detail dremelled off and bolter barrels removed:


And first Storm Bolter added:


And a quick question for you, concerning which torso to use. Either I will use the original Calgar one, or a plainer plastic Termi one. Which do you think works better?



And finally a press mould I've made for the chainfist chainblade:


And for those of you who don't know who this god of war is:


Second Storm Bolter is in the press mould now solidifying, so that should be done tomorrow! Also need to find a suitable head...

Thanks for looking, and more to come soon!

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I'd say the regular termie body works better. I honestly think using Calgar's torso would be the wrong decision - it's such an easily identifiable part that it'll be the first thing people see, rather than your conversion itself. 

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Yeah, good point. I was thinking of removing the whole eagle crest thing, but I don't think that is an option now considering the material etc.


The regular body fits the non-ostentatiousness of the chapter too. Only issue is trying to fit the plethora of pipes to the back of his body.

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That looks really good, cannot wait to see more of it.

I believe that the terminator Sargent head matches the expression on the artwork and would work best.

Thanks! Done more work on it today: attached the arms to the (plastic) body and added chain blades to the fists. Starting to look pretty nasty now! I did consider the Terminator sergeant head, but I think it looks a bit passive... I have an idea for another too.


To be perfectly honest, I probably wouldnt use Calgars legs, either! I think the plain torso looks the best, but looksodd on such fancy legs.


I do think the command squad serge head is the closest

I have experimented with normal legs, but the Calgar ones are just so dynamic imho and fit the heroic look. I agree with the bling issue though, but hopefully I can draw less attention to that with the paint scheme. Head also looks good, but I have something against GW balds! This is what I was thinking of (going a more aggressive look as I think it fits the character):






Or something similar anyway... Thoughts?


More progress pics will be up later, as well as some potential rules for him!

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That would indeed work well. It's a Vanguard head right?


Here are some rules, originally posted on Dakka, that I have started to refine. There are still 2/3 things that I think need to be changed a bit but I'll see what others think. Also points needs to be appropriate.


Nassir Amit - LoW 220pts


WS 6

BS 5

S 4

T 4

W 4

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 2+/4++


Special rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, The Flesh Tearer, Unstoppable


Equipment: Terminator Armour, Iron Halo, Amit's Chainfists, Frag and Krak grenades.


Amit's Chainfists feature built in Storm Bolters and have two profiles:

Range -

S x2

AP 2

Type: Melee, Master Crafted, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Merely An Inconvenience

Range 24"

S 4

AP 5

Type: Assault 4

Merely An Inconvenience - Despite the huge bulk of his formidable weapons, Amit has learnt to wield them with deft efficiency. Nassir Amit is reduced to Initiative 2 instead of 1 when using his Chainfists.


The Flesh Tearer - Nassir Amit has the reputation of a slaughterer without peer, and rightly so. Many a foe has been butchered by his hands and many more are wary to face him in battle.

Nassir Amit has the Fearless, Furious Charge, Rage and Rampage Special Rules. Additionally, Nassir Amit must issue and accept Challenges whenever possible.


Unstoppable - Once fallen to the Blood Rage that accompanies every battle, Amit becomes truly unstoppable, moving onto his next target just seconds after butchering his previous.

Amit and any attached unit must always consolidate towards the nearest enemy unit.


Warlord Trait: Lord of Cretacia - Amit must be selected as Warlord if part of a Combined Arms Detachment. All units from the same detachment within 12" gain the Rage and Fearless special rules.


Things to revise imho:

1) Unstoppable - to crazy? Get rid of being able to charge? - ++Edited now++

2) Warlord Trait - again is this too op?

3) maybe the 'Merely an Inconvenience' but I don't think it's too bad, might just annoy the more touchey peeps... ;)


Would like to everybody else's feedback though, as I do want to make him playable (other than him just being a Termi captain with Chainfist and Storm Bolter...)

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That would indeed work well. It's a Vanguard head right?

Aye, that's the one. A quick haircut and he's perfect for Amit.

Oh yes, one last suggestion, if you really want to put that grizzled look on his face I'd suggest asking MidnightRunner about how he did the face on his Flesh Eater self-insert model.

EDIT: Found a pic, though sadly he's changed the skin tone to something more vampiric since it was taken he could still help:


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The consolidating into combat part of Unstoppable is. Brutal. That's one of those things that was in the game, and got removed because it was just horrific. I'm not sure how to tone it down, or what to replace it with, but I definitely think it needs some work.

I like the 'Merely an Inconvenience' knocking him down to I2 rather than I1, but it's potentially pretty nasty, given he'll have anywhere between 5 and 10 S8/9, AP2 attacks. Maybe he can choose to reduce his Attacks characteristic from A4 to A1, and instead strike at I2 rather than I1? That'd give him the choice between 5-10 attacks at I1, and 2-7 at I2, sort of like a toned down version of Alexis Polux. Rampage, Rage and having two specialist CC weapons would still bump his attacks pretty high, after all.

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@SanguiniusReborn - cheers, I might drop him a line. Though i don't think my painting could do a face THAT well!


@imfyrana - I have looked at the sternguard heads, and although some fit the bill, they are generally too augmented with bionics/lots of hair etc. Thanks for the 'heads' up though :D


@CaptainHelion - thanks dor the feedback! yeah thought as much. Might just remove that part of unstoppable and make him just consolidate towards nearest enemy unit? I have thought about the Merely an Incovenience rule a bit now, and think he will come up against a lot of things that are higher init mostly. I'd agree if he was full init, but hopefully this won't be too powerful against most armies. Also, i wanted to represent the edge he had in combat from his years of fighting/being a crazy ****** and didn't want to just pile on more attacks. I'll do a bit of playtesting and see what happens!


Guessing the warlord trait is okay though?


Right, first things first, I found ANOTHER head that I like, which may need a little work:




And how the model looks atm. Body is tacked temporarily to the legs and ammo feeds have a blu-tac mock up (which is hard to see properly in the photo) to see how it looks. I think I'll go ahead now with greenstuff. There is also an ammo hopper I've studk on his back:






Hopefully finish the modelling today (sans head) so I can get to work painting this beast!

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I noticed your using the Sargent body, do you plan on giving him an iron halo like device, like in the artwork? or maybe go for an awesome banner?


keep up the great work, and good luck on the painting.


Thanks! Yeah, the body with the winged eagle and purity seals (like in the artwork!). I will hopefully give him an Iron Halo, though I haven't found one that looks right though yet. Will probably end up making one myself. Ooop nope, just found something that will work!


Final Storm bolter added and Ultramarines details GSed. Hopefully get it primed tonight to start painting this week!

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Wait no longer brothers: paint has come in contact with model! Only basecoats at the moment, but it's a start! Need to start toning down the red now and adding gold details and weathering. Hopefully get some more work down on him later...


amit Wip


Also I printed off the rules for him:


amit rules


Can't wait to finish him and get him on the battlefield now! Also ordered a head for him (the last one I posted) and something else for my next Flesh Tearers conversion...

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