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Reduced warp in a dragoon base utilising my hair dryer and two heavy cups to a more tolerable degree.

Small amount of paintwork on vanguard.

Planning preliminary steps to starting up a campaign with several friends which will utilise both Planetary Empires and Battlefleet Gothic.

Pondered the great mysteries of Mechanicus symbology while seeking divine inspiration as to what decal to place on a panel on a Dragoon, a process still ongoing.

Explored early astropathic signal echoes of crucial incoming Codices.

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Finished assembling a Tahanatar. the double feedbelt was a bitch to get in, not 100% happy with it.

Started assembling Thallanx bodies to make Ursarax, will post pics when further along

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Finished another ranger, and now the final one; the alpha is about 70% complete. Finally I will have the squad finished, I am going to have to find a way to take good images of them all together!

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i've started to paint the interior of my Reaver Titan today tongue.png

(and ... it seems i've bought the false black ... i have Tamiya X1 black instead of XF1 black .... grrr ... i don't want glossy black :<)

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Finished the Ballistarii details and completed the model it self. The base was painted with Martian Iron earth... but I forgot to prime the base, so the cracks are very sensitive and I need to add a layer of watered down PVA glue... Not to happy about it and got unmotivated to continue this night with painting. 

Assembled a Dune crawler once I got over my basing misstake. 


Tomorrow will hopefully see a completed Ballistarii with base, and starting the paint job on the Dune crawler. 
After that I need to start planing a 1250 pts Skitarii army. Been challenged by a friend :)

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Today I managed to build a sixth sicaran out of some legs I bought on ebay (for more than I want to admit) and the bits left over from a box I bought last week. It took a bit of cutting and reposing of the right arm but wasn't difficult.
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Just realized all the powerfists I got for my Ursarax are left handed furious.gif

Any recommendations for bits for power claws and powerfists?

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Today i drilled holes within the ancient metal of a rare relic and placed magnets within to please the Omnissiah. Then i began construction following the holy templates.

My Battlefleet Gothic Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser is now 1/3rd built and will soon begin painting and further construction as well as magnetising many plastic weapon options. All for the Glory of the Machine God!

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I'm being a bit conservative with my martian ironearth. maybe it;s because i want it to last a bit, maybe it's because I'm mostly broke. who knows!

Depends on what effect you want. Small cracks and smooth surface, then your doing the right thing. Huge cracks, then you need to pour it on. :)

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I'm being a bit conservative with my martian ironearth. maybe it;s because i want it to last a bit, maybe it's because I'm mostly broke. who knows!

Depends on what effect you want. Small cracks and smooth surface, then your doing the right thing. Huge cracks, then you need to pour it on. smile.png

Believe me, when i upgrade from 400 to 500 points with a dunecrawler, i will be.

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Well I think I am done for tonight... with painting at least. Completed the Ballistarii base, painted one Dune Crawler and base. 

If I will do something more this night, I'll probably assemble some infantry. 

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